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Posts posted by saintsspider

  1. Most or ALL abilities of ALL frames are almost free of cost in warframe, the only non freedom ult is of MESA, as it fixes her dead in her tracks, which is bad sign if u look at it from a strategic view. 

    I might as well call necros OP as he spawn too much survival capsules, they should nerf that

    G mag should also be nerfed, how is it possible to draw the loot from all direction with just one pull and that too which cost so less energy

    Dont get me started on NOva m prime... Jesus

    Loki can spam away disarm or radial disarm .... that should be nerfed without any question

    Frost Globe shouldnt be able to be recasted ... i mean exemus cant recast their globe when it is destroyed so y should frost be able to do so

    TE mirage should be banned from using in T4's 

    Nyx should not be that much tanky

  2. you amaze me, u say she is OP in most missions ok lets start one by one and compare it with another op frame

    1-5 ;1 being the lowest 5 being the highest score


    1. Defense 

    Mesa is damn good at it, but cant do anything without g mag> 4

    Nova wrecks everything up she needs no other frame to make her more lethal> 5

    Loki is an invisible TENNO manic, but cant solo it as he needs someone to guard the pod> 2


    2. Interception

    Mesa is crap >1

    Nova is still the BOSS with 250% duration in t4I u can ult from the mid tower adn it will reach all 4 towers >5

    Loki is op there he stays invisible can kill enemies without any fear of being spotted and is very useful >5


    3. Sabotage

    Mesa is neither very bad nor very good >3

    Nova still rocks >5

    Loki is Op there >5


    4. Exterminate

    Mesa is crap cant do anything, her ult stops her dead in her tracks while ure team mates will run havoc while running and killing >1

    Nova is ok but not bad >3

    Loki is OP as *** >5


    5. Excavation

    Mesa cant do much if u dont have frost, she will die soon, if no g mag she wont have any energy to run her ult >2

    Nova is OP, she will ult once and kill everyone , grab energy from ground ult again and there u go she just solod it >5

    Loki  is still OP, he goes invisible and kills >4


    6. Survival

    MESA;Its stupid to take mesa in a survival mission dont know where you got that idea from OP, i mean im laughing at the above statement >1

    NOVA, no one enters a survival without slow or fast nova>5

    Loki , Spam disarm enough said>5


    7. SPY

    MESA ... lol she cant spy >1

    NOVA is good as she can slow everything down and crack open locks easily>3

    Loki is the MAster >5


    Where is you GOD now OP (pun intended)


    People just want to talk about nerfs cuz they dont want a frame to over power their fav frame at one certain mission ... thats something you should keep away from doing so leads the DEVS into believing that such frame is TRULY OP in all instances but on ground it is not and once it gets affected by it, they dont bother to fix it.

  3. Reimbursement for investing in a weapon/companion/Warframe and then selling it at fixed price and wanting your invesment back.

    The cost of building a pool for a home is not reflected in the re-sell price...kind of a lost investment.

    Also, I imagine if they did it would oped the "flood gates" for the people who 'feel' their weapon was nerfed beyond repair and want reimbursement for what they invested.

    Sadly, I think DE might be safer standing their ground as-is. (Shame, as I fully support reimbursement even if it was just partial mats for a Forma/Catalyst rather than some measly credits; we don't even get more credits for resell on a heavily invested weapon: no Bonus credits for Orokin Catalyst or Forma)

    Dude i have been in Real Estate business and trust me when u build a pool your price of the estate goes UP. 

  4. The thing is people are only using selective few weapons due to the fact the lots of ppl have tried it and have told them that after 4 forma and a potato it is really OP, i bet MOST weapons become OP after that but due to the RISK of losing ur potato and formas ppl are not experimenting with most weapons at hand. 

    Example Has anyone ever tried BUZLOCK, its a freakishly OP sniper rifle but not many knows cuz no one is willing to invest THAT much that they potato and forma 3 times each weapon that they build. 

    One can never test the full potential of a weapon unless he has POTATO and done 3-4 formas on a weapon. Even i had sometimes become afraid and didnt risk as i thought what if this weapon is still crap once i potato and forma it. 

    DE please look into it, you need to give us more freedom to EXPERIMENT, there are so many weapons and for that we need you to come up with a better and more friendly solution. 

  5. use mesa pace maker in any other mission then Defense ..... i dont think she will do anything AT ALL. An ability being OP for one type of mission isnt an OP ability AT ALL. Please stop declaring mesa as the only Bad &#! in town.

  6. and i feel so funny when i look at low Mr ppl complaining that HEY MR means nothing .... all i can say to them is grow up guys, saying that is as arrogant as stating hey your Masters Degree means nothing  

    MR in warframe is like a certificate as LOTUS before every test tells you Y SHE IS TESTING YOU

  7. I agree with OP in some way, let me explain


    In every day life you see people who are managers and some who are officers and some who are country heads, everyone have their own set of perks and privileges, higher tier ppl have more compared to low tier ppl, this is how the system works and this encourages ppl to run the extra mile , to progress towards that point and achieve it.


    Op wants to feel special and there is no harm and stating that , in fact op has got some balls when he is coming out in front of everyone and telling that he wants to be treated special cuz of his amount of hours and hard work he has put into the game.

