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Posts posted by KogSothoth

  1. Stalker would be absolutely fantastic; it would draw in lots of players who aren't as much of a fan as simple team vs team on equal footing.


    If Domination would be Interception, I'd think that King of the Hill (1 control zone that moves around the map) would use Excavation logic, with the hill being one of the excavators.


    Dunno how well a CS-esque bomb planting mode would go with the extremely fast-paced speed of current matches.


    I had another idea, something rather simple: Nullifier Modes. Pretty much, they'd be normal modes except there'd be absolutely no energy; no powers and no channeling, just your primary, secondary, melee, and aim. Obviously people might say that Warframe NEEDS powers, but it wouldn't override the normal PVP, so if people wanted to play it, they could, and if they didn't want to, they wouldn't have to.

  2. You understand that energy orb spawns on maps occupy the same role as power weapons in determining map flow, right? Instead of having weapon pickups, you grab ammo (energy) for the power weapon you equipped before the match (warframe). That's why energy is placed in awkward or exposed areas, such as the open lane down the middle of the snow map, or the blind niche in the hallway on the Void map. It forces you to make the judgement call on whether or not it's safe to grab it (which is also dependent on your skill at mobility). The energy in front of the flag building on the indoor Corpus map is an interesting tactical choice, too. Taking it and smoothly entering the flag building means coming in from an angle near the centre line if you don't want to have to turn around, but if you're entering the area from the sides (which is encouraged by the door positions), you have to make the choice between grabbing the exposed energy, grabbing the flag, or just passing through the safer cover of the building.

    These are all choices of tactical mobility, so it's logical that those with the best ability to maneuver will usually get the most advantage out of the situation. There's nothing wrong with coptering dominating energy and map control; they're going faster than you, so it's to be expected. After all, those players are constantly looking for ways to shave time off of their routes, while also engaging in combat and honing their aim and energy management. How is that not skilful?


    Really? Personally I've never veered away from energy spawns. With the ease of movement I find the only thing going through my mind when looking towards an energy spawn is, "Is there an energy orb there?" If the answer is yes, I go to it and grab it and that's that; even then I never have a struggle getting away because of--again--the ease and safety of coptering.


    And if energy was removed, there'd still be the health spawns, which are quite important as they are now, and the ammo spawns; both of which more skilled players would still be able to control and use to their advantage.


    The general reasoning for the idea of having energy removed from the map and connected to kills is to make energy less abundant and more of a risk to attain (which I see you might not understand, seeing as in your experience getting energy as-is is already quite the risk) pushing to make engagements more reliant and focused on primaries, secondaries and melee, which, in turn, are more reliant on aim and skill than most powers are. Generally: less power spam and a more leveled playing field.


    So like destiny?

    I like it, it was one of the few things that bungie did right


    Yes, like Destiny's abilities / Call of Duty's Point Streaks.


    No, there's already an abundance of energy, players drop energy orbs on death (if they had energy). People rely on skills to get the upper hands, no need to give or that upper hand for free. From personal experience, once on a killing spree roll, I start to dominate energy spawns because the dead don't take no energy. This gives me huge advantages in successive encounters. You're suggestion makes it easier which isn't good imo. Actually I think your suggestion is flat out selfish. You want to kill 3 people with a ult and have enough energy to do it again instantly...


    Forgot to put this in the main post, so I'll make it clear: you'd have to get kills/assists with your weapons in order to gain energy. Power kills would not reward energy; that would just be ridiculous.


    This would further push snowballing, the current system is better than what you are suggesting in such regard


    I think you're basing this on thinking power kills would reward energy, so I'll say it again: power kills would not reward energy. Thus, there really wouldn't be any snowballing; the only time one team would dominate is when they're simply better.

  3. 1) It would make the game snowbally, not balanced. As soon as one team had the upper hand for a few kills the other team is now at a disadvantage because of power availability. Then when they're killed... by powers... they drop more power orbs for the enemy to use... the enemy spawns and they're at a disadvantage again...


    2) When I say fix the problem, it's not really an argument to come back and say it's still a problem. If you can still just copter over there and back then it's not fixed. You need to adjust the map so it's not that simple. There are plenty of places in this game you can't copter to. Vertical areas, long wall runs over pits, stuff like that.


