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Posts posted by Mal4di

  1. On 8/20/2016 at 9:36 PM, icewindlord said:

    Busy like adding new frame, new prime and new quest? Plus fixing all that stuff once it has been added :)

    while completely disregarding the old stuff and when they do eventually take a look at them,most of the time, they end up worse

  2. 17 hours ago, (XB1)BroadCalf292227 said:

    This is an asinine statement. Every single addition, tweek, Warframe, event, and system in the game is added, subtracted, or revised based on player feedback. As an example the new void relic system has already had 3 hotfix adjustments with more to come.

    Go be a negative nancy somewhere else and spew your BS retoric to someone who doesn't know any better.

    Too bad that in this case im right

    Sure there have been tweaks and hotfixes regarding drop chances and drop tables but here we talk about WEAPONS

    Have DE made any much-needed changes for old weapons in the past few months instead of releasing powercreeping new ones?

    I cant seem to remember so please enlighten me

  3. 8 minutes ago, SilvaDreams said:

    Congratulations you have figured out it is a free to play game!

    And no it won't kill the game, what will kill it is if they make it too easy to obtain and no one buys plat.

    I would prefer an easy game rather than a mindlessly grinding one (im not the one saying it it IS one of the most grindy games, even borderline-korean)

    If they actually did this in a not blatant way and actually released some FUN content instead of  powercreeping weapons and warframes then sure  i would pay FURTHER to buy some of their features and support the game

    But right now im not the only one who doesnt like where its heading

  4. people will eventually get bored of defending it, its just DESIGNED  so to either pay up or join the anguished grinding

    Does this game have to start dying  in order for DE to get their S#&$ together? that is the question...

  5. 2 hours ago, Padre_Akais said:

    Exceptionally good burst rifle= free

    Slot for said weapon = free

    Orokin Catalyst for said weapon = free

    So now we complain about the looks?


    didnt i imply that it is great that we got such a wep for free? >_>

    and wow, looking at most of the replies i didnt realise lotus fanboyism would be that severe!

  6. We heard you dig lotus so we put a lotus shaped muzzleflare on your lotus shaped muzzle on your lotus shaped gun so that you can honor the lotus while you honor the lotus


    ...seriously though am i the only one who finds the lotus references on the dex sybaris too much?

    Don't get me wrong a free gun (and 3 slots) is a free gun but...you know,one ref would be fine?? xD

  7. So i  come back in warframe after a long term hiatus to do the new main quests and see whats new in the game.So i completed the quests (good job on the new storyline DE, i was a fan of it :D)and played for a few more days to gather some new weps and  collect the new synthesis targets and also do some void missions to see if they changed anything, from the encounterable enemies to the drop table itself.


     oh how wrong i was.

    i picked 2 more ppl from recruit chat and spent my 4 last  dust-collecting t3-t4 cap void keys hunting for the synthesis targets but also hoping for some good drops after the mission.


    3 form blueprints and 5 fusion cores it was.

    So i complained at the end and the dudes/gals who where with me also agreed that after all these months of complaining from the other players of warframe DE still continues to keep this grindfest  and still add more to it(from sorties to more sh*t void drop tables)

    And before you say "pay up then sucker", i waited for this past week for a 75% or even 50%  gotl so that the plat prices can become affordable for the bazzilion of buyable things that DE now offers in game but nop.

    "huuurrr duurr its a free gamee it must be supported by suckers players like us" well you see I WANT TO SUPPORT IT  but will DE make it easy for me?


    I dare say that i would prefer if this game had a monthly subscription than this "free-to-play"  or more like free-to-try 

    theme (and this especially applies for new players).


    ps: those who still say the loot table is rng based are ignorant idiots or failtrolls.




  8. Degen  has always sucked , and DE need to prioritize their  focus on fun ,  not on player grind wheeling  - and punishing players for using  a piece of gear . a piece of gear that we have come to emotionally invest can be lost forever , too much for most people 

    this man speaks the truth


    down with DE'S injustice

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