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Posts posted by Viper1991

  1. Wut? Rhino , frost , hydroid not good enough for you? They are all biggish burly frames. Unless you mean they need to be round bellied and well thats up to the Dev's art direction and not your or any body elses views, Hell we dont even have a white guy frame not a black guy frame I dont see the point of all this....

  2. Cant do anything about 2 since there is no way to measure ranking/mmr or performance at all. They just need to add a surrender option so teams that are getting curbstomped can just quit.  

    They should not start the match with unbalanced teams though , and If a player leaves the team then pause the game until a new player joins. 

  3. They're now owned by a Chinese company, get used to it.


    Also there will likely be no "Alien" or "Undead" frames added in the future since those aren't allowed in China.


    We will get the frame as is. Stuff like nekros will be specifically changed for china build. We could get more undead / alien frames but chinese would probably get a a reskinned version of that with I guess.

  4. 1 forma build


    Try using some explosive weapons. I am using a hikou prime with concealed explosives and boy is it fun. Viral procs everywhere.

    I will admit she is a bit squishy now. DE probably should give molt the frost treatment so that it can actually act as decoy now.

    consistent 8 waves on draco with highest damage going to me. No deaths at all.

    She does struggle a bit against T4 gunners and bombards esp once they cross the lvl 50 + mark.

    Also went on 2.5k triton run no problems what so ever. Slight fall off towards the end. Concealed explosives Hikou P is able to butcher Nullifier shields.

    Suggest getting your hands on an Ignis or sonicor. Normal weapons do fine as well since spores spread on the targets death but for that you will probably need to chuck the intensify and put overextended I guess and I am not too happy with dropping strength as that makes molt even more useless so thats why i suggest concealed explosives hikou p or ignis or sonicor.


    I found this build to work fairly well for me currently. It has decent duration for what it is, spores, molt, and toxic lash last a decent amount of time. The spores have good range to spread with the range set as is to keep spreading. Especially on infested, it tends to get out of hand quickly. Until primed streamline comes along I don't think I can really push for a better build without formaing multiple frames to rank up other mods.

    Yeah primed streamline was put in just to troll the data miners. Dont think its happening.
  5. Your proposed changes shift her even harder into the Solo player only category.


    Right now she is good for survivals since it there is a endless supply of enemies.


    Hysteria is her only damage ability , just imagine going into a survival mission with random's and suddenly everyone is running everywhere and @(*()$ up the spawns. Your changes would screw her over that way if it happens that you get a not so competent(Or Caring ) Team ,  forcing Valkyr players to play solo even more. 


    War-cry is a good buff ability for very few frames in the game , namely high armour frames or trinity or excalibur since it would buff his ultimate as well,  that can afford to get up close and personal for a melee. You don't go up close and personal with a nova,nyx,vauban etc etc. 


    The whole point of Valkyr in a team setting is basically reviving and drawing aggro since she can get into the enemies faces and basically pose herself as a target faster than the enemy can lock onto your allies. At 40+ mins in a T4 going out of hysteria to revive an ally and basically be static for upto 5 seconds can be a dicey issue. Loki with his invisibility provides more use here for reviving here, so does excalibur, so does mirage, Nyx , nova , Trinity , Rhino,Mesa, Vauban, Frost,  Chroma etc. They all have decent CC or damage reduction to be able to revive teammates as long as energy is not an issue.   Taking away that ruins most reasons people pick her for teams.

  6. Well of life:Used with energy vampire can kill almost anything in the game regardless of level. Exceptions include bosses, juggernauts, manics, nullifiers and things like that


    Energy vampire:Supplies entire team(Including herself making her entire kit infinitely sustainable as long as there are enemies) with infinite energy. Single target CC. Armor ignoring damage. With mods can overshield team. 


    Link:75% damage reduction(Equal to about 900 armor), CC invulnerability, Reflects damage.


    Blessing: up to 99% damage reduction for the entire team. Heals entire team/companions and fully restores shields. 


    So we have 


    Infinite energy for entire team

    Autokill nearly anything in the game regardless of level

    immune to CC

    Nearly immune to damage

    Makes entire team nearly immune to damage


    Now. If we are going to talk about nerfing something that breaks the game...Let's start with trinity. 

    Like other people have said 1-2 combo works only on a negative duration build and casting 1 and 2 freezes you in one spot for a second or so. A lvl 80 mob will one shot you since link and blessing last for about 2-3 seconds 


    Her Tank build is basically a high duration build and that gimps her WoL. Ev target now needs to be killed to get any energy  back otherwise it will take around a minute to gain the energy. 


    Her Damage build leaves her extremely fragile , Her survival build means she cant do the 1-2 combo . Fair trade off in my opinion. 

  7. Vlakyr could stay on t4 longer than any1 even before this buff in WarCry build. ur arguments about it are @(*()$ invalid


    P.S. for those who say that game shouldnt be balanced around endless missions - show me a single mob that can oneshot Rhino through Iron Skin, op af isnt it?

    Plenty of mobs can one tear through iron skin. Get to a  high enough level and then see.

