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Posts posted by Chibijosh

  1. This guide saved our lives on the final round.

    The other two we did a lot of guessing and weird stuff to figure it out. Thank you for the guide.

    Also for some reason you wrote 3 doors, and so far I've always seen 4 doors. Since there are 4 injectors to destroy. Typo.

  2. Heyo everyone, It's a Loki WF here. Well anyways.

    I usually find that loki's through the door combo, can be helpful if you've got the now rare locked door problem, or if you used to be a in a party that left you with a 2 person door.

    Although this can be used for other things. Like reaching high areas, and going through certain areas. (Glass and Certain Walls. Which could lead to falling through ceilings *wink wink*.)

    Well anyways, this type of glitch mainly involves the placement of the Clone. As he can seem to be placed 1/3 or 1/4 into the boundary of certain things.

    Now as helpful as it could be due to the top part. It may lead to messy things, like warping others to their death.

    ( ( o\ u / o) Mwahahahaha!! )

    Leaving people behind to wipe out the enemies ahead, or just merely skipping parts of the game.


    Second of all is something that i feel does need to be fixed.

    I was playing with another loki who taught me that i could actually Instant-Kill the smaller bosses by warping them into holes. Although i haven't tested it out much.

    They should probably be able to warp out of there like us, but on the floor so they have to rise up.

    Although i noticed that the items (Mods/Blueprints/Special Substances like alloy but not all of them) warp back to a random area nearby.

    I'm not sure if this particular one was fixed since it feels like it's been a few days. But may as well re-add it just in case.


    Tata for now,

    Yours Truly, The Trickster.

  3. Well so far the game is still great. Especially for a game that's still in CBT.

    I play my loki alot and loved being able to just disable bosses permanently, but then it was taken away and some short while later. The difficulty for enemies and bosses increased to what it should be like.

    I felt alot more weaker and finally i felt the challenge that a game should push onto people.

    So I'm glad to see the game progressing. (Boy am i glad i got all the planets and ships completed before the increase in difficulty. X D )

    I hope you folks get the Corpus door problem solved, It's terrible being greifed by other players who purposly stand in front of cameras in other rooms while your stuck in a room full of laser doors.

    Boy am i glad to be Loki at times like this. I'd just swap locations with an enemy or another player.

    Yao-ming-meme.jpgOh I'm sorry were you standing there. *Runs to finish line.* I'll never forget your sacrifice. ; u;

  4. -Minimap rendering changed to use navigation mesh. Necessary for upcoming environment. Work-in-progress...

    Necessary for upcoming environment.

    upcoming environment.


    OH GOD YES!!!

    ^ o ^ Map change!?!?!?!?

  5. First off I'm just going to assume that like blueprints, multiple artifacts of the same type can stack behind the scenes like what I've personally experienced with my created blueprints.

    So assuming that a stacking system for artifacts that is displayed to us can be implemented.

    (So that you don't get rid of your last "Rifle scavenger, or Rejuvenation" Artifact.)

    Why not give us access to a type of Facility that has the ability to Meld Multiple Artifacts together to make a random Artifact.

    By breaking down most of the components inside of them, it would render them useless for a set chance to make one that you may or may not have.

    As for the price of doing this in both material and money. Well I would guess about 3-5 Artifacts as an input along with roughly 10-15k in-game cash.

    Thank you for reading this, below is only going to be my reason for wanting such a convenience. So there really isn't much of a reason to read it.

    Currently, I seem to be lucky enough to get Artifacts that I already have, or ones that i could do without. (I do ask if anyone would like me to add Sniper Scavenger to the Artifact list. = p Since i don't use one but someone else may.)

  6. * Tons of applause and screaming.*

    *I walk in*

    *It all dies down*

    Thank you thank you.

    On today's episode of "The top 2 super hero tenno" I'd like to introduce 2 Super Tenno that go above and beyond the line of duty.

    As I'm sure you are all aware, we have been battling to clear the threats in the Milky Way Galaxy away. And as such we are all heroes, but the heroes I mainly want to talk about here are the one's who have proved themselves outstanding. These two superheroes not only risked their lives on a non stop mission to save the galaxy, but without them the enemy would surely outnumber us immensely and finally rid themselves of us.

    Now then shall we take a look at the scoreboard.


    As you can all see Tenno Xinorol and Tenno Doleco have both cleared out an simply jaw dropping amount of the enemy (This makes my pile of bodies look like a puddle.).

    I wouldn't want to imagine what would have occured to all of us if these two super soldiers hadn't existed.

    Next up I'd like to take a slight deeper look into the paperwork for all of the effort that they put in. (We must all not forget to thank the secretaries and desk workers who keep track of these things. : L Tsk tsk. The guy who files mines is Bob the Tenno.)

    So let us take a small preview of how I shall explain their hardwork with the paperwork of #3 Tenno Sealgaire.