    The idea would be that kills with powers would not give out energy; as that would be a vicious cycle like you mentioned.

  4. I kinda like this idea. It actually reinforces skillful play and eliminates energy drought across the map. Of course, I think that kills that come from abilities shouldn't give you energy (or at least a reduced amount) because if you manage to kill all 4 enemies with your ultimate ability you'd get a lot of energy back.


    Perhaps still have some energy orb spots laying around? Maybe add in hacking to dispense them???? Just throwing out ideas here


    Oh yes, definitely; kills gotten by using energy would not reward energy. (Maybe even for channeling--which, btw I hate in PvP--so it gets a disadvantage?)


    Wouldn't that just turn powers into killstreak rewards? :/


    If people can just hang out on top of energy sources or copter to and from the path the enemy takes for the objective, then lets just call it what it is: a map design flaw. They need to rebalance that directly. Expand the map to put the energy farther from the path, or alter the terrain so people can't easily copter to/from in half a second.


    Yeah, that's exactly what I was going for. It rewards players for taking a more active and useful role within the matches, rather than having them coptering around in the background collecting enough energy until they can ult.


    Also, its a much simpler solution than having to expand out every map and make sure each individual one works.



    so spawn kill get more adv.



    If a team is spawn killing, they're more than likely already hoarding the energy spawns, so there's really not that much of a difference. In fact, with a reasonable amount of energy per kill (10 energy?) it would actually be less effective than simply taking the energy spawns.


    And spawn killing is entirely its own problem.

  5. This is an idea I've had for a bit, and I still don't know if it would work, but I definitely thought it'd be worth bringing up here. (Also, hopefully this hasn't already been posted D:)


    As the title says, the idea is that energy would first be removed from every map; then, players would need to get kills, assists, and captures/objective completions to gain small amounts of energy. Note: kills and assists would only give energy when achieved WITHOUT powers, meaning you have to use your Primary, Secondary or Melee.


    What does this do?


    1) Energy will no longer fluctuate with what map you're on.

    2) Coptering, a highly controversial topic, will lose its huge advantage of hoarding energy spots, YET it will completely retain its useability.

    3) The frequency of powers (namely, ultimates) will be reduced, as players are forced to go into direct combat in order to get more energy, which also puts them at risk for losing what they have, meaning they may be more likely to use lower cost powers.



  6. I still strongly feel like AFK players shouldn't be determined entirely by the game; once the game thinks someone is AFK, it should then ask the other players if they wish to kick them.


    The out-of-the-blue system it currently uses is constantly hurting people when it shouldn't.

  7. Do you really think I’d say that!?


    Do you really think I’d love the way

    they spawn with ignorantly incessant rates

    acting as though they are but common rabble

    whilst harbouring a hardened hide

    much like that of an Ancient?


    Do you really think I’d love the way

    their caustic barrage will tear away at

    armored flesh and energized shields

    as though they weren’t piled high upon

    maxxed Redirections, Vitalities and Vigors?


    Do you really think I’d love the way

    their noxious pools of sludge will

    stubbornly ignore the cleansing lanes of

    Hallowed Ground and remain, alive and

    unaffected, as though that’s how it should be?


    Do you really think I’d love the way

    they stand defiant to the cull of the Vortex

    as though a disobedient baby in their

    mother’s calming arms, roaring and stomping

    whilst their better brethren properly doze off?


    Do you really think I’d love the way

    of their bond with the Swarm; where their

    merciless Manzai rids me of my sight

    and my flight and my hopes of ever making it

    out alive, with my pride and affinity?


    Do you really think it would be this easy

    to truly love the

    Tar Mutalist-Moas?


    (for those interested, here's the original reddit post I made: http://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/2ol9p9/i_truly_do_love_the_tar_mutalistmoas/ )

  8. Drahks and Drahk Masters are, IMO, really damn awesome. I mean, look at those tusks! Look at those giant left arms! So awesome.


    But… we really don’t know much about them. I mean, let’s look at Drahks for instance: How they hek do they look like they do? The codex says they are Kubrows domesticated by Grineer, but how exactly does that give them dermal plates and giant tusks? And then look at Drahk Masters: How are they so awesome?


