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Posts posted by SoulerisNekromancer

  1. So I read some stuff that about Equinox's gender. As a whole it's a she but when it's being halved, it's a he and a she. So why not both? It can genderbend. And it's a first in Warframe history to actually have a Genderbender warframe. Which is pretty unique.



  2. So I guess I always get unlucky whenever I mission in Tyl Regor's Submerge, bc I get to disembark in water and sometimes I launch there w/o the archwing like srsly, *sigh I get to climb up. So anyway, after defeating Regor,


    I was revived in water and to my surprise I still got my archwing up and I flew in mid-air. I REGRET NUFFIN :3





  3. I had a run a few hours ago with a Frost Prime, it was in Tyl Regor's Submerge mission where you get Equinox parts droppings and we were first ejected underwater when it bugged out and eventually Frost regret nuffin.


    He can fly around in mid-air ,still on his archwing get up fighting Regor and so much OP.



    Spoiler alert. 




  4. Yeah I like T1D and T2D for leveling.


    You can get a frame and weapon up to level 30 with about 1 T1D and then about one T2D to 20 or 30 waves.  And you get prime drops for ducats and orokin cells.   You can have fun playing them too if you are not in a party with some map nuker like a Peacemaker Mesa.

    It seems like my frame and weapon levels are at most 1-3 the most in each def runs, it depends though, yea not to mention at the end of every wave you can  get drops so it's a go

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