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Posts posted by Syaniide

  1. dangit.. Can't you make the events fairer for the timezones. It's only 4pm EDT anyway.. 6am here....and still missed

     The events arent one time only... its happening all weekend. There's no timezone fairness... The first events happen to be really early for you but there will be more coming. It's not that big of a deal.

  2. I am so sad there was no previous info about the event.. I play frost as my main and I missed it completly because I was out of town for my grandmom's funeral..


    Does anyone know if we will have other opportunities to get this blueprint in the future ?

     I believe they said this BP will never be offered again. 1 time event bla bla bla

  3. also, all the other alert only weapons are kind of pointless (i hardly see them being used, except the dark sword,) as i did use most already and considered them inferior to weapons i got from the standard market. as they are now they dont do much to justify getting them, apart from the fact that they look different.

     This post... that's why the glaive BP isn't on the market.

  4. Ok I for one don't think its a bad thing that you can't buy the glaive BP. There has been tons of post about "Why do the alert weapons look cool but are utterly useless!?!". So to fix this problem (Though I still say they should buff up some of the old alert weapons...) they gave us a really cool weapon where the BP drops from a alert mission only and couldn't be bought. Im glad they did this as it looks like a sign that they are actually going to make alert weapon drops worth the effort.

  5. I would imagine that you could only dual wield a sword and a dagger... kinda like dual heat swords for example. or just two daggers like the fangs, dual ethers, etc.


    as for pistols just make it so they required the same type... semi-auto only goes with semi auto and automatic with automatic.


    but it sounds like a great idea tho.

  6. The dark sword is fine with the present stats... the only thing I would change is to let it attack more than 1 enemy... it doesnt have to attack as many as other weapons but at least 2 so it will be viable on infested missions.

  7. ...They should probably make an upgrade-able "heavy" variant  for this sword in the same league as Fragor and Scindo.

    An even larger BACON SWORD?!?! THAT'S IMPOSSIBRU!!!111ONE11

  8. yeah I see your point and I agree... but until they change this just try to get the sniper scavenger artifact... best you can do for now

  9. I don't know if gram is the best in the game but regardless... yes they need to at least give us 1 alert weapon that is actually worth the effort of getting. I mean its sad that the best melee weapons in the game are all buyable blueprints so early in the game. It's debate-able that the DHS is one of the best melee weapons in the game (As plenty of people still see it that way) and the Dual Ethers are both available with from the beginning of the game. Hell DHS doesn't even require rare materials to build it. You at least have to reach level 2 to use Gram... but still I would just appreciate 1 single alert weapon that is better than the market ones.

  10. well you cant combine the heat sword and the heat dag to make dual heats but good point at lease make it like the dual pistols.

    uh... yeah u can... what do you think the current dual heat swords are? It's a heat sword and heat dagger if you look at the picture.

  11. I will repeat myself once again... this whole thread is invalid. The lato is by far the best gun ever made... ever. I mean why discuss the grakata when the lato is far superior in damage? I can take out a whole 5 grineer commanders before I have used all my ammo... theres no way any gun in any game has ever topped that.

    And if you disagree I end this by saying...DO YOU EVEN LIFT BRO?!?

  12. You're all wrong... the grakata is easily replaced by the lato (not the aklato that weapon is trash). Its far superior... I only have to reload four times to kill ancients and it has superb accuracy. Honestly why would you ever use any other weapon. It even makes the Hek look like it's useless 2nd cousin who just can't get right. I say we all just stop trying to win cool points and just go with the most practical weapon. The superior Lato.


    Lato > All

  13. What about a mod that decreases the sound of your gunfire?

    You could only put that mod successfully on a weapon that could 1 shot something... or else it would be pointless and the whole room would be alerted anyway.


    I would say the Grakata should be a silent weapon given its firing sound, and its SMG-like qualities... but it's also the Grineer service rifle, so....

    That would be pointless considering there is no way 1 grakata bullet will kill anybody before they are alerted. Lets face it... if they added silenced weapons like rifles or SMG's they would have to change the way stealthing works and make it so once an enemy is damage it would take 3 seconds or so for them to alert everyone else in the room. Otherwise those weapons wouldnt help with stealthing at all.

  15.  It´s the mods that make them good (if you put in the right ones). I dont want a UBER weapon on alerts.

    oh and its not only the mods that make them good... take the ceramic dagger for instance... no amount of mods makes that weapon good. It doesn't even have it's own niche. If the base stats on a weapon are bad then putting the same mods into a better weapon are obviously going to be better. Mods cant fix EVERYTHING such as bad attack animations and such.

  16. I wasn't saying nerf any weapons currently out there, just make so the alert weapons are slightly better than the market ones. and as of right now its too easy to get the best weapons  as it only takes about 1-2 hours to farm the credits and materials to get any weapon you want. So yeah most players want a weapon which is better than the rest to take more than 1 or 2 hours to get... Look at dual heat swords right now.. they are considered to be one of the best weapons in the game and you can get them after two hours into a fresh account. So yeah being on at the right time would be rewarded with a nice weapon and if you weren't able to get one then the market weapons are always there for those players and as everyone knows there's some good weapons on there so it's not like you would be stuck with lame weapons if you didn't get a alert one. I'm just asking for a higher class of weapons that would be more rare, for the players that want to invest a lot of time. There already are weapons for players who don't play as much so why not give the ones that do play a lot something extra to aim for?

  17. I would suggest that DE revisits all the alert weapons and at least give them some sort of boost to make them worth it, I mean there's some really cool looking weapons that you cant find a good use for (and I tried... and tried... and tried again lol) Also, it kinda sucks that none of the alert weapons are the "best" at anything... I mean they are all sub par to one of the market weapons in some way (For example the highest basic damage weapon is from the market, the highest charge damage weapon is also from the market, etc...)

    Also I believe this is a way for DE to make more money as well... Maybe boost the alert weapons so they are stronger than the current market weapons, then make it so you can buy them from the market with platinum (but not with credits... and you wouldnt be able to buy the blueprints with credits either) and finally make the alerts that give these weapons more rare. This would force the impatient player to spend money to buy platinum to buy the weapons, and when the alerts finally came for them, it would give all the players who got them a huge sense of accomplishment. This would in turn bring in more money for DE and also give players something to look forward to when checking the alerts!

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