    As someone who fell in love with the Drahks and their Masters since I saw the line in Update 15’s list, announcing their addition to the game, I wanted to find out more; so what better way to do that than to make it all up in my head as delusions.


    Originally I was going to make a short comic involving a series of events I thought up, but upon realizing I can’t draw for S#&$ I decided to try writing it out. That small series of events quickly grew to something much bigger, ending up as a half-codex entry half-fan-fiction story of the (made-up) origins of the Drahk Masters and their Drahks, of Tyl Regor’s involvement with them, of some lore on a (made-up) creature used by the Grineer, of a (made-up) event occurring on Ceres involving a Drahk Master by the name of Serr Vora, and of an overall package that (hopefully) may put Drahk Masters and their Drahks in a better light.


    Without further ado, here is the story:




    Recently I’ve been playing as Nyx a lot just so I can Mind Control Drahk Masters and have them spawn armies of Drahks to fight alongside me… here’s hoping a Syndicate one day gets Drahk Master Spectres to sell, ‘cause holy RNGesus that would be awesome.


    Hopefully you enjoyed the story! I’d love any feedback, and feel free to share it with whoever!


    Thanks for reading!

  9. I never made it in time to post my Void-frame ideas to the Design Council thread, but I thought I'd still share my ideas with you all.


    Vice is an aggro/buffer frame, themed around the Void and the Seven Deadly Sins, or, at least, some of them...



    “A sinner sent to rot in the Void, VICE escapes from its darkness, corrupted through his years of exposure. Brandishing powers to tear through dimensions, VICE seeks retribution for his sins by saving his fellow Tenno from the wrath of their enemies, whilst empowering his kin with the power of the Void.”





    Health: (100)

    Power: (75)

    Armor: (200)

    Shield Capacity: (175)

    Sprint Speed: (.95)

    Stamina: (75)

    Polarities: (4x =) (1x D) (1x -)

    Aura: (-)





    “Timeless eons ago, now turned irrelevant through the Void, VICE was a Tenno without a Warframe. He watched from afar at those who fought within the powerful suits, and he laughed as they did it all in the name of the Lotus. He saw them only as puppets. VICE knew he was not going to become one of them. He would never fall to such lows.


    And so VICE defected. He placed himself in the hands of the Grineer Empire, in the hopes they could give him the unrestrained power he sought. The Grineer, though grossly against his joining, soon accepted him into their ranks as a high-ranking Grineer Scientist, Serr Vora, claimed that he could use VICE to create a Warframe for the Grineer.


    In time, it happened. Serr Vora created his own suit of Warframe armor—a creation that’s potential could only be tapped by VICE. Or so they had hoped.


    The Grineer-made Warframe was a failure.


    In a test run attack against the Corpus, VICE not only found himself facing problems with his suit, but also found himself face-to-face with his Tenno siblings.


    Captured as an enemy of his own kind, VICE was brought back to be judged before the Lotus.


    VICE was sentenced to rot in the Void. And so he did.


    For years, VICE was trapped within the hull of a derelict Orokin ship; his Grineer-made Warframe grafted to him, melting in the heavy exposure of the Void’s power. VICE was on the verge of death, and yet he didn’t die. The Void was kind, and in that kindness he found a second chance.


    The Void seeped into his veins and churned throughout his heart. VICE began to live again, but now he held the power of the Void itself. Through the Void, he stared out into the cosmos, watching his fellow Tenno fight honourably for the Lotus. Die for the Lotus.


    The more he watched, the more regret filled him. He came to understand why his kin acted as puppets. And he wanted to join them.


    Training his powers over many years within the void, years that were mere moments to the Tenno beyond, VICE came into complete control of the life and power he was gifted. With these gifts, he tore through his enemies and breached out from the belly of the Void.


    As VICE stared out over the space he had been torn from all those years ago, he firmly gripped his ambitions with the fist he had crafted through the virtue of the Void. VICE knew the powers he held could greatly assist the Tenno cause, and that he himself could act as a blueprint for a new generation of Void-born.


    With power unlike any Tenno before him, VICE set out to rejoin his brothers and fight to redeem his sins.”






    “VICE tethers the active powers of his fellow Tenno to the Void, freezing their duration and letting them last much longer.”

