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Posts posted by deviantru




    switching from necramech to excal umbra disabled movement. Entering into operator mode was disabled and skills were unavailable. unstuck did not work.

    update upon few tests:
    if the necramech is far from excal umbra while trying to exit, will not result in the bug; if the excal umbra is near such that transference results in operator getting in the warframe from the necramech, the bug happens where skills and movement are disabled but excal umbra seems to continue its "specter mode" firing on enemies getting near. Host migration fixes this but if you are the host, leaving the squad will not help most of the time.

  2. Helminth Kubrow with metus skin turns to weird kavat on feral skin 

    this is what she was supposed to look like:



    and this is what happened after i changed loadout on warframe from excalibur to titania



    PS: she is supposed to be a kubrow; fixed this problem by loading and reloading a new companion on arsenal

  3. In Earth Proxima. After destroying the enemy's ship core, tried to drive it in operator mode, when it exploded, was in the state (as seen in attached picture) with no viable commands to help me get out of it.

    I cannot use the chat box to type in /unstuck nor move from that very position, the mission is still functional as my team and the enemies are still engaged in actual combat, its just me that is not moving


  4. First off: Thanks for the rework on hydroid, one thing tho... are the enemies supposed to be poppin like popcorns when Swarm is cast?


    and...... for a "wall" of water, tidal surge sure is pretty small... that's me having 235% range.....





    Undertow: Walking ability seemed to be negated by the fact that when hydroid leaves a certain area, the enemies dragged in undertow will leave undertow

    suggestion: let the enemies dragged in undertow stay in undertow regardless if hydroid walks to a different area leaving them trapped inside for better crowd control. This way, hydroid can provide abilities that focus more on CC


    Passive skill: useless in weapon stances that don't involve slam attacks unless intended to do so by the player

    suggestion: with hydroid being a caster and reliant on his CC based attacks, i'd rather have hydroid's passive be one that lets him gain energy for a certain amount, or have "energy drain" effects lessen if not halved.


    Overall: skills now imo have better synergy with him than before; bigger armor means better survival, and i do get why hydroid's energy is constantly being drained, as to not make him invulnerable all the time while in undertow.

  5. I guesmy view on this point is this; people go to draco to max out weapons or useless weapons to rank up, however, it is also usefull in a way that people wont have a hard time in high tier missions once their weapon of choice is maxed out. Imagine going through endless or high tier missions with a low lvl weapon that you liked, wouldnt that suck cuz of lack of mods and damage overall?

  6. Why not just pull a Smash Bros and just give diminishing returns for each consecutive use of a power? Or just increase energy cost by a small percentage for each consecutive use?

    I like the idea of more energy per consecutive use before the cd time is finished, but how about abilities which are toggled?

  7. We get it, most people dont like the "farm/grind/push-a-button-to-win" type, but I also think you have a valid point. I also think that others that say otherwise also have a valid point. As the argument stands;

    Some do not like to play with spammers or boring 'ol grind buttons, but that is just as it is my friend, a preference. Yes it makes the game boring, yes it lacks innovativity, yes you dont like that stuff. However, they happen to like it. If so, let them use their frames however they please. You on the other hand may play with any frame with however you please as well. You might want to look at high level play as well. Im talking about high tier missions; enemies that can 1 shot you even if you happen to have a maxed vitality, enemies so many and so hard to kill that even a god-mode trinity bleeds out. The game is still trying to balance itself out to cater to newbies and veterans alike, if you want a serious game without those spammers, try teaming up with other people and aim for high tier missions. A high tier mission would more or less have a more variety of players using their own strategies other than spamming a skill.

    Only point is; trinity imo is already balanced in so far as her involvment with low tier missions to enable the team to farm/grind/spam, and to high tiers where her purpose to heal, regen, and energy tank is needed the most.

  8. Almost everything in-game is geared toward making people feel 'special'. For example, syandanas and most exclusive cosmetics.  People will not hate it, those that HAVE the vaulted equipment will become even more loyal.  


    It's not a matter of WANTING them to be greedy. It's a matter of rewarding those that have been playing longer and more frequently. Additionally, re-releasing vaulted content kills the market. It decreases platinum costs of parts, which will subsequently cause less platinum purchasing. I'm pro-DE and want them to continue putting out great content, which means they need to be creating a profit. 


    Again, I'm not trying to be argumentative, just debating a point.

    But thats just it, wasnt warframe made to be "free to play"? I understand the side of profit, but this alternative only seems to favor business rather than the community playing it.
  9. What is your rationale for this? They are new, they have less experience in game, lower mastery rank, and have access to existing frames.


    If something is vaulted, why should someone new to the game be rewarded in the same manner as a veteran player?


    *I'm not being argumentative, just discussing your point further.

    Exactly the reason why vaulted items should not stay vaulted.... Inexperienced players that are having a hard time playing without any prime items. Take note, that the primes have additional stats that may be crucial for an inexperienced player to have better survivability. Besides, I dont think it would matter if the newbies can attain primes that veterans had also done in the past.

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