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Posts posted by Kennpachii

  1. The Devs have stated in many livestreams that "endgame" in Warframe is not currently what they would like it to be.  It is something that definitely needs to be fleshed out.  It seems to me like the OP wants this concept of global nerf to substitute for a fully realised endgame.  I say be patient, let them flesh out endgame the way they have envisioned, whatever that may be, and then make a decision about whether maxed out characters are too powerful.  I think making everyone weaker is a horrible idea personally, it screws over the new players, for whom warframe is already reasonably challenging, and it screws over long term players by essentially deleting any progress they have made over a few hundred hours of playing.  Its always said, but this game is in beta, it changes update to update.  The game i started playing in update 5 was completely different to the one i play today.  Im personally happy to wait and see what the devs have in store for the future, maybe we will need to be crazy powerful for the content they have planned.

  2. I dont know what im more excited about, the aura mod boost to capacity or hearing the Lotus again. I missed her SO much!  I had no idea if it was the grineer or not, i was really lost.  Thank you as always for your incredibly hard work Devs :)

  3. I almost dont want to comment because i dont want to break the flow of the story on the page, but i have to say im really enjoying it.  Looking forward to seeing it develop, im really interested in the concept of re-using the warframes and that they could have their own inherent memory and possibly personality or eccentricities.  Thank you for taking the time to write and post it, i know its a labor of love.

  4. Keep in mind that Prime weapons are the Original Orokin weapons that Tenno weapons are based off.  Hence no Gorgon prime, no Hek prime, no prime version of something built by the Grineer.  At least thats what the Devs have implied in past livestreams.


    *Edit* The Latron Prime is an enhanced version of the Latron, a tenno weapon.

  5. Really appreciate the way you keep us in the loop!  I love the game and love what you're doing with it, posts like this just excite me more.  Just dont drop dead from exhaustion, you guys have been burning the candle at both ends for ages!

  6. bump, having the same problem here. PC specs are as follows:


    gtx680 DCII OC

    i5 3570k 4.5ghz OC

    8gb Corsair 1600mhz

    Win 7 Professional 64bit


    Ive got all the latest drivers and updates installed, been banging my head against this problem for a couple weeks now.

  7. So basically everyone is saying they want an amazing game and they dont want DE to make any money out of it.  There is no part of the game you are cut off from as a f2p gamer, however it will take a lot longer if you dont want to pay anything.  This is fair.  DE needs to make money to make the game, so either pay a bit here and there, or be patient, quite whining, and play the game for free.

  8. If you take a look at the stalker next time he hunts you he is using a red and black scythe now, it looks awesome.  Im guessing we will get something similar looking to that in Update 8.

  9. So, we have the glaive, a melee weapon with a ranged attack.  And it got me thinking that a lot of cool possibilities exist with a long gun fitted with a bayonet.  I think for one it would allow for some amazing animations, and possibly a combo function, something along the lines of stabbing an enemy and then combo firing a round into them for extra dmg.  Plus it would fit in well with the western/cavalry design style of some of the weapons, specifically the Tenno desgined ones.  Anyway, just an idea that got me excited, fairly certain its come up before but meh, figured id put it out there anyway.

  10. Ive often questioned whether or not the Tenno are just as evil in their own way as the other factions.  A good deal of the missions we go on involve assasination and capture for interrogation (torture, youve heard the guy scream when you nab him lol).  I dont particularly belive that the Tenno are some noble and just group, at least not while following the Lotus' orders.  I suppose you cant really fault the Tenno themselves, we've all got amnesia from cryosleep after all.  I think it would be an amazing story development to inject some moral ambiguity into the game and not just be the pristene "good guys" for a change.  Still, even if the Lotus is evil and just using us as her personal army i cant fault her, shes cute.

  11. Hey guess what? I missed it too, went out to dinner and had a great night with friends. Checked my phone and saw it was up and sure i was a little dissapointed, but you know what? It WILL show up again. On top of which you would only have the systems blueprint and still wouldnt be able to build it.  This is a tantrum thread about not having something handed to you, pure and simple.  As has been said before, if you want it so bad that youll go without sleep to possibly get 1/3 of the blueprints needed, then BUY it.  And theyre not very rare, i see them constantly and they look fun as hell.  As for me, Im happy to patiently wait till the next time i see it on alert.  And great job DE, it really does look like a fun Frame to play.

  12. I didnt realise just how much information about the weapons was hidden until i started reading the wiki, so i completely agree that there needs to be a lot more transparency in terms of stats and innate abilities. Having said that, this IS the closed beta, not a finished product, and the entire skill tree is going to be redone for 7, so i am happy to wait on this for now. Im sure that DE has this in mind as something to work on, but i think we can all agree that content is a bit more appealing for now :) Thats my two cents anyway, but youre absolutely correct OP.

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