    ·         VICE casts VOID LOCK out in Z meters in every direction.

    ·         LOCKDOWN buff is placed on all teammates in range who currently have a duration-based ability active.

    ·         LOCKDOWN freezes active ability timers for X seconds at the point they were currently at.

    ·         Abilities frozen by LOCKDOWN continue until LOCKDOWN expires.

    ·         Abilities frozen by LOCKDOWN are also given a slight boost to Power Strength.

    ·         When LOCKDOWN expires, abilities continue to countdown from where they froze at.

    ·         When VOID LOCK is used on the same unique cast of an ability, it brings diminishing results of 80% less effectiveness.

    ·         If there are no teammates within the range of VOID LOCK, the power then affects enemies in range instead by Freezing them in place for X seconds.


    TEAR / SLOTH (2)

    “VICE tears a hole through space, warping him forward and placing him in a phased state where he deals and takes less damage.”

    ·         VOID FRAME teleports Z meters towards where they are aiming.

    ·         After teleporting, VICE is placed in a PHASE STATE.

    ·         PHASE STATE causes VICE to deal and take Y % less damage.

    ·         PHASE STATE lasts X seconds.



    “VICE shatters the battlefield, hurling enemies into the void and pulling others in from all over the cosmos. Enemies brought to the battlefield are marked with DISCORD, while VICE’s fellow Tenno are saved from the wrath of their enemies.”

    ·         VICE casts DISCORD with Z range.

    ·         Enemies caught in the range of DISCORD have a Y % chance to be replaced by a random enemy of any faction.

    ·         Replacement enemies spawn with the buff, MARK OF DISCORD.

    ·         Enemies with MARK OF DISCORD are blind to all teammates, but not the original VOID FRAME caster.

    ·         Enemies with MARK OF DISCORD have Y % speed buff and a Y % (x # of teammates) resistance boost to the original                 VICE caster.

    ·         Teammates caught in the range of DISCORD have any aggro placed on them moved to the original VICE caster.



    “VICE pulls the Void from its roots and into his own body, creating an aura that condenses his fallen enemies into energy, while empowering his fellow Tenno with the virtuous powers of the Void.”

    ·         Upon cast, VICE caster is put into its VOID FORM.

    ·         VOID FORM buffs VICE’s Shield and Armor by Y %.

    ·         VOID FORM draws more aggro than normal.

    ·         VOID FORM slows VICE by Y %.

    ·         VOID FORM causes VICE’s view to be limited and distorted by a low draw distance and visual effects, respectively.

    ·         VOID FORM casts a constant VOID AURA around itself, in Z meters in every direction.

    ·         Any enemies that enter the VOID AURA are slowed by Y %.

    ·         Any enemy corpses that enter the VOID AURA are disintegrated (though they still exist as an entity for Nekros to                           Desecrate) and turned into Energy Orbs.

    ·         Any enemies with MARK OF DISCORD that enter the VOID AURA have their speed normalized before being slowed by Y           %.

    ·         Any enemies with MARK OF DISCORD that enter the VOID AURA decrease VICE’s max health and armor by Y % (x # of             MARK OF DISCORD enemies inside the VOID AURA).

    ·         Any enemy corpses with MARK OF DISCORD that enter the VOID AURA heal the original VICE caster for Y % of his total           health.

    ·         Any enemy corpses with MARK OF DISCORD that enter the VOID AURA are disintegrated (though they still exist as an               entity for Nekros to Desecrate) and turned into Energy Orbs.

    ·         Any teammates that enter the VOID AURA are given the MARK OF THE VOID buff for as long as they remain within the               VOID AURA.

    ·         Teammates with the MARK OF THE VOID have their draw distance reduced to a much lesser extent than the original                   VICE caster.

    ·         Teammates with the MARK OF THE VOID see nearby enemies with the MARK OF DISCORD with a clear outline that also           allows them to see the enemies through walls.

    ·         Teammates with the MARK OF THE VOID gain a Y % buff to reload speed.

    ·         Teammates with the MARK OF THE VOID cause enemies with the MARK OF DISCORD to explode upon death, (though             leaving their corpse intact), which can then spread the MARK OF DISCORD to one enemy if they are near enough to the             explosion.



