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Posts posted by Forgotten_Aeon

  1. This would reinforce a problem that DE has already seen. Players are binging on Void missions, and it's causing Burnout. For him to come every week, and every other week come with 8 items, this would only make that worse.

    I have to agree with this. The real way to make Barokitty better would be to add one more item to his stock every visit, and having that item be new. Even if it's something as "useless" as primed fast hands (I think that's more "rarely (but sometimes) useful" as opposed to useless), it would at least give players that have everything something new to work on while givin the rest of us a chance to catch up with the existing equipment.

    Edit: ducking auto-correct. Duck you, Apple. Duck you hard.

  2. Honorable mention to Pilfering Swarm. Mainly because anything that gives loot is really valuable in a game that runs so heavily on drops.

    Each of these abilities were never bad, but got additional function to make them even better.

    Absolutely. In the case of pilfering swarm, without the augment, it's a mediocre cc ability (given that its has a smaller -and generally unreliable- AoE compared to MPrime, chaos, disarm, Bastille, etc.) it adds a completely new function to the ability that it never had before.

  3. It really depends on what you use the most. Bastille needs strength- at least, no negative strength. The rest benefit from duration and range.

    I usually run a middle-of-the-road vauban, with range and duration (no corrupted mods). Every ability works, but you can't fire and F*** off for 30 seconds- gotta be actively involved.

  4. You are correct.

    Current Baro syndana still uses old cloth physics and clipping model(s).

    Didn't read past this because WINGS. My Trinity (set up to look like an angel) has the @(*()$ PYRA syandana as the wings. Which is horrible, as the Pyra is a terrible, gaudy piece of S#&$.

  5. In the end you obviously need to have a spare slot to fit it into your build without having to remove a mod that is essential for said build or otherwise too beneficial to be removed.

    Exactly. That's the issue you and I and many others see with augments- they tend to be a "well, I have space for SOMETHING" mod, when they should be a real contender for a spot.

  6. Errr. so you are saying that players are wiling to pay 200 plat to buy a mod just because they did not play an alert.

    Oh yeah, that makes perfect sense.

    Nothing to do with its usefulness re a mod proc combo.


    Its snob value alone.

    200 plat for snob value.

    Many are, yes. Is it that hard to believe? But for those who aren't, you just said why they'd be happy with it- it's a dual status mod. That why I'm happy with it, I like status builds.

  7. a good augment is something that adds to the power without feeling like it should be an innate aspect of the power to begin with

    (coughs loudly, glares at firequake, ice wave impedance, piercing roar, explosive legerdemain, pacifying bolts, fracturing crush, all excal augs)

    Absolutely, I agree completely.

  8. Before level 200, a blessing trin with a moderate power strength results in a powerful blessing and link, with a workable EV (killing the target as soon as it's struck with EV will release all the energy the skill would grant over the duration).

    Aside from very specific missions that require huge energy gains ASAP, blessing trin is best trin.

  9. What is it with the Jolt fetish ?

    I have 2 that both dropped in the Mutualist Breeding Grounds mission, with High Voltage.

    So whats to great about them ?

    Er... Many players DIDN'T get to play the breeding grounds mission? I thought this was obvious.

  10. Given the mixed responses to many augments in the past (and this post triggered(!) by the recent Vauban augment), I was wondering what you all think makes an augment viable when compared to standard mods (which tend to be more flexible given they work on all abilities).

    I think the crux of it is that a good augment is one that cannot be replicated or matched by non-augment mods. For example, greedy pull, pilfering swarm, total eclipse- these very popular augments cannot be emulated or made up for by other mods. Whereas the vortex mod, which simply adds duration, can be emulated by simply recasting vortex when appropriate (with more efficiency to boot).

    Please note, this isn't about the vortex mod specifically at all, nor the place to argue about it's merits or lack of. Discussion about augments in general is the goal, especially the criteria that make them worth a mod slot.

  11. Just to echo what's already been said, it's exchanging efficiency for duration. The mechanic through which it does so means it has some uses in infested missions where you can set up a vortex whilst you have the energy, before some ancient shows up and denies you of any- but aside from that, I really don't think it's worth a mod slot.

    That's a problem with many augments (their effects not worth a mod slot when considering alternatives), so it's no real surprise, but just like the majority of augments this has a very niche use, and outside of that, non-augment mods are superior due to their flexibility.

  12. I guess you're right. Not everyone hdd a tanky ranged frost on demand like me.

    I probably just need to find a group of players that know what they're doing. Personally, I always have a "tough mission" load out at the ready.

    Most experienced players have one too, but it's not safe to assume it's currently selected. What if someone just came from exp farming or resource farming?

    When one first joins a raid (well, it's what I do at least) I don't have any specific frame ready- I don't know what the group will need or what it's missing, so I'll wait until we're almost full and get into the frame that is required. Then, if the last time I used that frame was for something else (speed v slow nova, EV v Blessing Trin, or disarm v invis Loki, for example) I'll need to make sure I have the right mods equipped.

    Not that the entire process takes longer than twenty seconds, but you're not always dealing with people who have specific loadouts saved- some just manually swap mods for both guns and frames.

  13. The rift sigil was definitely listed as a reward for completing the Phoenix interception escalation.

    Personally I haven't even looked at it when low on energy (it's also on the front of my frames so that makes it less likely I'll notice it). It's more just a shimmery token of "you survived level 150 enemies, go you".

    I would definitely like more flavour from our sentinels, especially if it makes them seem somewhat sentient.

  14. I can say this is false after extensive testing. 100% false.

    Confirmed. Not only does the initial burst of magnetic apply pilfer, it also does more damage than the wet slapping proceeding it, making short duration hydroid ideal.

    - The Amprex benefits greatly from both sinister reach and metal auger. Sinister reach is a flat range increase which works on the arcs emanating from the main target- this turns it into a large AoE weapon. Secondly, every enemy hit by the main beam courtesy of punchthrough arcs its own... Arcs, effectively multiplying the AoE damage by however many enemies you hit initially. If you use it as an AoE weapon, this mechanic means metal auger is a bigger damage increase than many other contenders.

    - You can melee attack to get rid of infested swarms. Rolling also works, as it does with the leech things from brood mothers and sticky bombs. In my experience, it does not remove bleeding or fire.

    - You can shoot tar moa puddles to get rid of them. Torid is handy for this as the cloud effectively prohibits them from lasting as long as it's up.

    - Oberon's Hallowed Ground provides knockdown and status immunity. As knockdown is one of the biggest causes of death, it's a fantastic skill if used with a party that knows how to use it.

  15. It works similarly to the boltor and soma in terms of feel- it's an auto rifle with generally good accuracy.

    The boltor has great base damage and ragdolls.

    The soma has great crit damage.

    The braton has high status, which is great for ignoring armour (and is fantastic for armour in teams without 4 CP).

    They're basically the three simple and great examples of each type of gun. I'd recommend having one of each for sure.

  16. I actually agree with you.

    AGGP has the advantage of usually doing a pretty in depth review and advising a build noting the possible alternatives. It's less a "this is the top FOTM build" and more a "this build works very well for me, and there is also this and that that work and might work better for you"

    All in all it gets more down to how you process the information than the youtuber himself though.

    Gotta second this, AGGP and probuilds Calypso tend to list the strengths and weaknesses of the weapon they're reviewing and then share their builds with that in mind. AGGP tends to offer alternatives too.

    There are a number of youtubers out there, but those two are top of the class from the many I've seen.

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