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Posts posted by Wakaace

  1. I'm not against wierd looks, we still have plenty of those, but this is just Bleh. The glass parts don't fit overall design of the character, the character is uninterestingly designed overall, and the helmet is absolute trash. Hopefully her utility will save her,cause as of now, I won't be going anywhere near her. Maybe for MR fodder.

  2. This topic has been brought to you by Space Sharks Incorporated.

    Your finest meme creators.


    Jokes aside, It definetly doesn't look up to the standart. The bland colours can be saved by good old fashion frame, but on it's own it looks dull and without a theme. It's supposed to be a glass frame, but it certainly doesn't look like it. It doesn't look like anything.

  3. Maybe even implement AR projection (ammo, etc.), that could look nice. Or a collimator sight like effect, IE the crosshair would project itself on the enviroment... Or just few different croshairs would be cool. I'd kill for a simple dot croshair.

  4. Well, if I'll ignore the horrendeus spelling.


    Stalker was a lower guardian of the Orokin empire, which means most likely not a tenno. With implications from the silver grove, It's very likely that stalker used transference, to have a chance against the tenno, but suffered greatly. Transference for non-tenno is incredibly dangerous, and often leads to madness. The user might loose their mind, or experience full immersion in the lucid dream, afterwards their broken mind might be forever transfered to the surrogate...

    If we take this part of lore into consideration... It's rather possible that Stalker's original body is long dead, and the remnant of his mind lives on in the warframe...


    Also.... WHAT ?!

  5. 14 minutes ago, AluxVee said:

    No disrespect but what does the emblem represent?

    As you might have noticed, most emblems don't have a point, or anything to represent. This is just a doodle, I made. I liked it, and wanted some input.

  6. So, I realised my old clan logo is S#&$e... Well, more like I am a moron for not using a vector software.

    So I sat on my trusty chair, and created something... I made multiple versions... Each with it's own COLOURS.










    I would like if you could write me some constructive criticism, or what not. :3

  7. Oh boy, let's throw out the only thing that gives rivens atleast a bit of balance...

    I agree on the grind part...

    But seriously Rivens already throw the tad bit of balance we have out of the window... You want it to be shot in to the atmosphere...

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