    I'd love for feedback, as I feel the power ideas are so out-there that they're rather hard to judge as to whether they're stupid or OP, specifically Horizon Shift, which is honestly a huge cluster-fudge.

  10. Name Suggestion: Infested Vector


    Behaviour: Vectors, spawn of the forced infested-matrimony between Orokin-era plants and oxium deposits, float their way into battle, towards their enemies. Though weak-looking, they hold great durability on their outer skin. They are slow, but able to latch on to fellow infested to be pulled along. They act to both infect and harm enemies, and enhance their comrades through spores. When their bulbous sack opens to spread the spores, the stalk that houses them is open for attack, being the Vector’s weakest point. Upon release of their spores, they cowardly retreat to a safe distance in order to regrow them and to be out of danger. When not attacking, they are eerily quiet, save for the odd squelching groans that can reveal their position to the careful Tenno.


    Attacks: Once an Infested Vector is within a reasonable distance to an enemy, they open up their bulbous sack, and, after a moments delay, release a shower of debilitating spores upon both enemies and foes alike. These spores effect both these targets differently, however. Enemies are slowed down and given a small amount of toxic damage-over-time. Friends are buffed with higher health and armor and a volatile body, which makes them do a small AOE of toxic damage upon death. These buffed friends are given some sort of visual marker so that Tennos are able to identify and deal with them accordingly. After release of their spore shower, they retreat quickly away from their enemies with their sack still open. Once safe, they close their sack and semi-quickly regrow their spores before beginning a second assault.


    Environmental Restrictions: Vectors are not restricted by their environment. However, they do float up obstacles, rather than jump up.





  11. So if you went into a valley you wouldn't believe it actually existed? I don't quite see how having somewhat closed in spaces leads to it being unrealistic. Even then, many of the tilesets have massively open singular tiles.


    Warframe revolves around tilesets: Missions need them; They let DE easily expand and fix them; The engine is able to handle their size.


    Skyrim is Skyrim. Warframe is Warframe. This tilesets work as they are, and, as time goes by, we shall get more pieces and more themes and then older pieces will be forgotten and rediscovered and everything will be just fine, even though the whole system is fine as is.

  12. I'd like to bump this topic as this exact glitch has happened to me and several others, though it seems to be rather rare and overlooked.


    The first time it happened I had to delete some folder that I now can't think of, and that fixed it completely. For a while. Now, come 12.2, it's returned in full force.


    Freezing while logging in, freezing while saving settings, and freezing when retrieving items from the foundry, along with the far more annoying problem of a lot of my settings being forgotten, namely HUD, graphic, and audio settings. Pretty much everything but my controls are being forgotten.


    I'd love for this problem to come to DE's attention.

  13. So, Livestream 24 came with the sort-of surprising confirmation of Kubrow as pets.




    Now, I’d like to go off about them and my own totally biased ideas of how they should be implemented. I say totally biased due to the fact that I believe the more pets, the better. Because, pets.






    Straight off the bat I’ll say that I don’t like the idea of Kubrows becoming sentinel replacements. This is mainly because I’d much rather have both a Kubrow and a sentinel rather than just one because of my pet fetish.


    SAYING THAT, I’ve come to some somewhat trivial conclusions as to how having the Kubrows being a sentinel replacement would seem weird and may not work.


    - They aren’t sentinels. By this I mean they look/work very differently which would heavily influence what sentinel attributes would affect them. Sentinel accessories wouldn’t work, (well, they wouldn’t look good, at least…) Sentinel weapons wouldn’t be used by them at all (an assumption, sure, but them having turrets on them might end up rather strange and out-of-place) Many sentinel mods just wouldn’t make any sense on them, and, most of all, the Kubrow and Sentinels will most likely play entirely different, in a very similar way to the difference between a Primary and a Melee weapon. This difference would, in the harder parts of the game, lead to a huge favouring of sentinels. Sentinels offer utility and DPS that I just can’t see the Kubrow ever filling in.


    - …however, on the other end of the spectrum, Kubrow are AWESOME. THEY ARE DOGS. THEY RUN AROUND. THEY PARKOUR. THEY PROBABLY BARK. THEY REACT. Many things which the sentinels sorely lack, save for their quiet cries and ability to spin all around. If people ignored all utility and damage, the clear winner is the Kubrow. People would (here I am assuming things again but I’m quite sure this assumption has some warrant…) always choose the Kubrow. It’s just 1000x more awesome than the sentinels.


