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Posts posted by ethics

  1. You will get new content and you will complete it and desire more. it is an endless cycle in every single game with the same or similar systems. 


    This is because the time for development/deployment is always far in excess of the time required to 'complete' said content (whatever way in which it is measured) by the players. Especially those who thrive on rushing through it to the end as quickly as possible.


    I am hoping more for fundamental changes such as mission types, tilesets, weapon/frame re-balances than i am for new weapons or frames. these feel like a bandaid being applied to a severed limb imo, which whilst i understand is a necessity in the short term must also be followed up by larger, mroe fundamental changes (which also seems like the approach DE are taking, thankfully).


    The above are my desires, obviously we are all different though.

  2. Well, keep in mind Warframe isn't as a polished game as the Killzone series are, we may get a future remodel of Grineer technology or Lore. The game is still in "Beta".


    Although this is slightly likely.


    I didn't even know what Helghast were until i got to this post. I thought it was some new faction announcement i wasn't aware of.


    That being said i can't imagine how the Grineer have managed to claim such a large portion of universal dominance since they are so weak. I'm pretty sure my nan could batter them and she is six feet under.

  3. I would like combos, either randomly done with a series of the same key, or made up of conscious decisions using direction + key.


    I love the Dakra prime and a lot of other melee weapons but the same swings over and over and over again is so dull.

  4. Welcome to Ethics rare antiquties.


    I have a number of rare mods that are surplus to my psychotic genocidal tendencies and so would like to offer them at competitive prices to my fellow Tenno. Please PM/message me in game with what you would like and what you want to pay (or trade). I can do deals on more than 1 mod per transaction.


    I am SELLING the following:


    Fired Up

    Firestorm - Sold



    Split Chamber

    Spoiled Strike

    Hammershot - Sold

    Vigor - Sold




    Sundering Strike

    Tainted Clip


    I am BUYING the following

    Fleeting Expertise


    Thanks for looking


    - Ethics

  5. I usually only remember the 3 physical types. This initially tells me a) what enemy it is suited for and b) if it has a place in my armoury. After that i play with mods and use the references other gave.


    I really don't see how it is a lot of effort and to be honest i'm quite thankful having this to do whilst more content becomes available.

  6. I would disagree. Although i think your idea is sound and i definitely see why.


    In my opinion it's fine how it is. I love the void because it makes me think about my loadouts (i.e not just damage type x smashes enemy type b. Also different weapons, procs, ammo consumption etc.)


    I've been running a lot of T3 voids recently and settled on a Braton Prime with corrosion and max damage for grineer grunts and heavies (well anything without shields really) and the Bronko prime for secondary for impact against corpus (ancient infested are much rarer enemy types there and the braton is fine for them too).


    I've had to play around with my loadout to get something i can effectively solo and i enjoy this part of the game. Having a damage type that is + against them all would dull the experience for me.

  7. I would like a cover system. I don't think it will detract from the speed of the game. Those who wish to go fully offensive still can and those who wish to make use of the cover can.


    I really can't see your dream of using it to stealth past enemies working though, i think it would require a huge rewrite to the fundamentals of the enemy AI and that seems counter productive to developing the rest of the game.


    Maybe when they improve stealth though.

  8. I think it would be really cool to mix weapons however your ideas don't really make much sense.


    Shared mods? i can understand sharing them between all weapons of a particular type as you only equip one at a time so this is just convenience for the player, but to share them between the same equipped ones is odd. It would essentially be the same as the sentinel/player weapons.


    Only applicable to revolvers? for what reason beyond those are the ones you like.

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