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Posts posted by (PSN)bolding1

  1. 4 minutes ago, GorgontheMorgon said:

    I did farm vauban and regualr vauban. It took too long for both because alerts were barely showing up and prime has extremely low drop rates unless you convert to radiant. Atleast the regular vauban was easier to build. I still dont have enough oxium and getting to 20 nitain still takes a while waiting 

    I suppose that could be DE's way of balancing the farm for the two, but I still believe that the Prime variant is even slightly easier to obtain, and that's neglecting simply trading the parts.

  2. I'm sure this topic has been touched on before, but after experiencing the farm for myself, I can safely say that Vauban Prime is obtainable with more ease than the normal variant (through farming, of course). Quite a few players do not have the time and availability to complete every alert that comes up at all hours, making it extremely difficult to obtain all of Vauban's parts with their alerts as randomized as they are at present. This is not a knock against DE, as Vauban's placement as an 'alert frame' on the star chart is sound in some respects, but the introduction of his Prime has made it more effective to just skip the normal variant in favor of the formerly mentioned one for newer players. Could his alert schedule, as such, become more predictable in the future, not unlike Nitain's predictability? Or perhaps have his parts added to a similar reward table that will make it easier for players to see and take part in when they do indeed appear, like invasions?

    Secondly, I love the addition of the dark split-sword into the game and cannot wait for further additions of similar weapons with two styles of play to them. I was curious if there could be a secondary mechanic for melee implemented for such weapons that would allow us to switch styles mid-battle? I know there's the hassle of adding an additional animation for splitting/rejoining the weapon, but it would make ease of using said weapons to their fullest much friendlier and enjoyable.

    Lastly, has there been any progress on the rough design for the Zephyr deluxe skin that was showcased a few dev streams back? The suspense is killer! lol

  3. They should probably do a drop similar to Stalker's Dread (Not Hate and DEFINITELY not Despair) or Zanuka's Detron. You basically get a 50-50 shot of getting those when they show, 100% in case of the Detron parts. Rare enemies like that that are hard to come by frequently enough to farm need a higher chance. I get that they're special, and you have to work for them, but if you grind for months without any results, it gets waaaaaay too bothersome and just adds to player burnout. This includes myself, and I'm not just talking Final Harbinger. I've farmed the Stalker off and on for over a year with no luck on Despair, maybe twice on Hate. At least with the stances on those enemies, you have the option to trade, but I digress. It just reinforces the fact that the drop rate for items can't be a set medium across all enemies.

  4. It's tied very heavily to existing myths and gods, but what with the Wu Kong frame being a reality, I don't see why not.

    Upvoted. Very decent theme, abilities, and look.

    Thanks very much. I honestly didn't know that Wu Kong was going to be in the game until recently, but I saw so much influence by myths and legends ancient or otherwise tied into so many of the other frames, weapons, and even locations, I thought it appropriate. Anyways, thank you for your support.

  5. Thanks for the feedback thus far. As I said, I'm still toying around with the initial concepts, and I do agree that in hindsight the 2nd ability is very similar to Ash's. I'll probably revise it to go along with the source material for which the ability got its namesake. 'Shadow Demon' is an English translation for the Japanese 'Kageoni'. I'm curious how many will get the reference.

    Anyway, I'll probably add in an ending strike to the move, most-likely amounting to the damage of a finisher. Either that, or I could make it either simple teleportation or perhaps just becoming the shadow on the ground for invulnerability at the cost of energy consumption, similar to say Hydroid's 3rd, just with no offensive capability and without sacrificing mobility. I suppose that would put it as the middle ground between Hyrdoid and the likes of Loki or Ash.

    And thanks Burntoutt, I tried to remain within reason as much as possible for the game as it stands. I took into consideration warframe abilities with similar power constraints and tried to find a happy medium that seemed appropriate. I'm glad to see it turned out well.

    (And sorry for not quoting to make it easier. I've got my js turned off so I don't have the hassle of dealing with the code every time I load a page to send a reply or what have you. Not sure I could do it to begin with considering the screwy state of the forum right now.)

  6. Will we be seeing an expansion on the Stalker or any of the other hunters? Like, Zanuka Hunter already has an end result mission, i.e., after you're captured, so it would be cool to see the other hunters more fleshed out. Maybe even a quest for the Stalker? Considering that the lore of the old war is expanding with the Sentients on the rise, I believe he would deserve a bit more attention as (most likely) the last survivor of the Orokin after the Tenno rebellion led by the Lotus.

    Also, are the hunter weapons (Dread, Despair, Detron, etc) ever going to be classified as special weapons? It's so hit-and-miss as far as getting the hunters to show and getting the weapons after, so the weapons have a certain amount of rarity to them. It would ease the ire of a lot of us who've been farming for over a year without payoff to have more options than continue grinding fruitlessly or shell out 800 plat only to get the one or two weapons you're missing.

  7. (Keep in mind all this is concept work, i.e., not set in stone. Any feedback is welcome.)


