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Grand Master
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Posts posted by -CK-

  1. I'm not sure how I feel about this as a fellow player. Creative, yes... However, being a veteran player as you claim, would you not have enough friends who are gamers to at least get the majority of these taken care of in a legitimate way?

    t the


    if your a veteran player most of your friends already probably play or not want to play from the things you tell them about the game

  2. i dont think everyone should get free stuff... what about us that have already spent enough for multiple gm badges... 50 plat isnt enough to make me want to stick around. in the last few months de has driven warframe into the dirt. even the top grinders and myself have been discussing the pros/cons of sticking around, hopefully u can pull the rabbit outta the hat De give us somethin to stick around for....

  3. I totally agree with everything you said, i been playing since the beginning of march and this is the first time ive really felt like no longer investing my time/money into this game. Many a time ive had the pleasure of getting refunded stuff cause of a bug, im almost 100% positive de's code does not get checked before it goes live based on the many ammounts of hotfixes and hotfixes to fix hotfixes and just terrible ideas that break things that should not be affected.



  4. Guys, if you upvote then leave some support comment too. This thread look depressing  even when if wasn't



    i actually like this idea! i have really nothing left to do in the game till u10 hits. plus i dont mind putting another catalyst into a weapon as every one of my 12-13 pages of weapons are done so. plus it really dosent take that long to relevel a weapon after you forma it, especially with the survival coming back into play. as long as its a defense style survival and even if it isnt an endless defense will level you outright to 30 in no time

  5. so more prime weapons on the way


    WHAT AM I SUPPOSE TO DO WITH MY MULTI FORMAD n' TATERD standard boar and kunai ?? HUH???


    they will be a complete and total waste right , lets not beat around the bush


    seriously to make it fair we need a way/system to remove upgrade and reassign them to weapons we actually use

    its just going to anger people to constantly release the same weapons but upgraded but then lock the upgrade resources to the previous inferior weapons 


    come on guys dont be so complacent about this



    stop complaining so much, if you like the weapon so much deal with it, if not then o well

  6. U10 might break more stuff, so don't wish for more large content updates before DE fix the current issues.

    it will break more stuff and they wont fix existing problems bfore new stuff is released.but we will get new items to distract us from persisting issues so its all good, i just want u10 for somethin to do

  7. this is why i said polietly shut up :O i have every weapon in the game 15 pages of weapon slots for when more are released i play with them all because they are fun i never use any of the prime weapons just cause i dont like the way they look but you dont see me making topics expressing my opinion and complaining complaining complaining , emphasis on the -----> complaining <----- if you dont like it just simply dont use it, if your not satisified well the go back to halo 4, i wasnt meaning elite or casual guns i was referring to the player but ok i guess it can fit for both why dont you suggest a new weapon concept so they can change the game up fitting your specifications instead of posting rants, at this point i dont understand what you are really complaining about, the rate that weapons are being released i would of thought you'd have enough on your plate to be satisified



    no matter how you look at it there will always be that one best weapon, so no matter how many different ways you look at it nothingg can be changed, different weapons inspire differends modes of play, so play the weapon for your style and again polietly shut up :) or if you'd rather go back and forth discussing the pros and cons of weapon variations id be happy to shut you down around every corner :)



    i wasnt quoting numbers as a better concept for a weapon i was comparing the newly released strun to the flux rifle, if you dont use mods err i mean "stat tweaks" whats the point of using that weapons there is obviously superior builds for the weapon type so why not just go with the flow, if not make your own damn game that way you can control the flow of content and not have to make useless threads that have been made before








  8. there not forcing you to use the prime weapons so i dont understand whyy you are complaining, and with the new strun its a beast, throw a crit build on it and your good to go, 190base dmg falls slightly under the highest based weapon in the game, flux, so nothing to really complain about. everything you need to upgrade weapons can be aquired in the game, catalyst (which tomorrow after livestream there will prob be an alert) forma from void runs which the keys come from defense missions, or forma blueprints from the same void which the materials come from missions. so i dont see why you are complaining here there will always be the elite and the casual so play your catagory and polietly shut up :)

  9. nvidia card drivers are kinda iffy, i have dual 660m's on my laptop i disabled one from the SLI , rolled back the drivers and turned off the physx in options on warframe seems to made a significant increase in playability, i still have driver crashes from time to time but im assuming its only warframe being warframe cause its the only game that does it. hope any of this helps

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