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Posts posted by Narym

  1. There's nothing I super hate at this point, and I'm willing to let most of it play for a few days and see how it pans out (apart from actual bugs). However, one thing that seems fairly obvious that needs to be there is someway of at least seeing what relics people are using in missions. To me, it seems to defeat the purpose of revising the void if, in saving up to reinforce a relic (which for most people will be at least 4 runs, and probably more realistically 8-10 in the void for one shot) to give yourself a a maybe one in eight chance at the rare drop you want, you are forced to run without knowing if your team is also running with reinforced relics, or are even running on the same drop table. Without that, there doesn't seem to be a significant improvement in the RNG, and being able to pick from teammates drop pools is meaningless. We could at least see if people had the right key in the old keyshares, it would be nice if we could do something similar here.

  2. I actually think Warframe is closer to what I originally wanted Borderlands to be (except it's 3rd person rather than 1st).

    I think talking about story and Borderlands is a bit of a red herring, because the story of Borderlands was really an irrelevancy. I just didn't care, and the games (particularly with Borderlands, I never invested that much time in 2) never MADE me care. Storywise, Tales of the Borderlands is the best thing to happen to the series, mostly because it creates story where there was none. I think Warframe takes the better track of giving lore, rather than story, that you can dig into as much as you care to. It sets the scene for the art direction and context for the combat, and nothing more.

    Same for the characters - most of the characters in Borderlands just irritated me or were amusing for 5 minutes before becoming mundane, and there's certainly nothing in there that I couldn't get from a singleplayer RPG or adventure game, or even some $5 indie games. If I want characters and story, I'm probably not going to be playing a multiplayer shooter.

    What I most like about Warframe compared to Borderlands (particularly 1), is that I feel the gear is actually more varied in the kinds of impact it has on gameplay. A LOT of the gear in Borderlands is just adding different numbers to your weapons, and otherwise falls into the same rifle/shotgun/pistol tropes. In Warframe, you have guns that shoot bullets, or have 'guns' that shoot projectiles with travel time and drop, that requires different approaches to shooting but allows new opportunities (i.e. hitting behind cover). You have one blade that attacks a single target, you have two blades that AoE, you can build around melee and reflecting bullets, you can have stealth weapons or non stealth weapons, I can shoot bursts, shoot continuous lasers with no travel time. Weapons in warframe are designed to fill specific roles (and there are more of those roles), rather than being the results of random number generation on the game, necessitating everything more or less tasting a certain kind of vanilla. And obviously, customising weaponry, adding different damage types, etc, is much more developed in Warframe.

    And I think the above comparison about Levelling is a little disingenuous. I like Warframe's levelling because it doesn't just put you on a single track from 1-80, but divides everything into smaller chunks, and each chunk is essentially a different play style (even different character!), while still contributing to a single Mastery pool. I level up my guns, I can add mods to them as I go increasing their effectiveness or radically changing their utility and integration into my playstyle, and when I max out, I can change to a completely different weapon and have a go at something fresh, going back to my old gear if I want to get resources or just beat stuff up. That's much more entertaining to me than an upwards trek through a skill tree - it's a series of peaks and troughs that adds variety, instead of just going up and up on the same 'path'.

    As for vehicles - doesn't bother me. If I want vehicles, I'll play Arma 3 or even Halo. I didn't find vehicle play in Borderlands to be that much more fresh or enjoyable that I need to have it. Traversal in Warframe is enough fun as it is.

    Maps is probably a fair call. But that's the price you pay with procedural generation. Warframe PGd its maps - Borderlands PGd its weapons. I'd rather have a lot of designed weapons than a lot of designed maps. The only advantage of PGing is it saves time in development, and injects some variety over a long period of time without having to create a bunch of new maps ad infiniteum.

    I'm only about 20 or so hours into Warframe, so maybe there are RNG walls later on that will ruin it for me. But I've built a second frame, built a whole range of second weapons and things, built an Archwing, on my way to build a Sentinel, and I don't feel I've really had to grind anything, and I haven't paid a cent. We can agree to disagree, but I can safely say I'm enjoying Warframe more than I ever enjoyed Borderlands.

    I guess my main point, in the context of the thread, is that I will always take something that is more varied in terms of design and purpose over something that is varied because there is more of it. In this kind of game, I think a smaller but more 'varied' set of weapons is far better than a larger pool of more RNG'd weapons.

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