    - Animation Sets -


    - Possible Origins -

    In the furthest, darkest regions of the Origin System, well beyond the bounds of Pluto and Eris, even stretching beyond the limits of Sedna, lies a field of ice and rock, desolate and lifeless. The Oort Cloud. This was not always the case. At one time in ancient history, this area was rich for mining, and hence, the Orokin reached out to this field of comets and asteroids for resources. With the emergence of the Sentients, it became the first line of defense. All that remains are shattered hulks of Orokin metal and long dead sentries. Until now.

    With the Grineer fast advancing thanks in part to Tyl Regor's research, the Corpus are becoming desperate. In a bid to surpass their enemies, they have delved deep into the darkest space of the system, reaching out to the Oort Cloud to find these abundant resources, these powerful minerals that could completely change everything, advance their technology beyond their wildest dreams. There is a price for their greed, however...

    Chroma was not the only warframe being controlled by an unseen force. With the demise of the Orokin and the abandonment of these dark outposts, a select Tenno was left behind, deep in cryo and beyond the reaches of light. The Corpus have awoken one of the forgotten Sentients imprisoned in this dark corner of the system, and in a bid to free itself, it takes in-hand a weapon of blinding power and fear, one that harnesses this darkness abound. Erebos has been activated. With his frame mindlessly bringing havoc to all who pass into this realm of shadow, do we have any chance to save our Tenno brother from the clutches that hold him?

    - Stats -

    • Health: 150 (450 max)
    • Shields: 75 (225 max)
    • Armor: 85
    • Energy: 150 (225 max)
    • Sprint: 1.1

    (My idea in the overall stats was to reflect the fact that he's not supposed to be too up-close, more of a caster than a head-on fighter. He's more durable than lightweights like Nekros, but much less so than tanks such as Rhino or Chroma. I would put him more on say Zephyr's level. Not quite as resistant, but close, barring the use of Turbulence.)

    - Abilities -

    (Powers are based around darkness and shadow, using effects like blindness, fear, and gravity. The names are not just to look cool, each accurately representing the powers and hinting at their usage.)

    1st: Binding - Erebos manipulates the target's shadow, tendrils shooting up from within it to bind and crush the enemy. If the target survives, the binds trap them in place for a set duration.

    Damage: 150 / 225 / 300 / 375 (Possibly radiation in keeping with the Dark Sword/Dagger, or slash)

    Duration: 5 / 7 / 12 / 15 s


    2nd: Shadow Demon - When activated, Erebos will fade into his own shadow, able to move along the floor freely without fear of damage at the cost of energy. Merely a defensive/stealth ability, Erebos can only resume the offensive once reformed into his solid state of being. The ability deactivates on toggle or when energy reaches zero.

    Energy Drain: 8 / 5 / 3 / 2 ps


    3rd: Cover of Night - Erebos covers the surrounding area in shadow, blinding enemies within and causing them to panic. Targets will still hear movements and gunfire, attacking blindly in the general area.

    Duration: 15 / 18 / 22 / 25 s


    4th: Penance Force - Erebos forces his shadow to spread across the ground in all directions, forming a blackened circle. Enemies within the circle are stilled until the attack initiates, the weight of the darkness crushing them. Survivors are staggered and slowed for a duration as the gravitational force gradually returns to normal.

    Damage: 150 / 300 / 500 / 800 (Again, possibly radiation.)

    Initial Slowing: 70% / 80% / 90% / 99% (Reduces to normal over the duration)

    Duration: 7 / 12 / 17 / 22 s

    Range: 10 / 13 / 17 / 20 m


    (I looked at other frame's power stats to get a good idea on how to base them for a start. As for the abilities themselves, I tried to be original while still remaining in the realm of possibility for the game.)

    -Alternate Helms (Early Concepts)-


    - Inspirations -




    Erebos, or Erebus, was the Greek God of darkness/shadow or night. There are no known clear descriptions of his appearance in mythology, but the name is often used to describe the place in the underworld the departed would go immediately after their demise, sometimes synonymous with Tartarus. As such, the warframe's appearance takes inspiration from Lupine figures in representation of another god acting as a pseudo gateway to the afterlife, the Egyptian God Anubis, God of death and the deity responsible for weighing souls to determine their worth and, in effect, whether they were allowed into the afterlife.

    Erebos' body takes form language from wolves, the more slender form of a jackal chosen as a more accurate representation of Anubis. As for the wardrobe, a mixture of Greek and Egyptian elements is used to convey a touch of both Gods. Also included is a simple aura to give a good idea what the powers would look like interacting with chosen energy color, in this case violet.

  8. The animation was done in SFM a FREE software for anyone who wants to use it and supports loads of FREE resources.


    There are TONS of free options for aspiring artists too. GIMP is the first one that comes to mind, but I know for a fact there are dozens of options besides Photoshop that anyone with an artist's hand can utilize to nearly the same level of quality as Photoshop.


    For audio, there are similarly multiple options, and for video editing the same.


    Sure, many people use the premium tools for these contests but that's because they are premium for a reason after all, their power is worth the price. However, to say that those who don't have access to these price barrier tools are locked out of the competition is incredibly unfair. The resources for 0 cost projects exist for those who look hard enough.