    These excuses all add up to my belief that we’d need a new slot specifically for Kubrows, or, if DE plans to add more Kubrow-esque pets, (AKA Ground-walking pets) a more openly-named slot.






    The Kubrows open a whole new realm of possibilities of how they can work and customized and so on, and, combining that with the fact that DE clearly really wants to give more customization options means these ideas could very much be viable. (or very much be delusions.)


    - Names. If DE can add dangly bits I’m sure they can add a way to name your Kubrow. This might even be slightly more important than for sentinels, as I assume Kubrow’s will have quite a large area to roam freely nearby to you, so having your Kubrow be quickly spotted will be rather important. This, however, may be made null if Kubrows can be heavily coloured, like colouring their fur, which seems somewhat silly but I can actually see it happening so who knows. (And hey, to entice DE, they could always take the TF2 route and sell name tags… :D )


    - Growing/Domesticating. Pretty much every item in the game is crafted in some way, and seeing as mostly all of these things are mechanical it makes sense. Of course, infested stuff is a bit different seeing as some of it is alive, but at the same time they are very much like weird science experiments and look the part. Now comes the Kubrow. Clearly, these won’t be a thing you get right off the bat. You’ll have to earn it in some way. But researching it just doesn’t make that much sense, and neither does crafting it. It’s too natural. So this is where an idea I saw on the warframe forums (by CryoClaw) comes into play: Growing and or domesticating. This system would be a new one, akin to the ones I mentioned before: Crafting and Researching. In a way, it would be a combination of the two. In crafting, you usually get parts/resources from playing the game and then go to the foundry when it’s all there and you build it. Researching involves your interaction in the dojo where you gather resources then put them all in and wait for the researching to finish. My idea for Kubrows and such would be you collecting their “parts” aka a feral Kubrow puppy (which would only be an ‘item’ and not an actual pet) from somewhere such as Earth. I say Earth as I assume Kubrow could be native to the forests and seeing as the Grineer are the ones who domesticate them it fits in all the aspects. Now you’d take this puppy to the Dojo, where there would be a brand new room. This room would be some sort of domestication room, like a doggy daycare or something. You’d then put your puppy in here, with maybe some amount of other resources or items (toys or some such domestication items) and then wait. This system would, of course, be separate for every player, meaning each person would have to separately domesticate their Kubrow. However, there could be an added layer of clan contribution in possibly having “Training Programs.” These programs would be specific for each Kubrow-esque pet, meaning that we’d only start off with one program, being the “Kubrow Training Program” and they would have to be developed over time much like any other research. Finally, once your own puppy has finished its domestication, VOILA: You’ve got your own pet Kubrow.




    I’m hoping this post may spawn a good amount of discussion with other people’s ideas and input.


    To anyone that reads this, I’m actually stuck on how they’ll go about their “weapon”. Claw extensions? Fake teeth? Doesn’t sound like there would be much room for variety. But maybe that’s just me. I know they could just stick with a single weapon but that seems a tad boring. I guess we’ll see.


    Feel free to discuss!


    For anyone interested, I've also posted this on /r/warframe here: http://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/1zvu5n/lets_talk_kubrows_implementation_customization/

  14. I was really excited for Prime Access once the two Resource Boosters came out, knowing that the Ember Prime Access included 90 days of the affinity and credit boosters.


    But now It's here, and the Resource boosters aren't. And that may be how DE wants to go about it, but I'm actually backing away from purchasing the pack now.


    I could buy the boosters on my own, but if I wanted 90 days of both the resource boosters it would cost cost me 2054~ platinum, which is just a tad much for simple boosters.


    So I was just wondering if this might/won't/will happen.



  15. Yes they dropped those mods. :) (Finally got me Natural Talent! And two too!) Seems like the each always drop one mod, and that mod can be natural talent, one of the multishot mods, or a rare core.


    As for where, I was on the Sporid Invasion on Eris, so yeah, it was an invasion. I also got the message that they were coming for me after playing an invasion against the Grineer.

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