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Posts posted by V1RTU5

  1. bolts remind me of airsoft lol you put too little hop-up and the BBs go no where you put too much hop-up and they do exactly what bolts do fly strate and then woosh vear off in random directions

    for those that dont play airsoft. Hop-up puts spin on the BB when set properly your range and accracy are dead on

  2. But the second i meant are the "?" missions really rare ? I have never seen one . I was wondering do you have to do a certain amount of regular ones to unlock the "?" ones ?

    the ?-alerts i wouldnt call them rare so much as random now reactors and catalist are rare rewards for the ?-alerts but the alerts them selfs are just random

  3. instead of a troll not backing himself up why don't you use the search feature this has been discussed several times in several different threads.

    1) rifle/pestle ammo are the most used and are obviously the most picked up

    2)ammo boxes are 1000 credits. you can make more than that in one mission and once you start selling mods its that much easier.

    3)if this is the only ammo you see why not try switching to that ammo type.(if you don't want to...oh well get use to it being on the ground laughing at u

    again look b4 you post most stuff in the game has been argued

  4. ash is one of the more difficult frams to learn how to play. at first i just down right hated him because i couldnt aim with shuriken and i never wanted to melee so most of his other skills seemd usless. but after geting some melee mods and power strength mods he became one of my favorate frames. he is a stealthy melee class, not to be mistakein as pure stealth. i have never been a fan of big weps so i curently use the duel zoren and is built for just constand (E) spam. the dule zoren also can hit multiple targets so just spaming high damage hits on multiple targets ends small groups quickly.

    so for combos:

    heavy/ancients:shuriken-> teleport+melee just as you teleport->smokescreen->finish him off with melee

    ------max shuriken deals 500 base damage mine with 2 strength mods deals ~800 which gets rid of their shields or a lot of ancients hp... you can prep melee while teleporting which is quite handy. when fighting enemies across the map this is a quick gap closer without taking to much damage...once you reach your target and hit him once or twice go ahead and drop smokescreen lvl1 is kind of weak but at max can give you several crits finishing them quickly.

    standard mobs(grineer mostly): teleport to one near the end of a line->shuriken down the line->charge/teleport to anyone you missed

    -------this works really well on grineer when they line up against a wall. you can easily nail 2-4 guys with a good shuriken. unfortunately when it hits a targets it sometimes doesn't travel in the same path so just charge (would suggest placing a sprint mod) and kill them with melee

    standard mobs(groups): teleport to very center-> smokescreen-> melee spam->re smokescreen if needed

    ------unfortunately i don't really like ash's ult very much since he still takes damage while bouncing around. this way is cheaper and you can end the encounter much quicker.

    standard mobs(multiple small groups): teleport->smoke->melee till smoke ends->teleport to next group (even if you haven't killed all from first-> repeat till all are dead

    ------you could stay and kill that last 2-3 guys but i don't because you give the other groups more time to spread out and make it much harder to hit multiple targets at same time. soon as you see your group starting to spread apart you should be getting ready to teleport to next group so they have much harder time tracking you(yes this does seem to confuse the ai) this tactic also gives those that thinned out to group back up

    bosses(general):shuriken once or twice-> teleport in-> smoke-> melee the crap out of him->repeat from smoke-> once energy gets low back off

    ------some bosses are harder for ash but for the most part this combo works. most of the time bosses will forget about you for a few seconds after smoke wheres off so just keep hitting im till he/it turns to you then just smoke again. once energy gets low its time for you to back off and just shoot him up or if your wanting to have some fun every time he drops aggro from you just run up behind him and hit it a few times.

    once you get use to shuriken you can purity much live off it. when i just use shuriken i can get accuracy scores of 100+% due to hitting multiple targets. i use the above combos because they are more fun than just sticking people to walls all the time lol. with ash you should be using 40+ abilities a round.


    if your gona play trinity solo build power efficiency, power duration, armor, and hp and all you need are link, and blessing this allows her to just take damage like nothing its a very tanky build and goes against her original purpose as a support.

    if your gona play trinity as a support max all of her skills and max energy (300 energy when maxed) then put mods in power efficiency, power strength, armor and hp. power strength mods allow her leach skills (1 and 2) to absorb more hp/energy and faster. the best way to be a support is ignore killing and try and gain altitude an overview makes it much easier to target heavies/ancients for the most part her abilities are situational but they really shine on defense and boss missions.


    sorry if i typed to much. since these are the most complained about frames (as far as being under powered) i chose to learn how to play both and have actually fallen in love with both. even tho there are changes that i would like made to both of em they are still playable

    EDIT: for spelling

  5. rhino is advertized as a "tank" just like trinity is advertized as a support sense currently neither fill those roles is a real issue.

    again even tho i agree the current mobility is way to slow to justify. realistically speaking bigger should move slower but not this damn slow. (yes even in Si-fi they still apply the same physics we use). the main issue is they made the heavy frames way to slow and over compensated for realism.

    with that said a rhino when equipped properly (power efficiency and power duration mods) should be able to run any mission without ever dropping iron skin. the issue with this is even tho it is possible to run a whole mission with out taking a drop of damage aggro seems to still be very random and there's no way to grab aggro ether. so other than solo, staying invincible is rather unnecessary. the same thing goes with trinity's link and blessing combo. you can essentially stay invincible for the entire match and even when you do take damage you can heal yourself back to full.

    the other thing that's keeping "tanks" from standing out is any class can do it. you can put shield hp and armor mods on any frame and still be nearly be un-killable. which is nice but really hides the great qualities of actual "tanking" i would like to see more defined roles but that's just me

    again main point is heavy frames should still be slower but not so outrageously slow that they cant even keep up

    EDIT: forgot to spell check XD

  6. kinda have to agree with op. by the time you cut through his shield you have to reload and its right back up. its hard to do even with lvl 30 gear. his shileds can start regenerating at the same time but the rate at which they regen needs to be lowerd slightly

  7. i like the grineer's stuning balls...i just think they need to be tweeked and played with to help fix the issues at hand

    ps: get your mind out of the gutter there is nothing wrong with this statment.

