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Posts posted by Necromanrius

  1. So, I was just having fun today with Valkyr and Jat Kittag (as usual), and the animation got me wondering. Until Berserker trigger or I use Warcry, it's pretty slow. Yet we see our Frames throw kunais hard enough to pin grineer to the walls, and lift and throw regular troops with ease.

    I estimate a Grineer Lancer to weight in the hundreds of kilos, though I can 't say how accurate I am. I also think lighter warframes can probably reach 100Kg as well...

    So, how heavy would the Jat Kittag be, and depending on this, how heavy are Tenno weapons? Like, do they have super strength and so their weapons would be too heavy/have too much recoil for a normal human to wield?

    What are your thoughts on this?

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