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Posts posted by J.Joker

  1. Hek will get a taste of my good old Snipetron Vandal when i will be done taking down his fleet of cowards and his disgusting super ships.
    I will not watch one more Relay being destroyed.

    Seriously now, i've done nothing but Balor Fomorian Sabotage missions on Europa until now and i bet that many others like me are continuing the carnage, how is that thing still at over 70%?

  2. Agreed, that would be magnificent to have. also, it would be great to have custom magazine models for every single weapon that doesn't have one and seems to be just tapped rather than reloaded, like the Braton and the Latron.

  3. First post for me.
    anyways, there is one thing that always bugged me in the Arsenal menu: those Idle animations.
    after a while, it gets quite annoying to try to change color on your Warframe or weapon and have to stop every five seconds because the Frame is doing an idle animation.
    it's a little thing that has always been frustrating, at least to me, because it doubles the time to decide which color to pick.
    it's really nothing important, just one thing that i found really frustrating, so if DE could remove those animations in the Arsenal menu it would really help.
    thoughts, anyone?

  4. Not even decisive?

    I've gotten quite a few copies of them now.

    never a single one. and i'm still farming it today. weeks of survivals on Cambria and not a single Tranquil Cleave. and i have a Level 30 Nekros.

    the most frustrating thing to see it people who get it without even trying/on the first try and just don't use it. ugh.

  5. I remember Guyver. I have the series on DVD. Anyway, back on subject.


    My predictions for 2016.


    -Less Grind

    -More Warframes (plz make earthframe plz make earthframe *fingers crossed*)

    -More weapons

    -New or reworked bosses (i would like a boss for Eris since Phorid was kicked out)

    -Stalker and Harvester buffed so that they provide a challenge without being so difficult that people complain that their Soma's can't crit them to death in .5 seconds

    -Game will be finished and out of beta

    -No random and unnecessary nerfs

    -More factions (allies or enemies)

    -Grineer and Corpus less stupid in their defense methods. (Some stand there in your line of sight for way too long. They should know better).

    -More lore

    -We find out more about the Lotus and why we are blindly following her

    -We find out more about the Orokin and the Sentients (the return of the Sentients perhaps?)

    -An infested event happens sooner or later.

    -While this would require a revamp of the entire game itself, i think the game should continue from where the tutorial leaves off. I wonder what happened to that Excalibur after he blacked out.


    That is all for now.

    will you people ever stop asking the Devs to buff the Stalker and the Harvester? you guys should think that there are also other people who play the game and who are not as powerful as you are in terms of equipment.

    the Stalker was already made more powerful with the addition of a Dispel skill that pretty much removes effects like invisibility and damage buffs and also damages you, plus he has an Absorb skill which is an enhanced version of Nyx's own skill. what more would you want, to have him ride Ambulas? 

  6. It doesn't look like a katana because it is not...it is just something that resembles a katana...but hell no,it looks more like the sword Japanese soldiers used to holster before they made the katana for samurais.....dem i cannot remember the name of those swords.

    it's called Tachi.

  7. we will stop fighting for the Grineer ONLY if you stop using our fellow Tennos for your Zanuka project. cancel the project immediately and MAYBE we will join you in stopping the Grineer from taking territories. i can already imagine how you're going to trick us into believing that you are helping, therefore i suggest you to not do anything foolish like continuing the project secretly. you'll be surprised in discovering how much of a bad idea it is to betray a Tenno when you will be laying in a pool of your own blood or whatever fluid flows in your body in case of betrayal.

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