    I'm not saying that there aren't more options out there to get the job done. I use GIMP myself at the moment, because CC just became too expensive. I even used Audacity for the audio in my submission. And yes, I know there are free animators out there, but again it comes down to resources. Even those come with a heavy cost in usage if not price. My laptop can't handle SFM for more than a few minutes at a time without overheating.

    I'm not trying to make excuses for my work. I used some free alternatives to put my submission together. I'm just pointing out those that weren't as high quality deserved a little more recognition, ones that were cool in their own right. Is that so wrong of me?

  9. From what I've seen, I'm not the only one that thinks this. This whole contest seems a little biased to me. Sure, at a glance, the 'top 6' are cool to look at/watch and are well done, but it kind of neglects the people that don't have the resources to compete at that level. Case in point, one entry for the Stalker I saw that was obviously made in Windows Movie Maker or some other free software had loads of potential. Was it high-res? No, but it was creative in tone and concept.

    It's hard to judge creativity based on quality alone, because people like that don't have the resources to make a well-polished masterpiece. They entered with the best they could do given their available resources. Not all of us have Photoshop or Illustrator or Premiere Pro or fancy 3D modeling software for animation. I've already seen one comment on that person's entry for the Stalker that thought it deserving enough. 

    Bottom line is I'm thinking DE is going to catch a lot of flack for this. Most of them will probably be sore losers, sure, but in some ways, they have a right to be a little steamed. My entry didn't win, sure, and I'm obviously bummed about that, but I'm more aggravated that it appears people without better resources weren't given a chance at all. That's just my impression, and I do hope I'm wrong about that, but 'more creativity' and 'more quality' are not the same thing.

  10. I urge you all to vote for ????



    We have clearly made pg. 30 Pg 23 (seems a purging of posts has occured) the SFM entries page.

    I guess we all must have been working hard through the weekend to get stuff done.

    However I am aware some of these jokes are a little niche, so if you don’t understand my madness please look in the spoiler below.

    It may be true that


    But here goes


    Ceiling mounted strike Cannon

    So if you visit the Steel Meridian room on any relay you might thing this is a nice peaceful place. However have you checked out the ceiling?


    Ceiling mounted strike cannon!



    Release the gorgon


    The humble gorgon is, in my honest opinion, one of the most iconic warframe weapons. I noticed it the first time I saw a mob with it and soon learned to fear the wrath of the heavy gunner. However the weapon was removed by DE from the market along with the boar, ether daggers and the machete. Why this happened I don’t exactly know (and I was there at the time) as a lot of new weapons took their place.

    However the gorgon has some die-hard fans out there  and has had two variants since (wraith and prisma) however the poor base gun that puts fear into long void survivals is still hidden away and unloved.


    Industrial pipe based Dress wear

    Ok now I love the art team’s work at DE. So please don’t think I am making fun of their lovely work. I have every syandana and think they are great.

    The steel meridian Syandana though is it a bit like a box with some industrial tubing hanging of the sides. Which is totally the Grineer aesthetic.


    However since then we had other competitors to the pipe based throne. Tyl regor is trying to edge in with this Rath Kittag cloak.


    Where will these fashion wars take us next?


    Potted plant

    If you go right to the back in the steel meridian room you notice a small potted plant. No explanation of why or what. I guess it add colour or maybe it’s a special plan to spy on them by New Loka. If you wait long enough you will catch the Grineer even watering it!



    Steel Meridian leaders name


    I apologise if the sound effect gets annoying after a while but the fact of the matter is that most syndicate leaders (cephalon suda being the only exception) don’t even have names yet… They help us, sell us stuff, praise us, scorn us and sometimes hunt us down mercilessly but we don’t even know their names.



    And in come the animations. Yep. We're screwed.

  11. PonU is once again recruiting active Tenno, both rookie and veteran alike. No rank or experience requirements, only a community for more close-knit gameplay. We intend to stay a smaller clan (no bigger than storm) to ensure we do not suffer the same fate as larger clans who lose their sense of togetherness or even helpfulness for that matter. If you're looking for a group coming together to make having fun and finding squads/trades easier, join us today!


    We only institute a few simple rules to follow:

    1) Be courteous and considerate to your clanmates. Know the difference between joking and bullying/abusing.

    2) Be active at least once in a 20-day period. If you are aware you will be gone a longer period or there are extenuating circumstances, please let us know, and exceptions will be made. 24-hour notices will be given.


    Other than those, we are a laid-back community just out to enjoy the game as it was meant to be. Although we do take these rules seriously, we try to be understanding.


    For more information, visit warframe.wikia.com/wiki/User:Mlbjunior93/PonU. 


  12. It's always nice to see clans making the effort to create communities for other players the way the game was intended to be enjoyed. Would your clan happen to have an alliance at the moment? The Brotherhood of Kin Kasen is searching for clans with similar ideals such as yours. Just a community to make it easier for other clans to have fun and advance in the game. As far as future plans go, there's the possibility of competition over the dark sectors, but that is down the road when we're larger and more stable. 

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