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Posts posted by Drachyench

  1. I find it particularly choice that in a game advertised as a fast-paced, melee- and acrobatics-focused third person shooter wherein you play as a power armored ninja, people are arguing that the optimal endgame scenario is a cover-based shooter that disregards all of the prior (excluding the "power armored ninja" bit) and even invalidates a fair number of Warframes.

  2. Agreeing with the OP of this thread, I find it very choice that when asked "At least try Single Player" the responses are either "LOL SINGLE PLAYER SHOULD BE HARD!" or "But why should I have to~".

    Single Player is not meant to be hardcore mode, at least not solely. It's also meant for players whose connections cannot handle latency issues, and for players who prefer to not need to play within a group. The current damage scaling, essentially, &!$$es in these two players' Cheerios, and the people in this thread who refuse to even entertain a thought other than "Shut up tiny kiddy babies" are trying to tell them that the golden stream is in-fact milk.

    MJ mentions that these updates, if purposeful, cater towards Hardcore / "Professional" gamers at the expense of those who were casually playing beforehand. The proper way to debate this point is not to tell MJ "suck it up newbie" or "Well if you were more skilled this wouldn't be a problem now would it?" In fact, it makes his point for him. Though by all means do go on about how this game should appeal to a smaller demographic and change its gameplay / thematic direction mid-Beta.

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