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Posts posted by jeffrey

  1. I am really really &!$$ed... I love playing this game, but every single update... you give us good new content that get us all hyped up. But you don't mention that there are massive amount of bugs (one such bug... I pressed x to contribute to dojo and warframe completely froze for over 20 mins). I would also like to mention that the new interface/UI when ur playing is completely ****************************************. I can barely see the life support on survivals, and this new look is way too distracting. And why can't i see how much exp i have to grind out for my weapon to level up? Also, the new graphics... look no better than the last update but i'm getting so much lag. My fps has gone down a ton and my ping is way higher. I'm not getting too much lag but i have some that is noticeable; what happens to the other players who are playing with players that are farther away from them and the host isn't near them? Warframe has caused my computer to slow down.  


    Rant aside, i have some changes i would like to suggest:


    Warframe test server- Basically gives you a preview of next patch and shows the new warframes u can try out or new modes. You will be given infinite creds, infinite platinum and you can test new modes and weapons on there. All the data recorded on there will not be transferred to the live server. 

    Listen to the community- Well this idea is self explanatory. Let them test it and create polls so you can see if players like it or not. If players like it they will vote yes if they dont they will vote no. If over 60-70% don't like what they're seeing then u change the update. The players may add additional details to their feedback. 


    Other suggestions that have nothing to do with this update: 

    Create better bosses- and by that i mean BETTER not bosses with weakspots you must hit that are boring. I want bosses with more health, special attacks you must dodge or do certain things. I do not want to search for weakspots and try to kill the boss because its invincible from everywhere else. I dont feel like im bossing when im bossing.. the loot sucks and i have to redo the mission all over again, i want a boss where i can play with a few friends and have fun bossing spending 30 minutes on something thats interesting and rewarding. Maybe you could have spawn rates? or a room where you face all bosses at the same time. and each spawns at different times and they WORK TOGETHER SO THEY MAKE US WORK TOGETHER to take them down. 

    Credit issue- Also.. I absolutely hate how you guys have nerfed the credit income... as you progress farther into the game you'll realize that credits are essential. And i dont like running-the-same-tier3-cap-2000-billion-times. You dont get credits for the ammount of kills you do and your contribution to the team... no no you must do missions over and over again that are very boring. Also, when trading, platinum to credit ratio costs so much.

    Resource leechers- They dont have to do work they just get the resources... how about you give the people who get more kills a bit more credits or resources. or give them a penalty for not killing or doing enouugh damage.\

    Edit: yes this is in beta but they should make test servers so we can see what itd be like.  i dont think that changing the UI every single update helps.. it just makes players frustrated because they have to adapt to the new UI. 

    But i must praise DE for putting on "Autofuse"... finally i dont have to click for 20 mins

  2. Early missions and new players need a boost. That's for sure.


    I would be so bold as to say that players should get an extra 5,000 credits for completing a previously un-beaten mission.

    HAH 5000.... un beaten mission thats crap. I'd be so bold to say they give an extra 20k per unbeaten mission... fusion is so costly... not to mention void got nerfed.. they need to make it 50k per run..

  3. Penta.






    The list goes on and on. Why do we have tons of enemy weaponry at our disposal yet the enemy faction that supposedly made them don't seem aware that they exist? I realize of course that it might be easier to make a new weapon than a new enemy and as such it makes sense that DE chugs out more weapons than they do enemy types.


    But come on. It makes no sense. I'd love to see these things used against us! Like...


    Grineer Bouncer- A Bombard/Napalm-level of toughness Grineer unit that uses the Amphis in melee. Would have 100% chance to trigger Electricity and stun the Tenno, making him a dangerous CC unit.


    Grineer Engineer (say that ten times quickly!) - A "civilian" Grineer unit that uses the Capture Target model, armed with a single Gremlin. Not as aggressive as the military Grineer units, but will nontheless defend himself with his nail gun if he is cornered.


    Corpus Mortar MOA - Railgun MOA chassis refitted with a Penta launcher. Fires a single 'nade which explodes after a few seconds. Slow fire rate. Why should the Grineer have all the AoE fun?




    we need to beable to bring 3 primaries and 3 secondaries and 3 melees. it feels annoying stuck to a certain amount of primaries and secondaries per level

  4. As we have more than 100 weapons now, which all reside in a very low tier spectrum, people with a high mastery like me are waiting for weapons that really stand out of the mass, weapons that have high crafting requirements, and, of course, require a high mastery.


    I am not talking about another mastery 7 weapon, I mean mastery 12/13/14, something that rewards us for grinding and being a slave of the worst progress system in the world, mastery.


    I think we have enough low-tier weapons, and also missions, for now (all of the existing weapons can be played with mastery 8). It is time to give us weapons or missions that need at least mastery 12 or 10 to enter.


    Because having more resource drones is not really a reward for people who effectively dont need any more resources because they have all weapons.


    Also increased trades per day sounds good, but I wont level through 150 weapons just for that.

    HAH! i quit for 3 months... i come back and i still have one of the strongest builds and have almost all weapons. I agree. we need more bosses, ones where you can work with ur team and have fun while spending half an hour doing it instead of... hit this weakspot! no that! no the otherone! and we need weapons that are for higher mastery ranked so we feel a sense of accomplishment/a reason to use other weapons. I'm getting pretty bored of redoing the 30 levels of a weapon until i fully forma it. Hopefully damage models wont be changed so much so that all the formas i spent aaren't wasted. but main thing is new bosses, maps, and maybe something new.. like a sentenial? maybe if i reach some rank i can get something i can ride around on? there should also be faction battles... just us vs an entire "army" of another faction and basically its survival except we vs em all at the same time

  5. Hi, I'm looking to buy:


    Maxed Blind rage

    Maxed Narrow minded

    Maxed heavy caliber

    Maxed magnum force

    Maxed serration

    Maxed hornetstrike

    Maxed redirection

    Maxed vitality

    Maxed steel fiber

    Any of the transmution mods or Primed chamber if possible


    Post offers here. Will pm you ingame or will find a time where we can both meet. Time zone: ES

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