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Posts posted by (PSN)zenoe1562

  1. 16 hours ago, Jarriaga said:

    Same as last time:

    - Any plans to continue with the melee revision like adding Exilus melee? Any plans to buff or re-do exalted melee weapons? They feel significantly weaker than regular melee weapons such as the Venka Prime and Nikana Prime, which not only have access to more powerful mods (Blood Rush / Weeping Wounds), but don't require energy to use and have a higher mod capacity.

    - Any plans to add additional combo chains to stances that only have 2 or 3?

    On that topic of weapon exilus, are there any plans to make reload speed mods exlius?

    • Like 2
  2. On 2019-07-30 at 4:10 AM, (XB1)ShadowBlood89 said:

    goes to earth
    sees newb
    says hi to newb
    offers newb help
    newb no respond / newb says yes / newb tells me to %$WQ off
    continues with mission

    If newb said yes to help i tell newb i take them to hydron an level them
    proceed to overwhelm them with KNOWLEDGE 

    if newb be good lil tenno baby i give them mods once hit mr 2

    i help newb get through junctions

    i bid newb bye bye as i let them be free an be the strong independant war machine

    Power leveling doesn't help a new player learn the game though...

    • Like 1
  3. This is exactly what I've been doing with my girlfriend who decided to try Warframe again (for the third time) and she is practically obsessed with it now. Apparently, the first time she tried was before we met, one of her friends on Xbox was basically gonna just taxi her to some high level missions and power level her. When she told me that, I was like "no, your friend is stupid." The second attempt was with me on Xbox, but she didn't like how the controls felt. Third attempt on PS4 and she's hooked! I remember when I first started playing Warframe for the very first time, it felt like such a power fantasy, it still does today. However, I started a new account on PC and holy jebus, the new player experience SUCKS. I will say that I'm glad they introduced the essential damage mod packs because that's a wonderful starting boost for new players.

  4. On 7/19/2017 at 6:07 PM, (PS4)Real_Gorthon said:

    lol why less space this is the only game we need on PS4 XD Warframe is amzing!:lotus::thumbup:

      Reveal hidden contents



    Yes. Yes it is. I remember when I started playing Warframe. It was shortly after Destiny first launched. I was addicted to Destiny, but every time I went through the PS Store, I was always drawn to Warframe. I eventually said screw it and downloaded it. Instantly addicted. Warframe cleansed me of my Destiny addiction whilst providing more story, a lot more entertaining moments, and a better gameplay loop. All hail the Tenno!

  5. 4 minutes ago, (Xbox One)So Si1ky said:

      Behold THE Tellurium Mace.     Faction: Orokin.  Grip type: Hammers. Description: " A powerful, rare mace use long ago during the Orokin Era. It is rumored that this weapon was once use as a part of the Continuity ritual that gave that gave the Orokin Empire immortality."  -(I have an immage of what this could look like but I have no idea how to submit it. Please help!) 

    upload it to imgur and there should be a link for BBcode that you can paste into your post. trust me, i had the same issue

  6. Name: Named by Tenno (see description)

    Faction: Tenno

    Type: One-Handed Sword

    Description: An ancient blade from a long-forgotten era, it radiates with unfamiliar energy. Channeling increases power strength by 25%, increases Parry chance to 100%, increases disarm chance by 50% 

    I imagined getting it as a quest reward, here's the end:

    This weapon is so degraded that its nothing more than a rock when found, Ordis manages to compile data from his analysis of the weapon and create a blueprint, which requires the found piece. An ancient weapon, rediscovered. Reforged. A name, given to it by the Tenno. 


    Original Artwork (im clearly no artist):




  7. On 2/5/2017 at 10:52 PM, Madotsuki said:

    I just wish the infested room could be accessed at any time to cure the cyst at any stage of growth if I don't want it. Make the frame immune to further infection for like a week before it can get another cyst again. That'd fix everything.

    For now though just get a frame you don't use and get that infected, maybe two or three frames just to be safe. I doubt the cyst will be for anything other than the infested doggo, but if you can't get the cyst again after being cured then it's best to have some on hand.

