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Posts posted by Oswalder

  1. - Loki is very hard to play and need more skills and more theorycrafting than your " put power and press 4 " frames , isnt a frame for newbies his 1 is very powerful combined with teleport and you can do very large actions with him and all of his spells.


    This is a fantasy that needs to stop. Let's use words for what they mean.

    There is NOTHING in Warframe that is very hard to play. Loki players might need to move around more and look out for the invisibility timer while other characters are even less demanding but that's it. 1 and 3 are nice and all in theory, but barely required when 2 and 4 can be widely available. Might be more interesting once the coptering is gone and space is not null, but skills? not in WF right now.

  2. Do you pro-loki-nerf people even play the game? Have you ever played anything beyond tower 1? LMAO. Loki is one of the most balanced warframes in the game.


    I've pressed 4 with loki, disarmed a whole room, and still been beat to death with batons...

    lol this is on you man, like, move away maybe


    I have played T3S solo a few times, up to 60 minutes with Loki. NO skill needed, very doable, fairly boring.


    I want to ask: at what point the fabled skills come in play?

  3. DE has hard data that probably matters to them more than direct feedback. Still, they can look at suggestions and consider what work with their plan and translates well in game design. Heavily filter them. I don't think they'd do otherwise.


    If OP want to say that most people are heavily biased, short sighted and unaware of game design/bigger picture, that's likely true sure.

  4. I'd love to see Loki spiced up (and actually required the fabled high skill), but as the game is now removing invisibility would be too detrimental. I like the idea of a decoy latching to an enemy, and everyone else shooting at it!


    What really needs a rework is radial disarm, for a simple reason: it's impossible to design enemies that pose a sane, fun challenge when this thing is around. And all the recent enemies introduced are immune to it!

  5. that's one of the reasons why i posted this topic, to make sure that travel on certain frames aren't useless. some people like ash because of his travel capabilities and that's something i don't want to be rendered useless. adding a little more effect to the ability would balance it when comparing to the new parkour 2.0


    I don't get it, you're talking like Ash teleport is going to be nerfed or something.

    My point is, why would someone playing Ash ever use Parkour when he could Blink around. It would be another copter, which is now used instead of everything else because it's just better. It would make parkour obsolete already, unless you're proposing some serious limitations to free teleport which I don't see mentioned anywhere here.

  6. Asking for a Wyrm Prime buff is kind of like asking DE to buff the spectra or hind.


    That's nonsensical. The are 2 Prime Sentinels, the last one has *2 HP and *3 armor, the first one is the same as vanilla. There is a very clear relation. Your example is neither here nor there, then again hyperbole is kind of a plague on the internet.

  7. Gpull – I guess it's fine but really Gpull is the tip of the iceberg. I suppose it's the ability that better represent a passive, static playstyle:

    - radial aoe, no thought required;

    - stationary as they come;

    - no management;

    - spamming.


    There are more things to fix(ie: a meaningful energy system), but mostly there's changes and statements to be made via new content. Game, level and mission design need to reflect the emphasis on movement DE seems to want to pursue.


    Frost - I like most of the changes, but I don't really understand the passive. It doesn't synergize with anything really, especially now that summoning a globe will push enemies away. It's not really a frame that stays in the enemies faces. Something more controllable, like a boost in speed while sliding on ice patches would be preferable.

    Speaking of synergy: since the Globes are limited to 4 now, and summoning a 5th globe will destroy the 1st, why not use Freeze as a "remote" and have a globe shatter on contact. This way we can choose which one to delete( say an emergency globe we put up in escavation, while we have 3 more protecting the pods).


    About Avalanche: enemies armor is a thing that I'd like to see tackled in a different way so I'm not estatic about it. I also would have preferred a whole rework since I'm not a fan of radial aoe, and I think DE isn't either at this point in time.


    Corrupted mods - I shiver a bit at the thought they are considered balanced, especially considering Fleeting Expertise is there.

  8. I don't particularily dislike any warframe, but I am a fan of the early sublty organic, likely sealife inspired style. I feel they are more... otherworldy I guess? More dignified maybe. There are quite a few character that are gone places since then, characters having obvious human-like outfits like Mesa, or organic but much more in your face like Chroma.

  9. Didn't see this Frost master thread, I'll repost a few ideas I posted a few weeks ago:


    With Frost being apparently next in line for a rework, here's a few points I'd like to see addressed regarding SnowGlobe:


    - Informations.