    As you can all see Tenno Sealgaire has been properly promoted for his great work and been given an amazing pay boost for his services. (And yet he still only gets me cheap gifts!! > : L )

    Next up we have the amount of work time he has put into his missions. Yes, yes, we all know that Tenno must say goodbye to their loved ones because they may never come back to them again due to death or just never ending work. But we can see that this Tenno is a Battle Hardened Veteran who will most likely have alot of amazing war stories based on the amount of time he spent in this war.

    He also seems to have a Nice paycheck for all his hardearned workhours. (IT'S OVER 9000!!!!)

    And then we have missions completed. Ok I was honestly amazed at the sheer number of his completed jobs, so I would like to take this moment to honor him with a round of applause. Everyone give it up for Sealgaire.( 1... 2... 3 seconds...)

    And just look at that Cipher Solved Number. His IQ must be through the roof!!

    Finally the last example of how I'll be grading these top tier amazing super heroes is with the description of the combat they saw in their paperwork.


    The combined number of kills is what we will be demonstrating next. Just look at the sheer number of corpses that this man left behind. This is clearly a man of many talents, as he not only killed a huge number of Corpus, and Grineer, but all the Infected which could have easily added him to their ranks with one wrong move. (I remember having to get a number of horribly painful injects to fight of the diseases i got from those infected.)

    And so without further ado let's begin the start of the Evaluation for the two Super Hero Tenno


    Now then Let's move up a rank to the Rival of Tenno Xinorol and 2nd out of the two Super Heroes.

    Everyone Give A Round of Applause for Doleco. ( 1... 2... 3... Smile : D *Camera flash* *He signs some Autographs*)

    Now then shall we begin with Doleco's paperwork. First of all may I just say that this man was going to be promoted Straight to General of the Northwestern Division of Tenno, but he refused. He made no comment on why, but his fans have begun speculation that he is waiting for someone who was supposed to join the Tenno with him. But this could just be a rumor so let's move on.

    Next up we have the amount of hours he's put into his work. Now look I know what your all thinking. Either He's been getting sent on secret missions that aren't being put into the paperwork or he's faster then the speed of light. But isn't that mystery what makes this Tenno and many other's that much more amazing.

    Next up we have mission completed. Although he's only completed 35 missions. That doesn't count both the size of the mission and the secret ones. I've once heard rumors that these two Super Hero Tenno were enlisted to destroy Motherships that were as big as buildings. But the officials have refused to make a statement as to whether this was or even could be true.

    Next up we have Ciphers. Well when your an unstopable Death Machine, what are a few measly locked tin foil doors to you. (I know i'd just beat them down with my Hammer, or at least when i bulk up with some muscles first i will , _,)


    Next up we have his combined number of kills. Now remember although his official score is low, The rumors did state that he had destroyed motherships. Which is still inconclusive. ( < _< Dammit what the hell are my sponors thinking!! Their turning my show into a joke with these lines! Well screw them this is my show!!!)

    *Throws away the paper*

    Since the amount of deaths he has listed is that high, we can clearly assume that the rumours are true. THE MOTHERSHIPS EXIST!! THE END IS NIGH!!! EVERYONE GE.. *POW* *Gets jumped by the security team and dragged away.*




    *New Host comes on*

    Well i hoped you all enjoyed the new comedian we hired to host the show. = D

    Let's get back down to business though with our Final Super Tenno.

    Give your hands up for Tenno Xinorol. (Applause or get taken by security ( o\ _ / O) )


    Currently he's a silver rank initiate due to his inability to take the exams seriously. At one point he was found just laying on the ground playing PFP. But don't take that into account of what he's like on the battlefield, since he is our Most Powerful Warrior

    Next up we have his work time. Not too long since he likes to get back home to watch My Little Ponies Season 8 Reruns. At one point there was a rumor going around that he would just use a warp kamehameha to obliderate ships if the job was taking too long. But as you can tell by his paycheck, he's well liked by the higher ups. (Just don't tell him that Super Tenno Doleco gets paid more or he'll throw a fit that this was hidden from him.)

    After that we have Missions completed. Currently he only has 27 missions competed but is always looking for more potential Employers whether they be willing or unwilling. (Usually the unwilling ones aren't added to the complete list as they seem to be added to the kill count for some reason.)

    Once again who needs to work their brains to solve puzzles when you can work your brains to work your muscles. ( I hope they liked that line, took me 2 hours to think of.)


    And finally we have his combined number of kills.

    Now here is where we can mark Super Tenno Xinorol as clearly an amazing Tenno not only has he obliderated countless things, but he has also found a way to get them to kill themselves and anyone nearby them.

    This is a clearly the Super Hero Tenno of many abilities and so as today's episode of The Top 2 Super Hero Tenno ends we'd like to bid you all a smooth mission and pray that your enemies fall before you like food falls to my stomach.

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