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Posts posted by Sandtiger1987

  1. I would really like to hear what feedback you have received on 1) Riven Mods and 2) Ash rework. After brexit and trump, I have the firm belief that we only listen to opinions that are similar to our own. All i can see for riven mods is easier acquisition and some reroll cost cap. And Ash players want the animations removed. So i think it would be useful for the community to hear your perspective on how these things were received by us.

  2. My opinion for what it's worth. 

    I think the change to bladestorm is quite ok. If the objective was to make the skill more involved, then that has been achieved. Now people are saying why not kill it with a gun if you need to aim, which i find a little puzzling. if there are two enemies, then sure you should use a gun. you wouldn't use the old bladestorm in that case either. if there are more than that, then i dont think the gun would be faster, at least at higher levels. you dont have to keep your crosshair on the target to aim bladestorm. 

    My issue with bladestorm remains the same. the animations take too long. It needs to be limited to max of 3 and rest of the killing can be done by the clones. that should give us the DPS increase to compensate for the LOS nerf. I know some people want the clones to do all the killing while some others like the animation. Maybe mine is the middle ground. 

    Edit: the cost is also a bit high imo.

    Also, love the new skin.

  3. 11 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

    Bladestorm now has a new 'Mark Enemy' mode that is activated when you hit 4. Ash enters target mode, which you can freely target enemies with your reticule up to 3 times each for attack. Once you're satisfied, press 4 again, Bladestorm begins and all targeted enemies are attacked!

    Any hope to have the number of animations limited? You've done well to address the complaints of people who don't play ash but you don't consider the main concern of the ones who actually like Ash. It has already been slowed down further with the marking mechanic. 

    11 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

    - Enemies killed by Bladestorm will dissolve, leaving no corpse behind to detect!

    Will I get yelled at by Nekros?

    Also, most people are pretty pissed about the sortie table bloat. While i am not as angry as those guys (inner peace), can we have a weekly lockout for the reward that have already dropped, like we used to have for seasons before TWW? With increased chances for the other rewards of course :P

  4. 25 minutes ago, Aurea_Hiigara said:

    So many times this. It's also frustrating to hop into a frame you haven't used in a month, come out from a mission and realize you used half of your daily allowance on a syndicate you don't need at the moment. Or worse, one you're currently enemies with.

    Absolutely. Also, a lot of the sigils don't look good on all frames so now i have to make them almost transparent. 

  5. With so many cool sigils in the game, can we detach the gaining of reputation from the normal syndicates, similar to what has been done for conclave? The syndicates panel can be used to determine which syndicate we wish to accumulate standing for. Also the percentage of affinity can be equal to the highest available sigil at the current rank.


  6. 19 minutes ago, Phasedragon said:

    Outside of how servers kinda screwed everything up, this was probably one of the best updates yet

    Agree to that. Maybe the Index is affecting the number of people as well. Just assumed that not many people were playing it based on reddit and youtube

  7. Just now, bernad2218 said:

    what mode do you search for

    FFA and TDM are usually alive depending on region and time


    All of them. Maybe it is the time thing? what time is EU active (if you know)? 

  8. I am finding it very difficult to get random matches. Maybe 5 modes is too many for so small part of the community? or maybe we need a join random game option? 

    Also getting the issue of joining empty servers as mentioned in another thread.


  9. Since everyone is throwing in ideas, here's one from me 

    Reduce range of current bladestorm to 15 metres, Ash kills one guy (one animation) and clones kill others. There would be a time window for next cast with reduced cost same as ripline or charge. Needless to say that the cost for one cast would need to be reduced as well. Maybe holding down 4 would highlight the enemies targeted so that we can choose our targets more precisely.

    The current rework is already similar to teleport and the above one is more so. Perhaps teleport can be changed to location targeted blink with aoe blind.

    I don't think another toggled weapon is a possibility. DE must have considered that and decided against it perhaps based on ROI.

  10. Ash is my second most played frame and here are my thoughts on what i saw. I am not a big bladestorm user. I use it mostly as an "oh S#&$" button. The biggest problem that I have is that it takes too much time for all the animations to complete. What i would prefer without disregarding all the devs' work and decisions is to show only one or two of the finisher animations. Even without considering the animations, the current version of the rework looks too slow. Most enemies will be dead by the time the manual marking completes or the teammates i am trying to help.

  11. Hello. Ever since the charge attacks were reintroduced, i have found it a little confusing that for charge attacks we have to hold E after one attack while for the combos, it is just hold E even though the UI says E + hold E. Till now it was rather convenient since i dont use charge attacks at all. But since the charge attacks are being associated with other mechanics now, can we get an option similar to the one we have for Ivara's quiver and Vauban's mines, so that we can choose what Hold E does and E + Hold E does?

    Or at least, please correct the UI.



  12. I see people asking for the mods to be usable on the cats and dogs as well. however, my concern with that is beacuse of the independent movement of the AI, these get stuck in places quite often. Since a sentinel is always over the shoulder, that is not an issue. 

    As for the suggested splitting, i think that 3 is too many. Why is the split even necessary?

  13. 1. Since the new skin for Ash was revealed, has the bladestorm rework been finalized?

    2. On the same lines, Zephyr skin will probably be released before Ash, so are her abilities getting changed as well? Dont think we have heard about such plans.

    3. It is currently very difficult to get teams together to farm rare parts for older prime items. Any changes intended to solve this issue? I made a post for the same recently

    4. Despite all of the awesome looking carrots that you have put at the end of the conclave stick, it is really not gaining much popularity. I personally havent been able to get matches for quite some time (must say that i have stopped trying now). Any changes planned other than adding more rewards?

    5. When is Focus system coming out of beta?

    6. What about that infested room on the right side of the orbiter???

    Thank you for an awesome game

  14. To be more specific, this is about when a prime item gets vaulted and as a result the associated relics get vaulted so new relics have to be added for the remaining parts from those relics.

    What I would like to request is that when new relics are added the ERA for the rare item should be kept same. For example, for Saryn Prime Chassis, NEO S2 got removed and the current relic for it is MESO S2. As a result, if I want to get a group it cannot be a mix of people with either relic. There is not all that much of a need to form groups for uncommon parts (or at least I have been lucky). 

    This may reduce the problem of trying to get groups for older prime parts. 

  15. With the charge attacks coming, is it possible to rebalance the combo damage multiplier/effects? right now there is very little reason to use specific combos over another in a set. Usually one has a great damage multiplier which gets used or one has great mobility and used situationally. A lot of combos dont have either (some unfortunate ones just have one over the default). Perhaps it is possible to have a damage multiplier on one, a dash on one and maybe a proc of some kind on one? it would probably be too much to ask for animation/keybinding changes. 

    BTW i dont know if this is apparent but i really love the melee combos, all of them, even the dual sword ones, dont use them much but still love them.

  16. Why was the hek chosen for the steel meridian primary when there were so many other weapons. No disrespect to anyone. Just asking the reason behind the decision 


    Any updates on the starchart?


    How are the void missions/drops being changed?


    New modes for archwing?

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