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Posts posted by IlluminaVB

  1. Are there any thoughts about balancing content to Solo or Small Group play, or players of lower mastery levels and gear?


    Many missions do not seem to alter certain content (say, # of enemies allowed spawned at once) based on how many players are actually present. That makes certain mission types almost unplayable at "normal" levels of gear without a full 4-player team. (Excavation, or other missions with rapidly/continually spawning enemies).


    Sure, if you are absolutely geared-out, you can overpower a lot of these concerns. But that doesn't apply to any new or fairly recent players who do not want to get involved with random players, or join a large pre-established social clan just to be able to "play the game".


    Personally, I prefer to play the game solo, or with one other players from real life. We've discovered that some missions are just overwhelming for 2 players. 


    This is especially problematic on stages where enemies are fully auto-aggressive, which disables any possibility of stealth/sniping/ambush gameplay. 


    A simple calculation based on reducing the spawn cap of active enemy targets would make this more balanced without nerfing the enemies themselves.... 



    Yes, it's an "MMO", but more MMO games these days are realizing the need for down-scaling content for "non-optimal raid groups" to draw-in or retain the players tired of everything forcing a constant-social state of mind.


    Sometimes, a dude (or lady) just wants to jump into a mission and pop heads without worring about "Social".

    "Wth is this idiot doing?" "Why is he rushing through, i want to kill every blasted thing in a 100-yard radius."



    On a related balancing note - Is it really fair for a Mastery Rank 2 or 3 "New" player, to be stalked by Level 35 Stalker, or a group of 8 Level 30+ -Eximus execution squad from a hostile Synrdicate? 


    Yeah, i've made several valiant attempts, managed to separate 1 eximus and almost burn it down with a Latron rifle and Dex Dakra swords before his friends caught up to us. (Remember, i'm only Rank 3, only been playing a few weeks, so very limited resources/weapons/mods so far.... ).


    At this point, my only recourse is to simply waste a revive when they show up, abort mission and try again; or completely undo my syndicate gains/standings. |:


    Maybe base Syndicate Death Squads level/power based on Mastery Rank and/or # of Players? 

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