    HP shown is a given of course, but I'd go further and add visual effect for the invincibility period(could be added in the hud for Frost alone), and when destroyed, a strong, crashing audio cue. Furthermore the globe could shatter, and enemies in range could slow down for a limited time (3-4 seconds), as hit by ice shards. This wouldn't do much by itself but would mostly give some breathing to newbies(and not).


    - Dealing with surprise AOE damage from missiles and grenades: This can be a real bane in otherwise spotless runs. It's not difficult or challenging: it feels mostly random and unavoidable, hence unfair. But it could be made instead avoidable in an active way, by giving again informations, and a little time window to act: grenades and missiles would stick to the exterior of the globe, with some clear indication(grenades beep already, but both could do in the occasion, and both could blink/flash, or have hud icons on them). Shooting them would either send them away or somehow deactivate. They would stick of course for a limited time(3-5 seconds) before they explode as they do now. This would bring an active chance where there is now just passive acceptance.


    - Synergy between powers: this is always interesting to have, and the big static Globe is in a good position to act as a reactor of sort, a few ideas:

    - Freeze could interact with SnowGlobe from the outside, and be used as a "remote" of sort. It could reintegrate HP, or going in the opposite direction, could make the Globe explode and slowdown/freeze enemies in range(this could be interesting since the new iteration of SG is not going to have a timer: instead of the 5th Globe deleting the first, we could easily choose which one to delete);

    - Avalanche could have additional effects while used inside the Globe. For example it could have a chance of freezing within the Globe boundaries, or a 100% chance of freezing with some downside, like spending part of the Globe HP.


  10. First, [DE] tried new techniques for abilities, to add variance to the game (cast more than once while the previous one is active -- like Vauban's Tesla. Only one Tesla at a time would be crappy, but just letting them spam Tesla forever would be OP; Energy allowed players to use a certain number of Tesla at a time).

    Second, it was really slow and kind of annoying waiting for your single target abilities, etc, to come back up.


    Energy was original a way to allow player more freedom in controlling their warframes, and give [DE] more freedom in creating abilities (like toggle abilities, which don't really work with a cooldown).


    And yeah, it would get to the point where your guns would do virtually no damage, so you'd have to hide and rely on your radial abilities for damage (no LoS then).


    I'm curious, do you (or anyone) happen to remember how long the cooldowns were?

  11. for your ideas on missiles unless frost can freeze time projectiles are supposed to collide into the globe. grenade do give quite a loud warning so you know one has been thrown and how close you are to it.


    Cold freezing missiles for 2-3 seconds on contact? They're pretty slow in WF, wouldn't be too farfetched imo.

    My suggestion comes from missiles being really stealthy for what they are. In high defence waves they can be hard to spot in the middle of the mayhem, and can end the run out of the blue. It would be fine if they were better telegraphed.

  12. With Frost being apparently next in line for a rework, here's a few points I'd like to see addressed regarding SnowGlobe:


    - Informations:

    HP shown is a given of course, but I'd go further and add visual effect for the invincibility period(could be added in the hud for Frost alone), and when destroyed, a strong, crashing audio cue. Furthermore the globe could shatter, and enemies in range could slow down for a limited time (3-4 seconds), as hit by ice shards. This wouldn't do much by itself but would mostly give some breathing to newbies(and not).


    - Dealing with missiles and grenades:

    This can be a real bane in otherwise spotless runs. It's not difficult or challenging: it feels mostly random and unavoidable, hence unfair. But it could be made instead avoidable in an active way, by giving again informations, and a little time window to act: grenades and missiles would stick to the exterior of the globe, with some clear indication(grenades beep already, but both could do in the occasion, and both could blink/flash, or have hud icons on them). Shooting them would either send them away or somehow deactivate. They would stick of course for a just a few seconds before they explode as they do now. This would bring an active chance where there is now just passive acceptance.


    - Synergy between powers:

    This is always interesting to have, and the big static Globe is in a good position to act as a reactor of sort, a few ideas:

    - Freeze could interact with SnowGlobe from the outside, and be used as a "remote" of sort. It could reintegrate HP, or going in the opposite direction, could make the Globe explode and slowdown/freeze enemies in range(this could be interesting since the new iteration of SG is not going to have a timer);

    - Avalanche could have additional effects while used inside the Globe. For example it could have a chance of freezing within the Globe boundaries, or a 100% chance of freezing with some downside, like spending part of the Globe HP.


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