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Posts posted by HandsomeSorcerer

  1. Multishot is necessary. Serration is, Heavy caliber is.

    THe only sense of progression this game has is mods like serraton.

    The only reason why Split chamber gets nerfed is because its too "rewarding" for little investment.

    Ultimately, when they removed copetering, they made Carpal tunnel worse. At least we can keep pressing the sprint button, as the ridiculous stamina system got removed.

    Same will happen after this.

  2. Since Parkour 2.0 and the fact no one actually used Tonkor to rocket jump from the get-go its time to bring it in line with all the other explosive weapons - specifically Self-Damage.


    Explosive weapons are powerful for a reason.  It's offset with the fact you have to use some finesse to avoid blowing yourself up in the process.  Tonkor omits this balance requirement and is it any real wonder why it's so popular?


    Just run into a pack of enemies press fire, take a grenade to the face, and have the entire lot obliterated.  Fun maybe and imbalanced definitely.


    Yes, its fun to be imba and OP but after awhile it (should) loses it's appeal as you realize there is no skill involved and it's increasingly unsatisfying and bad for the game. 


    Yes, [DE] should take the brunt of the blame for failing to balance this weapon months ago probably when they removed the ability to affect/troll other players.

    I have to say 2 things.

    1. I almost stopped playing WF completely because of uneeded balance changes and hampering the player during the last few months.

    They removed choice/nerfed gmag, removed coptering and nerfed hydroid. Now, it takes more clicks to reach a place than before.

    This forces me to play with fast frames only, witth rush equiped. My fingers hurt otherwise.


    2,Explosive weapons are not "powerful for a reason" in this game. THey are useless for no reason. Tonkor is the only good, end game viable one.

    If they touch it,its back to no useful explosive weapon.


    I sincerely hope DE does not heed the suggestions of the community here. So far, these, nerf threads and subsequent nerfs have damaged the replayability of the game. They are half thought, and with no regard to gameplay or any shred of balance.


    Dont take advice from mobs DE.

  3. Warframe0126.jpg


    OP is rhino user Please ignore and report this thread so it gets closed.




    Chao, The Roaring Lio

    Hahahah. This made me laugh.


    Rihno Prime was my first primed frame.  I mostly play as loki prime now. His invisibilty makes me immune from all the nonsense in this game, moas, hooks,ogris homing nuke missiles etc.

  4. some could actually get a slight buff


    ...but i've not read the whole post, since it started with loki's nerf, i stopped to read

    That explains most of the replies in this thread.

    Loki's disarm is broken. One loki shouldnt be able to neuter an entire room of enemies or neuter them permanently. It makes his CC too good. I would be in favor of removing Switch teleport and add another ability that complements each other aswell.

    Same for Nova's MP

    Slow, extra damage,explostion, massive range.

  5. This is a joke, right? I won't write a long list to say why I disagree with every nerf but the only nerf I would agree on is the bombard homing missiles. It takes someone very special to think the magnus and detron needs to be nerfed.


    I guess things like the boltor prime are fine then? No recoul, huge damage, perfect ammo count very easy to obtain...

    I tried stuff like the vasto. How come the vasto is completely useless but other weapons in the same category completely outperform it?


    Also, the list doesnt have to be completely correct. If there is one or 2 items you disagree with, doesnt mean that the whole list is wrong.


    I put detrons there because Pure radiation damage is broken. All other plasma weapons in the game deal puncutre, so should the detron. Maybe I should have written that instead, my mistake.

  6. Thats why games like Dark Souls, Bloodborne and about a million fighting games heavily rely on invulnerability frames (iframes)


    You sir have no idea about game design or balancing in general.

    Because warframe is a fighting game or even compares to games like Dark Souls or demon souls.


    Invulnerability phases are bad. Its better to have a working mobile shield ability than that. Otherwise, just waltz through stuff. Never avoid anything.

  7. So how exactly are you justifying these reasons? Are you actually going into a 60 minute T4S with crappy weapons and saying "Yup, all the good weapons need to be bad like this too. I want to empty 5 mags into one butcher".


    You mentioned Paris Prime and Dread having "Too much crit chance". THEY ARE BOWS. SINGLE. SHOT. WEAPONS. No one want's to tickle enemies with a blunt arrow head.

    You mentioned all those warframe powers. How are they overpowered? How is Limbo's riftwalk overpowered? Have you even played him?!?


    Honestly this thread belongs in the bin. It's terrible in nearly every way.

    Paris prime or Dread shouldnt be able to one shot enemies, especially when they reach level 50. The enemy scaling in the game is not a base on the balance, but the maximum level you can fight in the start map or even raids. Dread and Paris P trivialize all single shot weapons, like bows. PPrime and Dread are fast firing bows. How can they both fire faster and one S#&$ kill stuff but the Daikyu cant? Is this balanced? No.

     Instead of buffing all the other weapons,  maybe these two need to be reworked.

    As for limbo. Rift walk makes you immune to enemies. It should instead only decrease damage, say 80%. There shouldnt be any invulnerability phases in any game for the player or enemies.




    Despair has too much damage?  You probably dont even own a pair if thats your comment


    It has low crit chance and status chance,but its damage is high. It needs a rework. Because its either too good in low levels or too weak later on. This is true because its a stalker weapon.


    This is what everyone else is thinking. His justification of 'OP' is terrible beyond words. He must play in Earth missions all the time.

    Explain why. Don throw off temper tantrums.

  8. That has nothing to do with the fact that you've listed all this stuff with zero reasoning at all. It's terrible feedback and shouldn't even be classed as feedback.

    zero feedback? What?

