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Posts posted by JebusHCripes

  1. So I get that the game is a 'worldspace' with it's own iconography and such, but when there is a complete disconnect for the player to recognize/understand what something is supposed to indicate, you've stepped past the line of useful information to 'you may as well not even show this information'.


    Case in point, this showed up last night after the update in the top right corner of the screen in my Liset:




    I think it's supposed to signify some sort of social or network related thing, but hell if I know.  In a vain hope that something so unclear would HAVE to have a pop-up to explain it, I hovered my mouse over the icon, which of course, did nothing.  You may as well have made it a transparent icon of a blank square so I saw nothing, since I basically got no information from it aside from knowing you're trying to tell me something, but didn't care enough to be clear and just decided to troll me instead.


    If you're going to go completely outside the bounds of recognizable iconography, the absolute minimum is some form of reference or pop-up so we can at least figure out what you are trying to convey.  Or better yet, enforce the golden rule:  Function over form.  It doesn't matter how pretty a snowflake something is if it completely defeats the purpose of said thing.  Next time, try sending an icon image to someone not on your staff, ideally that doesn't even play Warframe, and ask them what they think the icon indicates.  If they can't figure it out without you hinting at it's usage, you need to redesign it.  Or better yet, USE TEXT.  Most people that play Warframe can read.  Maybe try using that basic communication method that you know works 100% of the time.


    Another example, Kubrows.  How about rather than a useless graphic icon of which kubrow an imprint is, you try just using words.  Trying to describe the icon to someone in trade chat (which btw also REQUIRES the other party to already know which indescribable icon lines up with which kubrow) is an exercise in frustration, not to mention a breeding ground for people to potentially rip others off (though more likely, they just made a simple honest mistake, but the other party is going to perceive it as malicious intent, perpetuating the inherent mistrust of your trading community).


    Stylized is fine, in fact, in general, I love the aesthetic of the game overall, but it's stupid stuff like the above that drives me crazy.  Clear information must be the first and only imperative.



  2. So...any chance of a Primed Ammo Drum for the Void trader?


    For realsies.


    I want a Primed Ammo Drum.


    I know there was an April fools image from reddit, but I was thinking about it, and I would really love a Primed Ammo Drum for real.




    How about a Primed Intruder? XD


    Also, are there any plans to add in some personal space code for Simaris?  Dude needs to back up.  Also, breath mints, look into it man.



  3. Hi again DE,

    So I'm sure people have mentioned this in some iteration or another in the past, or at least mentioned the 'problem' or complaint in some way, but I thought it might be helpful to lay things out a bit (if for no other reason than to vocalize it for me!).

    Basically, there's an inherent problem with leveling.  It works fine early on as is, mostly because you're still in the early/starter content, but as you begin to move up the difficulty tree, it becomes problematic.  Once you max out a weapon (and I'm not talking about forma'ing something here, just basic leveling to 30 the first time), you essentially HAVE to put it aside so you can level something else.  By the time you can theoretically come back to it, you'll likely have access to your preferrred end-game weapon (or are within spitting distance).  The problem this raises is the need to spend the majority of your time not using what you'd like, and while I understand that this is intentional, what you must also know by now, is that this forces cheese gameplay rather than your intention of having the player use these weapons.  To make matters worse, the first 15-30 minutes of a weapon's life, is spent being utterly useless, which technically forces the player to go through starter/beginner content (at least if played 'legitimately'), at least until the weapon reaches level 10-15 (not counting melee which can toss on a stance and grant some initial usability) so that you can throw on at least a few mods onto it.

    To give you an idea, I cannot stand the performance/behaviour of the Burston or the Scindo (in either original or Prime flavours).  In both cases, rather than even take a single swing or shot with either when I obtained the Prime versions, I simply brought it along during a Draco/Stefano run and maxed it out without using it at all, just for the mastery rank, and shelved them both forever.

    So rather than the intended expectation of the player actually using the weapon in question, I simply cheesed it.  Now, I understand that regardless of this expectation, people WILL exploit game mechanics to speed/rush through intended gameplay regardless, my point is simply that the current leveling method makes that even more likely and actual usage almost entirely unlikely.  At the absolute least, you introduce the scenario where a player wanting to level a new weapon jumps into a public game where they 'need' to be at least level appropriate, but because of their gimped gear, they are more of a hindrance to the group than a benefit, creating an atmosphere of animosity rather than co-operation, which in turn sours public gameplay (even moreso than it already is).

