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Posts posted by mundal

  1. Orthos is pretty average, and fits into the game. Orthos Prime on the other hand... that is literally the definition of Power Creep. it's Charge Damage is a bit high or it's speed is a little too fast. but overall i guess i could live with it.

    i actually prefer Gram over both though, 360° swings with a large, fast Ground Smash, is something i really want from my melee. those Execute attacks also do a weirdly ridiculous amount of damage on Gram. 


    Galatine is certainly powerful, but it's too powerful honestly, killing enemies of most any level, of any type, with one, two swings if you're unlucky. 

    Galatine is on it's own level, nothing can touch Galatines' ~12,000 AP damage. that's only one damage type! add on the others too... heh. Galatine is honestly, out of sync with the rest of the game. that speed, plus that damage, plus those Crits, plus that range, plus Quick strikes with 100% stagger...... but mostly, y u so much dapplage. 



    at any rate, it was a general statement that Melee is outclassed by the 3 other main damage sources. 

    i'm really not surprised though, Digital Extremes had a yikes moment when it was realized so long ago that guns were 100% useless compared to Melee. so it was changed, and Guns became crazy powerful compared to Melee. it completely swapped. 

    If long sword started doing as much damage as heavy melee weps, whats' the point of even having longswords. Why not buff their damage and make them all heavy melee weapons. Just like saying, discard all the weak guns for ex. mk1 braton, sicarus..who needs them when you have strun wraith and acrid. You know what ? at the end of the day it all comes down to what level enemies you are fighting so i dont consider any weapon OP or UP in this game.

  2. Depends , some people are lucky and they get the bps in less than 5 runs. I got all three Trinity bps in 3 straight runs :D but hunting for volt and ash parts literally gave me a headache, had to do around 40 runs for them, even my back started hurting sitting in same posture for like a couple of hours. As for Banshee helmet bp, i agree its rare i have been unsuccessful in finding it yet.

  3. On many occassions i experienced this bug by just jumping in the elevator, its annoying and then you have to wait for your teammates to finish the mission and get to extraction point.

  4. Same problem here, can't get out of planet view. Esc and back don't work and can't join any other mission. The only way to get rid of it is restart the game but this bug occurs frequently that restarting game over and over again is quite frustrating. All this started after weekend victory event update.

  5. THIS, happened a couple days ago, then started working again, but then, another patch, and the recurring problem appears its head again, how long till the fix this time?

    dang ! exactly the same for me , started working but whenever some new update is released this error shows up again, took like a day for me to get it working and now with new patch released , i am getting this error again. Its quite frustrating.

  6. Help ! I keep getting this message,

    "Update Failed, some content updates could not be downloaded from our servers. The update will restart shortly"

    I keep getting this over and over again and it countinues to restart download and then finally stops.


    This is the third time i downloaded this game from steam and the first 2 times i uninstalled and re-installed this game because of the same reason and now i get the same error. The game works fine after freshly installing it but this error shows up whenever there is an update to be downloaded.


    Some people said that " try after some time, servers might be busy", i did that too ( tried after 10 mins, 30 mins, 4 hours , 10 hours and after a couple of days) but in vain. Tried turning off Anti Virus, Firewall, DEP, restarted steam and PC several times, cleared game cache but to no avail.              :'(



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