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Posts posted by worminthewood

  1. Scott has done a great job on Limbo, that's what I'd say.
    Nerfing him would be like.. cutting off Michelangolo's ding dong...

    Sure, Cataclysm gets abused, as in among others.
    Public / Online gaming, it's a brave new world.
    Take em for a ride with friends - his new set is fun to play around with in good company.

  2. The cyst seems to be part of a bigger picture.
    I, for one, hope they're not rushing 'a cure' into some hotfix - but through a quest. 
    But most likely it'll be a clan / team effort (tactical weekend of sorts), wich'll be nice too.

    And who knows; through this alert, event,... we might be collecting that Mutagen like there's no yesteryear.

  3. Up and until 2 years back this PC of mine was a shark among wolves,
    but as of late.. you know, much less so.
    WarFrame is the only reason I still fire up the  beast,
    and sure, I could patch it up
    - replace its rapidly aging teeth andwhatnot - but I'd rather continue
    the awesome journey within the cheaper walls of a crafty console.

    Like JaggerWocky said; the Devs talked about it shorty during their last stream.
    I hope it'll happen before old grumpy says goodnight.

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