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Posts posted by Sarkkhan

  1. 1. In a previous Dev Stream the guys mentioned adding relics to Eximus drop tables.  Is that still on the table?

    2. Sortie rewards:  How about every sortie rewards Endo plus one of the other rewards.  e.g. 2000 endo (with a chance for 4K) and a guaranteed uncommon reward (with a chance for a rare).  Right now sorties do not feel very rewarding.  We might spend an hour grinding our face up against a level 100 Lephantis w/ obscene armor and only walk away with 2000 endo plus what we picked up in the mission.  That is not respecting our time investment.  Also, please let us melt lenses down into focus.

    3. When we have our melee weapon as the active weapon can we have a snap shot ability that will use our secondary weapon to fire 1 shot at a time.  Basically quick melee in reverse.  For when we are getting down with the brutality of the fragor but there is a sniper across that room that needs to die.

  2. My Tennobaum wish list:  

    Ash Koga Skin Bundle

    Banshee Soprana Skin

    Excal Proto-armor Skin

    Titania Solstice skin

    Scimitar Landing craft

    Xiphos Landing craft

    Xiphos Ifrit skin

    Arklut Kubrow Gene Masing kit

    Nistlebrush Gene masking kit

    Winter kavat Gene masking kit

    Solstice Gene masking kit

    Thanks for looking and I'll put out some eggnog and cookies in case Santa want's to deliver some thing to my Orbiter!

  3. My first Riven was for the Sentinel Laser Rifle and my second was for the Deth Machine Rifle which feels pretty bad.  Suggestion:  use the current reduced Kuva cost to cycle a mod for the current weapon, but allow players to use the old higher cost to get it to roll to a different weapon entirely.  Follow up Suggestion:  Instead of the Riven mods just being a block of stats, what if they were actually new abilities for the weapons.  Something to give them a new niche.  That would really differentiate game play.

  4. As someone who has limited playtime, I really need to maximize efficiency of my relic use.  I just don't have time to grind tons of relics, plus I have average to bad luck in actually getting them (or at least the new ones).  Doing endless missions where it is 1 relic/round is not an attractive option.  There needs to be an incentive other than the void traces that applies in the mission.  That could be multiple rolls from one relic, auto upgrading of a relic as the rounds progress, etc, but there has to be reward commensurate with time investment and enemy difficulty.  The change as proposed is "you "get to" spend more than one relic per mission and that is not appealing.

  5. Universal vacuum should be innate to the Warframes.  Make it a smaller radius if you must, but it should be independent of any companions or sentinels.  I look at it this way:  The enemy was killed, so the loot it dropped was earned.  Making me run over just the right patch of ground to get it if pointless busywork in a fast-paced action game.  Running near it is fine, but the current sytsem when not using a Carrier is more annoying than it needs to be and does not add anything to the game.

    Breaking the precept into 3 different mods is not a quality of life improvement.  It is taking a thing that works well and making it worse.  If you must keep it on sentinels, just make the current mod universal.  That would be an improvement.

    I like the idea for the Carrier though.  It gives you a strategic choice to bring a weapon that isn't ammo efficient because you have a support system for it.

  6. First off DE, thanks for a great game that I've really enjoyed for 1400+ hours.

    I was really excited about the kavats until I actually tried to get one.  The (formerly) terrible drop rate on kubrow eggs was mostly ok because you only needed to find 1 and it was on an easily farmable planet and your enemies didn't destroy the thing you needed before you got to it.  None of those things is true for kavats except the poor drop rate for the needed item.  

    Solutions:  Remove the genetic code requirements from the incubator segment.  Add some other resource that we can get from derelicts instead.  Give it an orokin cell requirement too if you need to.

    Increase the drop rate on the codes or halve the code requirements for breeding.  The goal should appear attainable to the player.  At current drop rates and requirements I'm a month out from seeing my first kavat.  That's the point where I stop bothering with it.

    Plat costs:  Selling the codes individually for the people that just need one or 2 is great!  Not having a bundle where buying all the needed codes to breed is at a discount, not so much.  I've happily paid 10P for a kubrow egg.  I'll never pay 50 for a kavat.  If it were 10P or 20P, yeah.  Not ever at 50P though.

    I hope you have a look at this feedback and seriously consider changes to this content.


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