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Posts posted by Hamsta

  1. Arcane Agility
    Arcane Awakening

    Arcane Barrier(150p)

    Arcane Deflection

    Arcane Eruption

    Arcane Guardian(55p)

    Arcane Healing

    Arcane Ice

    Arcane Nullifier

    Arcane Pulse

    Arcane Rage

    Arcane Resistance

    Arcane Strike



    Prisma Grakata (95p)

    Prisma Skana (120p)
    Lex P set
    Dakra P set
    Glaive Prime Set


    Sweeping Serration.
    Cicero Mods (1p each)

    Hell's Chamber
    Lethal Torrent

    Barrel Diffusion


    Natural Talent
    Shotgun Ammo Mutation
    Coolant Leak


    Glaive BP.
    Vasto BP
    Dakra Handle

    Arcane Helmets. PM Which + Price.

  2. Both are lazy aimers. But for Kohm, we actually have to aim at the next target if it is not in the same direction.

    Amprex? aim at our enemies, our friends, defending targets, even dead bodies. arc procs hits front, side, back, up, down through obstacles even. Without Sinister reach, it is comparable to Kohm. With one, it becomes a totally different beast.


    Another vote for Amprex, winner of the Lazy Aimer Award.


    Sure, Amprex is a great lazy aimer weapon if you're only clearing out low/mid level trash.

    However, Ampex's true strength lies in the ability to headshot consistently due to its beam nature, high crit chance (125%), & multiplier (8.8x on headshots). 



    Did you aso know that Shield Polarize can totally remove enemy shields making them explode and dealing damage that scales with every level, making it the only damage ability that works on a level 1000 enemy?



    AMD would like a word with you.


    how so? directional melee is a faster way to travel on non copter weapons, however there is still less incentive to use them when copters will launch you from tile to tile. without coptering, more options will be promoted and the game will be more immersive. whats more important? a better game or a faster mission?




    haha +1



    .....A faster mission.


    As evidenced by the mercenary Tenno, the majority of us prefer "Spike" efficiency of grind over the "Timmy" experience.

  5. Well i am glad that i am not the only one with that problem. It just really ticks me off, because i just today wanted to invite someone to play warframe with me, and said someone had not touched this game for a longer time. Which kills kind of the mood, because the reason said someone was not playing was because a Ddos attack that happened during the previous times and made it impossible for us to play together back then.

    Voice chat. ('-')

  6.  also the viral status basically gives that damage bonus anyway via the proc, basically doubling all damage by halving HP.




    Yea....no, that's completely wrong, viral does not "double all damage". Your weapon's proc chance comes into play here.

    If it procs after you've cut down half the target's health, the viral proc does absolutely nothing. Likewise, the proccing viral tends to "negate" any damage you've done above half the target's hp.

    (I.E you have a 1,000 hp target, do 200 damage then proc viral, target will now have 500 hp, regardless of how much you did before. However if it procs after the target is at 500 hp or below, it's effectively like it never procced.)

    Therefore it's more accurate to treat viral as a "chance to crit" instead of "double all damage."

  7. This is the third time happening today, we completed the first mission, then when we were loading the second mission half the squad suddenly dropped and cant be re-invited as  it says the objective has been completed already. Kindly fix this problem.




    This. Ironically my clangroup results in half the squad disconnecting after the 1st phase while my first completion was with a pug group which somehow managed to pull through with 0 disconnects....


  8. Thoughts on optimum frame choices?

    I've managed to get to Vay Hek's bit using Trin/Frost/Limbo/Ash/Disarm Loki/ 2x Nova/Rhino before realizing we didn't know what to do & got blown up with the tower like lemmings. (The bomb runners had the bright idea of trapping themselves in the bomb site with the bomb)

    Also had some trouble with our squishier members dropping dead on us.

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