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Posts posted by Dawnway

  1. 4 hours ago, KyserbrigX said:

    Guys hope this helps. The revenant quest will not push forward after the first encounter in the lake (where nakak suggests you talk to knozu) untill you get at least 1 part of revenant aquired from the bounty, built and collected from foundry.

    Thats how the story will progress...

    No point going back to plains with the mask on if you still have not made a new revenant part. Each unique revenant part collected from foundry triggers the quest progression on the plains.

    Its the Only time nakak will talk to you again about revenant as you enter on the plains with the mask on.

    Best way to go about it i guess is to collect and build all the parts first before going back to the plains.(this is what i did and was able to complete the revenant quest. Buying the revenant from the market will also push the quest progression as if you built the parts already. Btw i did NOT buy the revenant warframe from the market, a clan mate did for testing purposes)

    Note: the revenant main blue print will be the LAST bp you will get in this quest. Dont get confused by trying to get the main blue print first hoping the quest will proceed with out the building neuroptics,systems and chassis first.(or buying revenant from the market first)


    I really hope this helps.


    this works for me thanks

  2. A bug I encountered,

    1. talked to nakak

    2. buy mask

    3. equip mask

    4. go to plains

    5. found white circle in middle of lake

    6. white circle stays in the same spot.

    7. found an interaction on the edge of the lake by chance while circling the lake, nakak says to take a closer look

    8. activated first interaction, lots of nakak dialogue. Nakak suggested talking to konzu

    9. returned to cetus via gate, konzu does not have anything to say.

    10. returned to plains. the white circle and the interaction i found was gone


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