    Have you read what I wrote beside on most of the items in the list?


    Take for example the Tonkor. Its broken because its crit chance or crit damge allow it to do way to much damage.

    uh not seeing it no disclaimer words there.



    Chao, The Roaring Lion Warlord of Shadow Lords



    In order for WF to be balanced, these things need to be looked at. If someone advocates to nerf one of such thing, it is only a bandaid fix, it doesnt address the core problems of the game.

    If anything need to be added, post down below.


    Either everything needs to be reworked or nothing. There is no middle ground here. There are many broken items in the game and nerfing one of them isnt going to adress the vast majority.

  9. Lets start:



    Loki disarm. Irrad disarm

    Nova Molecular Prime

    Frost Globe

    Mesa Peacemaker

    Valkyr Hysteria

    Saryn Masma

    Limbo Riftwalk

    Hydroid tentacle spam

    Excalibur new 4th


    Weapons Primary:

    Braton Prime Damage

    Amprex Damage. Chain fire is broken and too OP

    Boltor Prime damage and recoil

    Dread critchance

    Paris prime critchance

    Torid ammo count

    Opticor Ammo count

    Tonkor Crit chance and ammo count

    Phage damage

    Quanta/quanta vandal altfire too much damage

    Synapse single fire damage

    Soma and soma prime crit damage or base damage


    Weapons Secondary

    Synoid gammacor (Still too op), needs damage nerf.

    Marelok or vaykor marelok. Too much damage

    Rakta balistica Damage too high

    Brakk too much damage,rate of fire too high

    Detron or mara detron Radiation damge should be switched to puncture, because all plasma weapons deal puncutre damage.

    Magnus or Akmagnus, too much critchance.

    Furis alfuris or dex furis, too much fire-rate. Damage is fine

    Atomos. Broken like the amprex. Chain fire is too OP

    AkJagara. Damage too high

    Aksomati They were fine, DE buffed it too much. Nerf reload rate back to what it was.

    Hikou or Hikou Prime or Despair Too much damage.


    Melee weapons

    Most have too much damage

    Notable examples:


    Scindo prime or scindo


    Bo or Bo Prime

    Tipedo Too good as copetring

    Dakra Prime

    Jat Kittag



    Carriers vacuum is too good. Needs to be reworked or removed.



    They outclass sentinels. They need to be nerfed, especially the mods.



    Ancient Hooks

    Bombards Homing missiles

    Nullifiers Shields/bubble should go down much easier, especially with hard hitting guns.Spawn rate needs nerfing

    Mutalist moa jumping

    Manic erratic teleporting too offten

    ancients debuff auroas. All of them.

    Hellions Too much damage

    Gunner,bombard mandatory close range AOE needs to be reworked.






    In order for WF to be balanced, these things need to be looked at. If someone advocates to nerf one of such thing, it is only a bandaid fix, it doesnt address the core problems of the game.

    If anything need to be added, post down below.


    Either everything needs to be reworked or nothing. There is no middle ground here.

  10. Ahem, this is said in a degrading and annoying voice.

    "Plz, DE, plz. NURF something beck to bjing yuseles. Mai senze of Manlihud  thratened!"

    Meh, whatever, I stopped giving my 2 cents a long while back.

  11. I was thinking something like that too. Though I will add:

    * Cannot receive energy while #4 is active, except by picking up energy orbs


    Otherwise people are just going to abuse restore pads and trinity and stuff, and nothing will change vis a vis infinite energy wave spam.




    Nope. My motivation is that I don't want to see players breaking the game to the point that it stops being a game.


    The game is already broken, with things like Novas MP, Loki Disarm or other exploits. Excal is a damage frame. He is already useless in the end game.

  12. This community never ceases to amaze me. If more threads were made about fixing broken things, this game would be more fun.

    Why are weapons like the Glaxion or Ignis so bad?

    Why are frames like ember useless? Why does Frost have like 1 good ability?

    Why are some enemies so annoying?(That latest patch seems to have alleviated some of that)

    Why arent there more game mods? How about a boss horde mode? (Phorid, Harvester etc all spawn and attack)

    How about a mode where you are given a random weapon every few minutes?

    How about a tactical mode when enemies can one shot you, no cloaking allowed, and you are tasked at killing them or aggroing them, while your team mate takes the flag or uses an explosive weapon to kill them?


    This game needs more things to do, more buffs and less nerfing to the point of uselessness. Excal is good now. If you dont like him, go play ember or another bad frame and come here and ask for buffs.

  13. I really don't get DE.


    Nobody does.Legends say that 4 sages  perfomred a blood ritual to find out why DE behaves in this way. What they found was madness.

    It is said that those sages were never seeen again.


    One can only assume that DE works in mysterious ways and those who attempt to question them or understand them, have seen a fate far worse than death.


    Be scared. Be very very scared.

  14. Hello, I recently started playing Warframe about a month ago now. I've been playing quite a bit as it's proven quite an addicting break from other games. I am MR6 almost to MR7. As most people probably know the progression slows down @ MR6.


    The last void trader for PC was at Orcus, and I thought well shrug, I'll just get the next one, no huge deal if I miss out on these. Now, two weeks later I'm not yet to MR8, and I miss out on yet another. Maybe I should have devoted every free moment to grinding to be closer. But is there any reason to consistently exclude newer players from the cool void trader items who have otherwise put the time in for the prime parts for ducats and credits to buy the items?


    Dont worry, you are not missing much this time.

  15. Few weapons in this game that even resemble fire arms in their function and looks.


    Vasto, Lex, Braton. Karak etc.


    I wish they did more realistic designs on guns. I dont have a problem on what they fire though.

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