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Posts posted by drsuperfly

  1. Hit Z to bring up team members health screen just as the defense mission popped up to either exit or battle.  It locked me out of everything.  Could not move or cast abilities.  Could not chat.  Could not hit esc to bring up menu.  I could move the mouse but not click on anything.  Could not use revive.

  2. Recently I click on a planet and am unable to use esc to back out.  The zoomout button wont work.  After several seconds I get the "Session Unavailable" messge.  Before I only got this message when attempting to join a mission and not when I'm just viewing the plaent.


    When this happens I can not get back to the main menu and have to restart the game.  It has been happening almost every other mission today.

  3. I agree with most of what you said.  I would just make the glitches with the waypoint system a priorty.  I'm tired of getting lost all the time trying to follow a waypoint that just changes its position when I head in its direction or having it point me to into a dead end. 


    Also would like to strongly agree what you said about the bosses.  There are a lot of differnt things a boss could do just to mix it up.  There is something in gaming called Anti-fun.  The uber fast shield regen bullit sponges are just that.


    Here are a few suggestions for things bosses could do besides just eat a lot of damage:


    Gravity well-  Lob a bomb or something that slows players hit by it.

    Reflect damage-  They cast some color shield that lest you know any damage dealt to them will instead hit you.

    Repulsion-  Speed reduced if you move toward them.

    Taunt the chickens- If you are moving away from them when they cast it you are pulled to them.

    Man traps- If you run into one it imobilzes you until you destroy the trap.

  4. Once in a while on the various screens when switching from one menu to another the graphics for the old menu will remain up and wont go away.  Also I've noticed when two people try to access a locker at the same time the press x to open will stay on screen through the rest of the mission.

  5. Tolstoj: At first I couldn't access a panel to hack.  Then there was a host migration.  I'm by myself and can hack the panel.  All the enemies are standing still.  I can run up behind them and kill them.  No one sees me.  After a few room there were no more enemies and I could just run to the end.

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