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Posts posted by Forgotten_Aeon

  1. I've liked all of them for various reasons, but I find Zephyr kinda... Lost? With coptering and air melee being a thing I don't find her 1 great (still use it cos WHOOOSH), divebomb just makes me lol and tornado is decent cc but really unreliable. Turbulence is the only ability of hers I find useful, and even then hitscan weapons at higher levels ignore it. She's mediocrity in frame form.

    Aside from that, Rhino Prime (specifically prime). I have him, use him rarely, but... Eh.

  2. That wasn't a bug, that was a feature. Its not my fault you can't aim and hit a moving target properly. Maybe DE can go ahead and add aim assist for you too.

    Lol! I was gonna give you the benefit of the doubt (maybe they overdid it- they're well known for it) but this is just clearly just trolling.

    Learn to time when to go for objectives and use the environment to your advantage instead of doing the OPPOSITE of "skilled" and almost teleporting to the flag and then teleporting away. Git gud m8.

  3. It would be great for Trinity but good for everyone else too. If I'm mag and see someone is low I could use pull near them. Or if I'm sitting there silently cursing the rhino for not stomping in a clusterfrack, I can quickly realise "oh hey, he's not just being a rhino player, he's just out of energy." Then I'm not thinking negative things for no reason!

    Do it, DE. Can be a small, discrete display where squad hp and shields are. Even just a small light blue number representing the percentage of energy someone's at.

  4. I have gifted quite a few things in the past. When I meet new players and they're inquisitive and polite and clearly want to help in whatever way they can, I'll buy them a couple of potatoes or a booster or something.

    I stopped doing this more recently though as the majority of people I did it for did the equivalent of "kthxbai" and I never saw them again, or even worse, only contacted me with crap like "hey do you have a spare heavy caliber?"

    I want to help create a positive and friendly community who shares their crap with others, not entitled little jerks who think they can take advantage of people's kindness for free S#&$.

  5. There was an awesome thread in feedback I read a long time ago that was suggesting ability combos (eg. Warframe ability 2 has a different effect on enemies suffering from same warframe's ability 3). I think warframe needs that kind of overhaul on abilities to keep the variety happening- at the moment we're modding for one or two specific abilities and sacrificing the rest.

    Aside from that, less grind.

  6. Heavy caliber is great on mid-range weapons, fantastic on weapons where you WANT the accuracy loss (Torid, for example, with multishot).

    The only weapons you generally shouldn't use it on are crit build weapons, because the general idea to get the most out of them is to headshot all the things. There are exceptions of course, but the Soma/P for example is a gun you should generally avoid using heavy cal on if you consistently get headshots, given that every missed shot (and there are plenty after 15m) is a huge loss that results in lower DPS.

  7. Nyx, although I'm male and would feel a bit weird with a set of breasts. Would the suit conform to your body size and shape? I can only assume it would in this scenario. Not that it really matters tbh, cross-dressing would be such a tiny price for the power i'd happily do it.

    I think Nyx's powers would have a lot of real applications with in and out of combat. Could mind control people to force them to agree/sign documents/etc, psychic bolts would be the ultimate stealth weapon, chaos to instigate riots, absorb... Well, absorb would be useful if getting shot at I suppose. I'd be the perfect intelligence operative! Spies, hell yeeeeeah!

  8. It really depends on the setting. In T4 defenses, some kind of defensive screen is a necessity after a few waves. I much prefer taking limbo to those, but I always let my team know so they can plan accordingly. Of course, I've modded for the smallest possible cataclysm with huge duration just for this reason.

    Just talk to these people. It's not that hard. "Hey Frost, spamming globe actually hinders us hard as we can't shoot through the other globes. Do you mind keeping it to one please?" The majority of the time people apologize and change their methods. The trick is to not be a complete #$&(% about it.

  9. To echo sentiments already said, those screaming "PvP will ruin the gaem gais" are by far the most toxic aspect of this introduction.

    To be frank- and ill get a lot of S#&$ for this- the toxicity is largely a result of the game being free to play. It's simple- more accessibility, more immaturity. There's no yes or no, it's just how it works. No, we're not all like that- most of us aren't- but the "toxicity" of the playerbase has already reached maximum percentage. From here it'll just be that small section of bad players with bad attitudes growing in line with the overall population. Or falling, of course, depending on how DE manage their manifesto.

  10. Crying on the forums? Really?

    "I've had a serious issue with the game and submitted a ticket, but it's been over 2 weeks and I've yet to receive a reply. Can anyone tell me the rough turnaround on these?"

    You're right, a sea of tears. Lol.

    OP, I've never submitted one personally but I've seen others say they've been resolved within a week (24 hours if related to plat purchases). Your issue is either complex or relatively banal- only you know that. I suggest you check the status of the ticket and see if you can update information regarding it. I wish you luck either way.

  11. It's actually the answer to the problem of transmutation- stupid rewards for huge amounts of credits.

    You can now slap 3 of the 400 power throws you have along with a Simaris mod in transmute, and get a free (hopefully rare!) mod of the polarity of your choosing. You can get a lot of powerful and rare mods from transmutation, the biggest barrier to this point has been the completely random nature and the prohibitive cost. This addresses both.

  12. Really like imperator (I've had that baby for ages and always go back to it), and occasionally use yomo. I only own Pyra because with the right colour it looks like wings on trinity and I have this whole angelic theme going on- far too gaudy for me otherwise.

  13. I'll give you the build I use in T4 defence runs:

    -Narrow Minded



    -Primed Flow

    -Primed Continuity

    The rest is up to you. Narrow minded is essential for defence as it makes the cataclysm smaller, which means you can actually use it as a defensive sphere instead of enveloping every enemy and resulting in death. The huge duration means it shrinks very slowly- I only usually have to cast it once per wave.

    I use intensify too for rift surge and redirection as a tiny safety net, but you get one-shot in t4's anyway so it's just a matter of preference. Good luck!

  14. I think he's a very well designed frame. The look, mechanics, the way the ult works, the way they've made it "dragon" with themes and ideas in addition to aesthetics- fantastic job. I don't even like tank frames (I build everything like a caster cos I'm like that) but chroma is an amazing frame that I'll play at every given opportunity as a support.

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