    Im someone who likes to keep myself in the dark about spoilers, cinematic quests, new mechanics, etc so i was unaware that its a one and done thing...until it was too late. So, it would be nice if the game was like "are you sure you want to remove the cyst? You will not be able to get it again" Because, I just got nidus, walked into the room and was like:

    "oh cool!" *sits down*

    "wtf did that do? Cure cyst? Ah what the hell, what's the worst that can happen?" *sits down again*


    I know you can just get another frame infected but I mostly play solo or with friends (none of which have nidus) 


    TL;DR some form of confirmation/warning before just sitting down especially since theres no real context of what's really happening when you first enter and sit down.

  8. On 1/11/2017 at 8:49 PM, JHarlequin said:

     While it's true for some, that they want to explore every room, I am of the opinion that we should have been able to explore that room back when we would have taken care of the infestation problem on the ship.  Of course we weren't given the option to take care of our ship, or get a different ship, or anything.  No we just sort of looked over, saw infestation and figured, "Gee that is just fine.  I'm sure it can't be dangerous in any way."

     Some people are liking it, and it's good to have a cure now, but it still isn't that great of a delivery on story.

    Ordis states that the helminth is in charge of the biological functions of the orbiter. He finds it disgusting, but a necessary evil

  9. It is because you and the rest of the dev team that I am so in love with Warframe, everything you guys do only improves the game and you guys actually listen to the community, unlike most devs. I have only been playing Warframe since last year, but the impact that playing this game has left on my will keep this game at the top of my favorites list for years to come. I've also have had the pleasure of helping grow the community by telling my friends about it and doing weekly Warframe streams (Warframe Wednesdays). Keep up the amazing work, I can't wait to see what's in store for U19

  10. 22 minutes ago, (PS4)Elctrcstel said:

    will you guys look at reworking some of the lesser focus school passives and abilites to bring them p to par with Zenurik and Naramon?

    Zenurik is amazing. Combine it with Ivara's Artemis bow and you're pretty much unstoppable 

  11. Will there be any way to create separate aim assist options for consoles? For example: rather than having one all encompassing aim assist, perhaps have two separateaim assist options, one for co-op and one for conclave? I mainly play with the aim assist off because its much easier to effectively use bows without having to fight the aim assist, but its a huge pain trying to track other players in the conclave without it. I don't want to turn it on for just one or two matches, so rather than having to go through the menus, it would just be more convenient for there to be two options instead of just one.

  12. On 12/25/2015 at 1:39 AM, Prideswrath said:

    her damage isnt OP her bow is slower and weaker than exalted blade and the rest of her abilities dont directly do damage. you can use navigator to shred thru enemies using punch thru on a thrown weapon but in the end that leaves you heavily vulnerable to aoe damage from bombards moa heat eximus and the almighty nullifiers.

    if ivara is OP in any regard its the sheer fact that 3 of her 4 abilities grant stealth and she has not one but 5 utility skills

    Her bow is affected by rifle/bow mods. With a maxed intensify and a well modded dread/Paris Prime, you can destroy just about anything in one shot. 

  13. It's awesome how DE managed to quickly inform the community (and keep them in the loop), respond, and compensate them in more ways than one. Back when I played Destiny and the game got DDOSed during the holidays, it A: took them forever to respond with little to no info, and B: little to no compensation iirc. Well done, DE. This is why I love you guys, the community, and Warframe. Barely an ounce of salt from anyone because this community has so much faith in you guys. Well done.

  14. On the topic of AkPrimaries. I don't honestly care whether or not it happens, but I feel it's important to say this. It is said in the OP here that it might create a non-distinction between primaries and secondaries. My opinion on that statement- the non-distinction already exists. The way things work right now- secondaries may as well just be another primary. Something needs to happen to create the distinction in the first place.

    -My personal suggestion is a very simple change. Swapping from Primary weapons to a Secondary weapon would be as fast as if you had speed holster maxed out, but by default. By doing this it really drives home that a secondary weapon is in fact a SECONDARY weapon; meant to be used as a backup weapon which is currently impossible now since reloading is much faster than swapping. If swapping to secondary was much faster, it would be a viable choice in an intense late game match to pull it out to deal with something instead of reloading your primary. I honestly believe that swapping as a whole should be sped up- but secondary swapping NEEDS to be faster. This whole chunk of text might seem a bit off topic to the question of AkPrimaries- but considering the distinction between primaries and secondaries if it were to happen was called into question, I felt it appropriate to bring this up. If nothing else it would work to keep that fear from being realized if AkPrimaries are to happen.

