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Posts posted by Akavakaku

  1. The video was more or less just regular play footage with music and, once in a while, a caption. I feel like you could have done with 1/6 the amount of footage.

  2. Very nice ideas! One proposition I have: the Infestation is related to, but different from the technocyte plague. The latter was made by humans in Dark Sector and was cured before or just after the rise of the Orokin. The former is a weapon developed by the Orokin, based on the technocytes.

  3. I think the idea of Tenno shapeshifting to fit properly in differently proportioned warframes is a bit far-fetched. I find it more likely that they can transfer their minds into whichever warframe they want, but must have some kind of body in order to survive when no warframe is available.

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