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Posts posted by Viper1991

  1. So Basically change peacemaker into exalted pistols? I like that Idea. 


    If I might add give mesa's new exalted pistols a combo counter. Every successful hit/crit/kill ( choose one ) gives a ever slightly increasing damage on her next shot and a shot that does not contact with an enemy will reset the counter. This could really reward high skill gun play as it rewards excellent accuracy. Poor accuracy should still result in good amount of damage but for people who have great accuracy and the fact that you are able to keep hitting targets in the heat of a fire-fight should really reward the player and also open up an alternative for a basically damage frame to stay relevant in a hour long survival.  


    I just wish we could control the transfer of shooting gallery and not it just jumping about randomly. Say I have a valkyr in the group. It would make sense for it to give her the shooting gallery as she has the best chance of stunning the most amount of enemies due most valkyr's being melee based. 

  2.  No heavy units are spawning in the void only the cannon fodder. I can confirm this as well since no gunner or ancient spawned in 3 T2 survival runs each of 25 mins length. Did a T3 survival for 25 mins again and again 0 heavy units only cannon fodder. 

    Did corpus survival on pluto and jupiter and no normal crewmen or prod crewmen , no nullifer , only the normal moa will spawn and only detron crewmen spawned. Modualr corpus spawned normally. This is all across multiple runs.

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