    On the topic of CC. I believe that in late game missions when absolutely nothing else becomes able to compete with CC- that is when a problem starts to exist. The whole point of scaling is to eventually make it impossible for you to continue to play the game further without inevitably dying and failing the mission. Therefore, I don't think that the problem is that other stuff needs to be able to compete with CC at these levels. Rather I believe personally that CC should start to DIMINISH at very high levels the same as everything else. It's a simpler change, it balances everything out, and it does not create an issue of power creep where suddenly people can go EVEN FURTHER than the ludicrous amounts of time they already can.

    -Now believe me when I say that I'm by NO MEANS suggesting to nerf CC. I only believe that at high enough levels it should not retain the same effect it has now. Higher level enemies should get up quicker from being knocked down- or resist it more in the first place. That brings in an issue with powers like bastille which suspend enemies, but I'm sure you guys could figure out a reason/way for them to become somewhat resistant. Perhaps wearing heavier (not stronger, simply heavier) armor to allow them to not be lifted as long. This would not only fix the issue as I see it, but would also give enemies some semblance of "learning while they fight- higher ups make smart decisions to adapt to the Tenno in a mission as time goes on". I'm sure a lot of people who do endless missions to insane times will probably see my suggestion here and freak out- either internally or externally. But I think if it was given a shot it would turn out for the better.

    On the topic of mandatory mods. The only mods I see as absolutely, positively, without any question as "mandatory" at all- serration, hornet strike, pressure point. There is never a reason to not use these mods, period. There was a suggestion at some point of weapons gaining the damage these mods would provide as they level up instead so that the mods can be removed. I'm partial to that suggestion. All the other mods have one issue. Some are better than others. They are not equal.

    -It's well known throughout the community that many mods- the pure status mods for example- have become relics of older times in the game when they used to be effective but now might as well not even exist in their current form. They need updating by now DE, it is time. They have sat much too long, and honestly I do not know why they have been updated still- perhaps you felt it better to wait for damage 3.0 since it had been so long anyways. Regardless, the point is that every mod needs to be "equal". Some players will always think damage is best no matter what anyone else says or shows them. That's fine. As long as the mods are equally effective in the end- it doesn't matter if certain people always choose to opt for damage, or some always choose to opt for status. Crit, utility, etc. That's in fact the point. As long as EVERY type of mod is selected by people, they are equal. Noone uses the current pure status mods. Noone uses hawk eye/zoom mods. That is the issue from my point of view- not the so-called "mandatory mods".

    I saved this one for last because I figured certain people who saw it first would read my opinions and think "I don't like this guy, I'm not reading the rest of this". Let's talk about the topic of Draco. The way I see it- the problem of power leveling is a problem for a few reasons.

    -The first and most important reason here- everyone ends up on the same place doing the same thing like mindless zombies. This is an issue because it basically forces any new- or other- players out of recruiting chat if they want to do something unique. Noone there wants to do anything but Draco, and I've even seen in the past players essentially tell people to get out of recruiting and go ask their clan or alliance because "no one is ever going to help with that mission- it's just taking up wasted space in recruit chat". Again, this is NOT ok. If EVERYWHERE was equally used by the people that mash 4 and power level. I would not personally have an issue with power leveling. What people do in their own time is up to them. If they want to sit in a mission and do nothing but spam one button, no skin off my back- it has nothing to do with me so I have no reason to care about what they are doing. The reason issue in my eyes is that the whole "everyone only ever does one thing not allowing people to do something unique if they want to" HAS TO GO. PERIOD.

    -The second reason is partially tied into the first reason. People don't like seeing a frame used for only one power. People do not like seeing people camp in a corner and spam 4. People do not like having all their kills (or more accurately FUN) stolen in random games by people who don't want to actually actively "play" the game. Normally I'd say "it's not their problem if you don't like it. You can leave the squad and join another random game". The issue with this is that due to the draco mentality- almost EVERY public game (from what I've heard from others as I stopped doing random games for this exact reason LONG ago) has people doing this. There is no "leave the squad and find another if you don't like it" option. Players need to not be able to infringe on others fun if they aren't actively playing the game. Pressing one button over and over nonstop (exalted blade) or sitting in a corner doing nearly nothing but still getting tons of kills from mass range with no interaction (nuke abilities) need to change. Having someone who from your own view "doesn't care about the game / having fun enough to move around or do something more than spam one button" take all the enemies and therefore fun away from YOU over and over, in every single random mission- becomes extremely frustrating.