    What I propose is the addition of a general use XP gain to apply to weapons (and possibly frames).  I'm not suggesting a 1:1 gain to apply wherever you want, but something a little more limited that will allow you to bypass the initial hump of uselessness, while giving the player some incentive to use the weapon in question.

    I'd suggest that while using a non-maxed weapon, XP gain is increased slightly, and on a multiplier scale such that at the lower levels, the increased XP gain is higher than at the top end (the closer you get to 30), note that this isn't in reference to how much XP is needed to level a weapon, just that using said weapon gets you more than currently, but it could also be as simple as finessing the progression curve if you'd like to maintain the current Mastery rank progression curve without moving goalposts.

    Next, while using an already maxed weapon, rollover or general XP is gained at a reduced rate (say 25% of normal), which can then subsequently be applied to an unranked weapon to obtain levels but ONLY up to say level 10 (as an arbitrary stopping point).  This would allow the player to use their preferred weapon for a significant portion of leveling, give them the ability to not be completely useless except in starter missions, and incentivise them to actually use the weapon in question.

    Right now, I don't even fire a weapon until it hits 25 and I can throw on at least a basic set of minimum mods like Serration & Split Chamber.  It's so bad that I have several weapons that I don't even know what kind of fire mechanics they have because I've maxed them without even firing them once.  Obviously that falls on me in that if I don't even know how a weapon behaves, how could I possibly know if it's any good?  I realize this, but I'm illustrating the fact that I even felt like I should head down this path is what is fundamentally problematic.

    It's great that there is such a large variety of weapons to use and choose from, but when just trying to get it to a beginning useful state (note that this problem becomes more and more pronounced the higher you go in content/level) is the bulk of time investment, or that I find myself using cheese exploits just so I don't waste time on leveling an item (and note the logical conclusion this reaches above), that's a clear indicator that the system needs some review.  There just needs to be some incentive to do it 'the right way', or at least bridge the gap that forces me to not use my preferred weapon of choice the majority of time.

    One is a better reward system, while the other is a player happiness benefit that is a longterm quality of life result, as honestly, it's depressing that of the 400-ish hours I've spent playing the game, only recently have I been able to spend maybe 10 of them now using a Soma because I was leveling all the other primary weapons (I'm down to 3 more primary weapons remaining to obtain, not counting stuff that I cannot get any longer), and essentially not using any of them because they were useless 80% of the time.

    To be fair, this isn't all that applicable to the short term casual player who will maybe play a total of 30 hours of Warframe and then just move on (though I think they'll start seeing the effect by the time they move on, and potentially be a factor in making them decide to move on).  But to the players like myself who intend to play longterm, this is one of the things that makes the game 'feel' super grindy (IMO, even moreso than having to grind some ridiculously rare drops) because this is the set of mechanics that all players must go through regardless of whatever else they may be doing.  Over time, that wears on a player to the point where they start looking for shortcuts and exploits, or possibly becomes that wall that makes them just not want to log in anymore.

    tl;dr - Add slow gain rollover XP past level 30 on weapons to apply against unranked weapons up to level 10.  Maybe also let us do this to frames and archwings.  And sentinels.  And puppies.

    Anyway, hope you've actually considered this idea in the past, and are possibly even thinking about implementing something like this in future, as this was one of the things that despite loving the game, was and still is, in the negative/downside column for Warframe.



  4. So can someone explain this to me?  Is this vault thing some sort of shop where we can still obtain the items going into them at some future date?


    The announcement made it sound like these items were being removed from the game entirely unless you already had them.


    Is this some sort of paywall gate?  Don't misunderstand, I don't care if that's what it is, I'm just confused in that the announcement made it sound like Frost Prime was no longer going to be obtainable AT ALL.


    DE, please clarify? 


    And if this IS the case, perhaps in future you consider being more clear/precise in what you are saying. 


    I was going to go on about how if this was purposeful manipulation type of behaviour, that you're simply poisoning your customer relations, but I'm willing to give DE the benefit of doubt for now.