  8. Shes OP, too much damage+perma invulnerable. Only 2 of 4 fraction can do something against her-corpus with new unit and again corpus+orokin due to nullifiers. Grineer and infested cannot do a S#&$ to her, this is not ok. Ether drastically decrease damage or remove invincibility while adding some damage reduction

    Grineer manics? they exist you know? Infested just shove and army of ancient healers but yes they really dont have a way of dealing with valkyr properly. 

    So you compare frame that have 65 armor and frame that can achieve 1530 armor with only armor mods +50% armor from warcry and all of this without any strength mods. So ya, 95% damage reduction gonna perform on valkyr much better then on mesa, like ALOT, don't even try to compare them in damage reduction terms

    Go take a Chroma and try. Same result more or less. He just tanks slightly more damage before kicking the bucket. 

  9. People keep complaining about enemy scaling and how anything past 40 minutes becomes ridiculously hard to kill and also hits like a freight truck. Oh look valkyr can actually work through that S#&$ with her kit NERF! .   All she is in a team setting is basically  a revive bot frame. She cant clear rooms in the press of a button , she  can  disable the enemy but honestly its inferior to nearly every other disable in the game. Her 1 is basically a get over here button. Warcry along with its augment is probably the only thing that make melee weapons fun and usable in this game. She is only good at 1 thing and that is tanking a S#&$ ton of damage and being able to get into the enemies faces while doing so. 


    Lets look at the other tanks -> closest contender is probably Chroma and even with him past the 40-60 min mark still cant take all the damage lvl 100+ enemies can dish out. Rhino? HAH!. Atlas ? still nope.


    Trinity?  99% damage red< invincibility but then again she has a whole host of other useful abilities to complement her kit 


    All the other tanks have a host of other abilities to complement their kit.


    Chorma has Vex armour which can give him huge amounts of armour and also damage it ,  Elemntal ward is a handy team buff , effigy has a radial stun . I know his builds can be a bit wonky but he brings a lot with his kit.


    Trinity : Do I need to speak more about this? 1 is a decent heal , 2 is the much sought after energy and also over shields with the augment , 3 is a decent tank spell, 4 is her global heal plus damage reduction.


    Rhino ; Yes his iron skin is crap but he brings a really good AOE stun with he stomp , He brings a really good weapon damage buff with his Roar. He aint useless plus i guess they will fix his damn iron skin when his premium skin releases. 


    Atlas : I havent made my mind about since yes admittedly  he had some scaling issues and I have not tried him yet. Dont really think he is a true tank though. 


    What does valkyr bring in this situation? warcry increases melee atk speed and armour. Most squishy frames have S#&amp;&#036; armour so that buff is useless.


    OH but invincibility plus the claws can actually do damage now? Really? She is literally the only thing that can take a lvl 100+ bombard rocket to the face and not be fazed by it.  Even a 99% blesssing trinity cant take a lvl 100+ bombard rocket to the face. 


    Hysteria is still wonky the hitboxes are still weird and good luck hitting anything while you are going up/down stairways. and also good luck killing ospresys/ drones. Yes I am aware of primed reach but it still is not effective if the osprey is high enough.


    But she can pop nullifiers shields now with a primed reach hysteria? Good luck killing that nullifier when there is a damn ancient sitting right next to it. And even a lvl 100+ nullifer can tank a few hits all it takes is his bubble to regen and then you are chucked out of hysteria and 7.5% of all that damage you accumulated from tanking lvl 100+ enemies gets sent back into your face. Nope.


    Nullifiers exist ,  Combas/scrambus exist( F*** these guys), Manics exist. Infested have their huge armies of healing ancients and also a lucky disruptor ancient proc magnetic damage on you? bye bye energy.  The problem with this game is the enemy scaling and abilities that can strip you of your powers.  Valkyrs 1  and only role is to tank damage and get in the enemys face while doing so and thereby drawing aggro and she does that job bloody damn well.


    This is a PvE game there is no such thing as OP , Just unfun.


    Mesa was unfun because she could clear the entire wave before anyone could fire a shot.


    Mag was murdered ( And I disagree with the nerf to greedy pull) only because she was able to feed mesa with energy.  Pull was nerfed again because someone found an exploit on corpus tiles to afk farm. 


    Does valkyr do any of that?  Does she insta kill enetire waves of enemies? Nope. Probably kill faster with guns in an case


    Does she encourage AFK farming? Nope 


    Does she provide too much utility to the team while still being the best tank in the game? Nope


    Please Lets just discuss these issues. Because  honestly in my opinion she is fine. Maybe the damage numbers on hysteria could be reworked but I think she is fine.


    In a competent team setting she is nothing but dead weight since no one goes down very often or at all if players know what they are doing. The best thing she can do is draw aggro and that means tanking a whole lot of damage. Which other frame can tank like her? No one can. Enemy scaling is just  too messed up to actually have tanks that function on a non invincibility mechanic. Chroma/Trinity can tank like her but they bring other things to the table. All Valkyr has is her invincibility and her war cry in a team setting. 

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