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Posts posted by Dallian

  1. Hallo

    First of all, I dunno if this goes here and, second, I've checked a little and so far I haven't seen anyone talking about this. To put things short, dunno if it happens with other frames but Mesa's left arm looks weird when she holds the Tenora rifle while her noble animations are equipped. Here are a couple of screens as proof.





  2. Hallo

    First of all, I dunno if this goes here and, second, I've checked a little and so far I haven't seen anyone talking about this. To put things short, dunno if it happens with other frames but Mesa's left arm looks weird when she holds the Tenora rifle while her noble animations are equipped. Here are a couple of screens as proof.

    I play on pc, just to clarify

  3. On 14/4/2016 at 9:20 AM, AKKILLA said:

    The Best way to fix blind abilities is ENEMIES LINE OF SIGHT that should determine whether the enemies blinded or not. So the enemies will have a cone line of sight that functions on blinds that reach the enemies cone sight. If the blind is being obstructed by a wall the enemy will not be blinded. This is common sense. LOS requires enemies AI to be fixed aswell

    I agree, "for immersion purpouses" the effect of the blind should be radial not automatic to all the enemies in range, it should last longer on nerby enemies, and prism shouldn't reset the blinding time on blinded enemies (They are blind :|) but let's not forget that the prism ignores obstacles, this last is probably what makes it broken. The thing, a huge range prism is basically too powerful when it comes to cc, adding a LoS cap seems pretty ugly to me, the ability needs to be balanced not nerfed. By removing the obstacle-ignore part, make the blind duration based on radius (And even power strength), less effective if casted on the same enemy and, perhaps, reducing the range of the blind itself the ability would be an option to cc but it would not render the enemy helpless as it does today. 

  4. Calling her trash is too much. She's a pretty solid frame, my most played one so far but I gotta admit that she needs some buffs.

    As for ballistic battery, some people have mentioned the possibility of not buffing only one shot but multiple shots and also store more damage; instead of having one fueled shot u could choose, one powered shot or a powered burst of bullets.

    As for shooting gallery, yes it is annoying if all the team is not together and the damage buff u get from it is not strong enough to see late game play. May be giving the lasso to all teammates in certain range?

    Something that no one seems to have mentioned is the range interaction with shatter shield, before that u were able to make a tanky mesa with a little cc thanks to staggering shield, that range interaction should be removed, I don't see a good reason for that.

    On 13/4/2016 at 4:39 AM, weirdichigo said:

    True. Energy drain is ridiculous with current mesa .. plus duration mods increase your ult time duration instead of efficiency mods (as it was  be4 the nerf ).. and there is not even a time counter on the skill.. plus you can't get energy from trin or collect orbs while you're in your ult.  total nerf overkill. I'm fine with current peace maker mechanics, but man... i really need low drain and help from trin with EV. : (

    And as for peacemaker, I agree.

  5. Hello pple, here a mesa user. Pretty recently I noticed something that ruined one of my favorite builds of mesa, Shatter Shield seems to be affected by range now. I used to build around Staggering Shield, why? Well, shooting gallery was a very useful tool to do some cc up to some degree but when u are playing as a part of a team relying ur survival in shooting gallery is nothing more than a big mistake but if u want to be tanky and somehow do some cc u end up using a lot of energy. Staggering Shield, to me, became a very useful tool to be tanky and somehow punish certain type of very annoying enemies and the best part was that u didn't have to care about range but now u do.

    I'm not sure if anyone has somehow pointed this, I didn't look that many topics, but I feel that adding range to an ability that by itself doesn't inflict that much damage is kinda terrible. The tankyness by itself is great but I would like that this "range limitation" was removed or at least, may be if u know, know why was this change implemented.

    And for those who might be interested this was the build I used to play with


    PD: Vigor is just personal taste.

  6. Right now peacemaker is fine, some people love it, I don't know what to think is kinda bitter sweet to me. One of the things that I don't like from the current peacemaker is the energy drain, making mesa builds that can use her other 3 powers, have some survability and have a decent drain during peacemaker are kinda messy.


    May be a drain per shot instead of time active would make it better?


    Yes to the first two.


    Iffy on the third- movement in peacemaker has always been a subject I avoid. I just can't decide if it'd be OP or not- even with disabling firing while moving.


    This one.... I'd have to use it more to decide if this is a good idea. I personally don't see any need for peacemaker circle to regrow at all- other than allowing people to afk. I'm gonna say no to this one I think.

    As for the moving peacemaker to make it fair and possible, I think, DE would have to change the ability entirely. May be if we could have some sort of gunslinger stance ( http://giant.gfycat.com/InfiniteRepulsiveCaterpillar.gif ) to deal with the nerby menaces, may be with multitargeting (You know 2 pistols) but low accuracy at longer range and being able to aim in some way, may be with target locking (U know, focus) but while aiming you would move by evading? ( https://youtu.be/lVHC1qWyblI?t=8m52s ) I dunno is just an idea but like I said moving peacemaker would probably imply a whole rework for the ability.

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