    -Player mentality will never be changed. I cannot personally understand why people do this because I've had them flat out say to me that they will not do other things even once they have everything in the game maxed out, even though they don't find it fun. I cannot understand why, therefore I cannot believe their mentality can ever be changed. The solution is rebalancing and altering frame abilities and game mechanics. That is 100% up to you DE. Make stuff so that this cannot happen, that's the only way to satisfy everyone. They can still go about finding the most efficient ways to get stuff done, but they won't be able to do it in a way that makes it seem straight out unfair to everyone else in the squad and makes it impossible for them to have fun at the same time without going way away from their squad (and potentially putting the mission in danger by doing so). That is what needs to happen to make everyone go home happy at the end of the day. Exalted blade was great in theory- but in execution needs massive changes. Clearing out everything in the map from a single point by smashing E and watching your insanely powerful blades of death fly through all the walls and enemies in every direction as everything dies would be fine if this was a solo game; but there are other players there that also want a piece of the pie. It's supposed to be a sword- not a gun. "That [insert frame/weapon/etc here] should have to work just as hard everyone else to take those enemies down." That is the mentality to take. There's plenty of ways to go about making this happen, one needs to be picked, and then move onto the next problem ability/gun/melee/focus-branch/whatever, and repeat.

    Hopefully at least some people see these thoughts and agree with them. I'll leave by saying that my opinion is not the only one in the world, and I don't think what I've said is "unquestionably right". But from viewing the community and game for so long now and seeing these issues and stepping back and seeing from both sides as much as I possibly can, this is what I ended up with.

    I agree with your thoughts on Draco 100%. I tried Draco once...I didn't like it at all, simply because it's an interception mission. That is my least favorite mission type, I'm mainly a solo player and interception is near impossible to play solo past round one unless you have insane CC. My idea is that every node should be brought to Draco-level in affinity gain, and in order to prevent more dracos from popping up, implement an invisible counter keeping track of how many times you completed a node, with each subsequent completion giving less and less affinity until no affinity is earned during that mission. Now, in order to preserve balance, the counter would be reset, let's say, once a month. I feel like that would completely eliminate the symptom of Draco and the problem as a whole

  15. Required mods:

    Yes there are required mods but that doesn't mean you can't have other builds without them.

    - health/shield/armour

    - duration/efficiency/range/strength

    - energy capacity/gain

    - weapon damage

    These types of mods take place above all others. A player can go without them if they are planning to use a certain tactic. However these mods are practically used in every build. You might not use all of them (they might not all fit) but most of them are used to get past every frame's shortcomings. We might as well throw every other mod out because these ones easily take priority.

    This is why I like the idea of a weapon's/frame's stats being progressive. It means we could throw these required mods out, and players could finally start building with all the other mods.

    I like the thought of Warframe Stas being progressive, but to get the numbers that vitality and redirection offer, the base shield/health would most likely have to start at rank 30 level at unranked (ie. Unranked Excalibur would have 300/300 as opposed to 100/100 at unranked). As for efficiency, as the abilities gain higher ranks, reduce the cost to cast and/or channel them, completely removing the need for an efficiency stat. As for weapons, having weapon damage increase as the weapon gains ranks would seem logical, however, if elemental damage mod are ever removed, then enemy weaknesses/resistances would have to be modified to reflect that (ie. Grineer: puncture and corrosive are their weakest. If elementals are removed, increase damage bonus from puncture damage)

  16. I think the main problem with excavation missions like this is the fact the excavator health DOES NOT SCALE with enemy level. Level 20-25 enemies...500 shield and 2500 health...seriously? Anything else that needs defending (outside of the hostages iirc) scales to the enemy level. I do admit that the enemies on Phobos in general (not just wendell) feel WAY overpowered for their level range, it's just the excavators NEED health scaling in order for higher level excavation missions be even remotely close to doable, with or without a frost.

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