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Posts posted by -Blahhh-

  1. MR: Im MR22

    TimeZone: EDT but I work nights im on from 5-6pm to until I go to work, then weekends from 8pm to 12pm the next day

    about me: I'm a security Guard who work nights, I also do Karate which Im black belt and I also volunteer to teach kids of the age of 5-9 karate which I love to do, Ive been playing Warframe for 3years now going on my 4th, as you can see im a founder Ive been playing the game for 6-8months then I take a break of 2months then I comeback,

    what I can bring to the Clan: well I know allot about Running a clan for warframe, and creating large and succesfull alliance I helped PacWest(dosent exist anymore RIP) create Solar Syndicate with LagWave 50 which is now V alliance, I also have experience running as a Minecraft server Owners and admin , TS3 and Discord... ohhh and I can bring lots lots lots of orkin Cell I have over 1000 of them

    Why I wana join: well from what ive seen in the discord I think its the people Im looking for a place that is fun and enjoyable to be around I just left a clan which had allot of toxic member and staff


  2. Really they are pretty easy to do, except for spy and rescue. But I always disliked those two game modes so that nit really helping really, but I don't understand when people saying it's yo easy and u see you bring Mag to a corpus mission. I don't care what you say but mag, banshee these two frames ARE OP if used right, but most people don't know...

    You guys gotta remember they can't always release things for the veterans and players who have been playing warframe for a long time because there simply not enough of that player base that still play. Most of the players I see are low ranking lvl 4-6(i say low because you don't unlock usefull or just unlocked still haven't mastered them

    Making the Sorties Mr15+ would be idiotic it would be me saying I want better things so let's make it Mr 20 (that rank pretty much means you have tried all the weapons, frame sanitinel.... Blahhh Blahhh Blahhh see my point but yeah there are just n I think enough people on that group of players to benefit DE. The casual players are who are paying for this games...

    All you hard-core gamer when was the last time you actually bought Plat I think a very long time since by now you probably have farmed all you required Frame. And have plenty of spare parts to sells and mods to sell, heck I can make around 5k Plat a day by just buying and selling stuff soooo yeah this game needs to make the new Comer want to buy Plat and not make them Wana quit this game because they keep putting content that is way to hard for them.

    Anyway that just my opinion lol take it or leave it. :d have a nice day and happy holidays guys

  3. Mr21 1:r5,1:75%, 1:telerium, 3:10k credits, 1 neurodes,booster for creds and material (not 100%sure about) and a nehza BP on the day it came out, I dunno if I like more the old sys or this one it's still to early to say, I'm saying let's give at least to the first milestone and see what you get the.

    But at least the discounted Plat is still a possible reward from the Daily reward soo In my opinion the change is good, I've see the old system for over 2+ years was getting old and it's nice new change, and this game as we all know is always subject to change so this new reward systeme for just losing in might change. But only time will tell.

    But that just my opinion hope someone has the same as mine, have nice day and happy Friday!

  4. well ive been playing this game for a while and I'm pretty sure in the same game you cannot do both, because an EV Trin needs to have her energy vamp for only a couple of second so you can recast as fast as you can, and a blessing/ link trin you want more time, sooo its extremely hard to have both build for them, best thing would be decide on what you want, a blessing/link trin or an EV trin, unless im completely wrong and sooo plz reply to me and tell me what im doing wrong, but if not im pretty sure im right.

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