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Posts posted by SinfulSe7en

  1. As a frequent Nekros player, Revenant feels as though he is at war with his own abilities - unsure if he wants to be a controller or a damage dealer.

    ( Revenant should be a controller - we need more controllers ;D )

    I'll be covering the 2 abilities I have personal issues with + that need changes in some way indicated with ***.


    • The amount of thralls you should have would dynamically scale based on how many players there are in the party. For example - if you have 4 players in your party, you'd have a total max of 4 thralls, 3 players would be 6 thralls, 2 players is 8 thralls and solo will be a max of 10 thralls (kinda like how Nekros can summon 10+ with his 4th depending on which enemies you kill). As a side note, having the thrall count to 4 feels short lived since it caps out so quickly and the thralls don't really help as much as how Nekros has better utility with his summons.
    • If the above bullet point cannot be achieved, raising the thrall cap would suffice. (# Scales with Power Strength?)


    • Let's say you have thralls in one area and you move to a different area and you need your thralls to be at your current location in an instant. Just like Nekros' 4th ability - pressing and holding Revenant's 1 will recall/teleport your controlled thralls to the area you're in.

    (Mesmer Skin) - Ability is fine, although it may need a slight rework - perhaps what @--SKZ--Pizza said:

    1 hour ago, --SKZ--Pizza said:

    Mesmer Skin: (No longer acts as Amesha's Watchful Swarm) -> change: Grants Damage Reduction based on the type of damage it receives (it gets stronger the more damage you take ~much like sentients in the wild~). No longer charged base. caps at 85% Damage Reduction, starts at 55%.

    because of how Revenant gets squishy at times.

    (Reave) - This is also a fine ability, but maybe adding a slight radiation proc to have enemies fight each other while you enthrall more enemies?

    ***(Danse Macabre) - Is fun and all, but I feel like it doesn't fit well with his kit - I feel like it should coexist with the rest of his abilities or modify his 1.

    • After reaching the max thrall cap, using Revenants 4 will transform the thralls into a ghostly vomvalyst and fly to nearby/targeted enemy in which they on arrival - detonate dealing damage (based on power strength). Kind of like how his Phantasma shotgun's alternate fire shoots seeking projectiles that detonate on nearby enemies (looks amazing by the way).

    (Passive) I agree to what @--SKZ--Pizza said:

    1 hour ago, --SKZ--Pizza said:

    New Passive: Imunity to Status Procs (all sentient's are imune to status procs)


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