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Posts posted by Blackchaosvortex

  1. So all the current single daggers: ceramic dagger, dark dagger and heat dagger.


    After playing with the dark dagger (rank 25 supercharged), i dont really find any reason to use them.

    It does penetrate armor but other than that i dont really see any benefit compared to other better melee weapons.

    It feels like a longsword (single hit target) with shorter range...


    Do you think its worth keeping other than just to say its a rare alert drop?

    Or am i just missing a huge potential here?

  2. There have been good changes and bad changes with the patch but i have to say the paris really stands out!


    The arrows now stick to the enemies, the fire sound sounds really more like a bow now.

    Overall it's just the way it is meant to be.

    Cant wait to get my hands on thunderbolt.


    So good job DE, despite all the nerf done to rhino, banshee, nyx, etc... xD

  3. If its either a warframe or a weapon, usually you will have to remove every single one of your mods.

    And then add them again to your other warframe or weapon.


    In my case i usually use the same mods for my warframe/weapons.

    So wouldnt it be handy to just save a template and then load it to another warframe/weapon?

    (ofc this will remove all the mods of the previous warframe/weapon)

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