  8. Ok, so why dont we implement this share loot system, and at the same time, add a kick ability to your game if you are host? BAM!! problem(s) solved.

    because thats just a crappy work around that fixes nothing.

    EDIT because i didnt see demontrace post while i was typing and watching tv.

    I feel like we're getting off track here. Why restrict anything that adds to a gameplay experience, especially when the possible reasons for not adding it, are also easily solved problems?

    You would think if people are going to leech, we'd be seeing it already. Affinity is shared, but I've yet to see someone just standing around soaking it up, while everyone does all the work. Why would this be any different with the resources?

    In addition, it's already been proposed in this thread, if not a number of other threads too about ways to deal with leechers, harassers, any number of people that take away from your experience.

    Also I really feel energy orbs don't need to be more infrequent, especially just because Trinity might not feel useful enough, when I've yet to have see that problem come up. Think of the countless times you DON'T have a trinity around. What about people who have an energy siphon artifact in play? Should that be nerfed, or removed?

    I think we should consider ways we can add to the game, rather than taking away. Especially since what you think might make a game more balanced(which could be wrong anyway), could end up making the game a lot less fun for others. The last thing DE needs are people finding reasons not to play.

    This topic was strictly to address something that could be a major convenience, and a time saver. Mod and resource collection I feel is something that slows down the pace of the game, distracts people, and is sometimes frustrating. When you factor lag in to play, sometimes a resource disappears, and you have to go hunting around for it. This is exacerbated by being a slower moving warframe. Add to that with teammates running off ahead accomplishing whatever they're doing, and now your team is getting split up.

    With my idea, people get to stay focused more on just playing the game, and it even gives an option to promote a bit more teamwork.

    1)ive kept it on track while arguing my point

    2)leaching hurassers and overall trolling has been talked about and a reason to give them even more reason to troll is not needed

    3)actualy now that u mention it yes energy syphon is a bit op as well. when 4 people have it and in conjunction with the orb drop rate if you ever run out of energy you clearly are just spaming. also trinity with all of her curent issues does not need another reason not to be played. lowering the drop rate/not alowing multiple people to pick up energy would make her more viable and reduce the amout of ability spam that is in place.

    4) yes it would make it easyer for players to progress almost to easy. the lvling system in this game is based on building weps and frames and geting them to max lvl. the only way to do this is through searching maps for reasorces. with your proposed sharing you basicly destroy the whole reason to look for mats by just alowing 1 guy in the group do it for you. like i said before this would only make teamwork more seperate. also take a look at WoW first few virsions things were hard to get and when you got them you were proud to say i worked for that. then people complaind and next virsion came out surpize what was a 2day raid now only takes 2 hours.

    gj on making the game easier

  9. a ~800 damage (500base) ability that hits multiple targets in a line for 25 energy and used 100 times is to much. i also was able to do that because we chose to do it the hard way and not use frost/mag/volts(volt not so much now) ult which cost 100 but can clear a room. and again 2-4 pickups out of the 10 that drop and they are rdy to use it again. now lets throw in what the op sugested where now mag/frost dont even need to pick up stuff because its shared. now they dont even have to pick up the orbs to just press 4 again. you have just made an alrdy op drop rate even more effective.

    going back to my example above but with mag. 2500 energy was used. without any power efficancy mods thats 25 romes cleared with just the press of a button. now add a 30% power efficancy cap (cost is reduced to 70) thats now 35 romes cleard with just the press of a button. this is not fair nor is it fun.

    i do agree the problem is not all directly the orbs fault but atm they are the only thing fueling the outragous dps.

  10. i like them too, but i think the issue with these things is they turn to tight and to soon. so when your in a tunnel they should actualy be weaker because they cant trun around properly. instead its just the oposit they seem to be able to turn on a dime and repeatedly hit you at a very fast rate.

  11. so... you got your fighter, your looter, your healer, and when this is put in the free loader.

    the way loot is works. credits im ok with a crap load of them drop and would just cause unessary lag on the server. mods dont disapear and arnt that hard to find. eve slow people can still get them. the reason i want mats to stay visible is because they are an important part of endgame orbs/afinity/ammo there is no reason they should stick around for ever and should disapear when picked up.

    the reason i say orb drops need to be reduced is because trinity's #2 is usless when you can pick up 2-4 orbs and your right back to being able to use your ult again.with that said in high lvl play you can have 8 or so blue orbs drop from one press of a button, energy even though is a nesesity and should still be droped, sharing and over droping make it so common its sad.

    i was in a match where i used my ash #1 100 times, and was finished full energy with orbs still on the ground. btw thats 2500 energy used with 175 in my stash. tell me thats not an issue

  12. Or not. There would be nothing to stop some fast moving frames from looting the heck out of areas before anyone can come close enough to share. Share looting would also make it less painful for larger or more complex missions where there is more than 1 objective (not talking about the add-on secondary missions) and the squad can/needs to split into 2 teams of 2. Or something like that.

    have to agree with this post this would allow teams to seperate and make it more profitable instead of bringing them together.and work as a unit.

    the only changes to loot i would like to see is mats dont disapear and blue orbs are not shared.

  13. Bo, Scindo, Fragor, Dual-Skana and Zoren are multi hit

    i think skana and zoren are only multihit with charged, but im not sure

    zoren can cleave a few people uncharged the cone is just smaller than bo, scindo, and fragor
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