    So DE, 'splain?



  5. I've seen time numbers thrown around, and I'm not actually referring to that, but rather what constitutes an AFK state?


    The reason I ask, is because I've run some defense missions, where I've been doing stuff in the mission, but simply not moving for a couple of minutes, because we're in a perfect choke point, where adds/mobs are coming at us from one direction, and moving would visually block my teammates, so I stayed still, firing into a non-stop stream of enemies for minutes (literally minutes where I don't move, and just shoot my Gammacor down a hall while the lemmings keep coming).  At the time of reward of course, all I get is a blank.


    So clearly, AFK does NOT mean actual AFK in the sense of no input from the player, so does this mean you simply have to keep moving within a certain time limit?  I just want to be clear here, as if this IS the deciding point for what is considered AFK, I need to know so that I adjust my play so I don't get screwed over by some arbitrary decision that makes no difference (I mean really, do you think it's hard to script AHK with a random movement command every 5 seconds?). 


    Or is there some other distinction that I need to know so that I'm adequately jumping through arbitrary hoops to make sure I'm not wasting my time?


    Don't get me wrong here, I'm not upset or anything, I'm just wanting to make sure what I need to do to keep from getting screwed over for rewards again, despite playing legitimately.  Of course, I've also done some AFK style farming too, but the sanguine point here is that this happened while I was actively and legitimately playing.


    So how about it DE, could we get some clear definition/distinction here?


    Edit:  And by definition/distinction, I personally am looking for, minimum movement distance, minimum interval or per unit time distinction, how latency impacts this distinction (as I assume this is NOT validated on the client side, otherwise, what point is there?), and/or is there specific critical periods where the AFK distinction impacts rewards.  I honestly could not give a crap about the energy thing in the latest patch, as that just doesn't impact me at all, I'm more looking for clear guidelines so I know what I have to do to avoid getting arbitrarily screwed out of rewards despite playing 'legitimately' (whatever that means).  My example above is the scenario I'm referring to here, as clearly there are AFK states that are related to movement, so now I just need to know what they are so I'm certain that I'm adhering to them.



  6. This is more of a question for DE than anything (though I imagine this has been talked about from DE in the past, so if anyone can point me to such discussion?), but I saw that there was a Vauban Chassis alert today in the middle of the day.


    I don't know about anyone else, but I work for a living, and obviously can't log in during those hours.  I was wondering if there was any consideration given to perhaps weighting certain alerts to happen more often during off hours?  Say between 6pm EDT through to midnight? 


    Or perhaps having such alerts last longer than an hour or two so that they slip into the evening for us working slobs?  I realize these alerts are supposed to be random and that sometimes they'll fall outside of 'primetime', but it's a little infuriating to see something you've been waiting to pop (with that being the ONLY way to obtain them) for weeks to pop while you're at work.


    I do appreciate that the major alerts and tac alerts last for more than an hour or two, but I was hoping that at least some consideration was or would be given to such scenarios like the above. 


    Would it be perhaps asking for too much to maybe even add in an alert saving feature in the companion app?  Where say, you can 'save' one alert for 12 hours to complete at a later time?  Obviously this isn't trivial, but it would be a HUGE boon to those of us who can't be on at a moment's notice due to real life demanding our commitment.  Plus, it would actually be a reason for me to install the companion app, as getting a push notification on my phone is kind of pointless, since I can't do anything about it while at work or when I'm sleeping, and in the evenings, I'm probably already logged in and playing, which makes the app irrelevant (even moreso since the info it provides for things like warframes and such is woefully lacking in details).


    Just a thought here DE, and hoping you'll consider some of the above for us suckers who have to work for a living ;)


    Love the game btw.



  7. I was also hit by this, except for revives and ciphers.  All my progress in those two reset to 1.  They've been climbing again, so I'm up to 55 ciphers and 19 revives, but I got both of the lower version of these challenges done already, and it's a little daunting to have to start from scratch again :/


    Pretty sure my cipher count was up in the 700 area, and my revive count up in the 300 area.


    Any chance of getting these counts back?


    No real big deal, but if they can get reset back to normal, that'd be grand :)



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