    Everyone wants to feel special in their life, those who say otherwise are the biggest hypocrites

    > ure better half wants to feel special

    > ure kids wants to feel special

    >ure parents want to feel special

    > ure employee wants to feel special


    ALL because they have worked hard and want to be appreciated. SO STOP THROWING HATE at him/her  

  8. DE can you come with a better solution for


    When you sell a weapon you lose its potatos (orokin catalyst/reactor) and formas along with the weapon/warframe, Can we the tennos get some kind of REBATE on that specially.



    1. You get your potato(or at least orokin catalyst/reactor bp) back whenever u sell a warframe or weapon that has it.

    2. You get Half the formas back when u sell a warframe/weapon i.e if ure item has 2 formas on it you get one forma back, on 3 formas u still get 1, on 4 u get 2 back, on one forma you only get the forma bp back.


    3. If non of the above pleases the DE then can we get 100k on selling anything that has either the forma or the potato in it, and the price goes up if it has both or more then one forma in it. (100k -500k)


    I dont have issue to buy more weapon slot, i dont have a problem to buy more warframe slots, i can buy tons of forma and potatos from the market (80% of the time i had done the same) but i feel sad selling something when i have invested in that so much, it makes me sad like a sad owl. Please look into it and come up with something good.


  9. heres what i think



    DE please introduce a new augment for mesa pacemaker



    Pace maker augment that will make mesa replace her pistols with a sniper rifle whose ROF(rate of fire) is a bit less but has 4x the damage output and 2x the range, can penetrate through walls and uses much less energy, after every 3 shots mesa goes invisible for 2 secs.


    Pacemaker augment that will make u choose an elemental damage.


    Pacemaker augment that replaces her pistols with multi locking RPGs, to lock a rocket on an enemy u need to do that manually, not auto aimbot, easy to do so but u need to put in some effort, rockets fire automatically after 2 secs delay the moment it locked on an enemy, projectile speed is very fast, they do tiny AOE but x3 the damage, -x2 the range, can lock on unlimited no. of targets, while using this augment in pacemaker mesa wears an armor before going into her ult position, armor is similar to rhinos armor but it regenerates according to the amount of kills u do. 

  10. DE please introduce a new augment for mesa pacemaker



    Pace maker augment that will make mesa replace her pistols with a sniper rifle whose ROF(rate of fire) is a bit less but has 4x the damage output and 2x the range, can penetrate through walls and uses much less energy, after every 3 shots mesa goes invisible for 2 secs.


    Pacemaker augment that will make u choose an elemental damage.


    Pacemaker augment that replaces her pistols with multi locking RPGs, to lock a rocket on an enemy u need to do that manually, not auto aimbot, easy to do so but u need to put in some effort, rockets fire automatically after 2 secs delay the moment it locked on an enemy, projectile speed is very fast, they do tiny AOE but x3 the damage, -x2 the range, can lock on unlimited no. of targets, while using this augment in pacemaker mesa wears an armor before going into her ult position, armor is similar to rhinos armor but it regenerates according to the amount of kills u do. 

  11. Just because one WARFRAMe does her job better then the rest doesnt mean u put a limit to her ult thereby drastically changing her mechanics. I dont like ur idea OP sorry. The onyl thing she needs is an augment for her ult ... i.e when she kills more than 20 enemies in succession her pistols heat up so much that they starting using fire elemental damage, if u kill more then 50 enemies in one go the element changes from fire to BLAST ripping off enemies like anything. Also she starts doing more animated stunts and stature 

  12. I typed in the PROMO code

    Promo Code DENOFKUBROW

    for bonus credit weekend and logged in game and got the bonus credit(x2) for 3 days

    I thought oh well i should also grab some credit booster from in game market for 3 days and have x4 for same 3 days but after i bought that it remained same bonus x2 but the days were extended from 3 to 6 days. Can someone plz telll me why this happened, normally the in game booster stacks and u get x4 booster but now its just added in more days which i never needed.

  13. i beleive it has been nerfed, or maybe its a bug, sometimes even today she fires fast like a retard chick, but most times in Void she fires SLOW as hell, even sometimes i am able to see mobs just standing there and mesa is like (i cant see any mob)

  14. Ty for the replies. I think i'll make:

    loki: stealth/solo

    rhino: bully/solo

    trinity: healer/suport

    frost: tank/makes defence A LOT easier

    nekros: farming

    Since they're so many, I want to get the sixth one and i cant decide between Mesa, Nova and Mag. What are each's benefits?

    Or i can take 2 of them and removing rhino, cause i have frost.

     NOVA MESA and G mag all aer a  MUST

  15. Can i know which arcane enhancement for mesa helm is the best and a little bit of reasoning behind it. I would be very much thankful to my tenno mates who can help a noob out.


    Also would that arcane be only on that specific helm for mesa or would be available across all the helms for mesa?


    Thank you and have a good day

  16. for frame i can easily say POTATO all frames... except mag yeah she only good for g mag and g mag need no potato (can go max range and eff without a potato)


    For weapons i can tell u onething that unless u potato a weapon u cant see its full potential, so choose a weapon u like very much and potato it

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