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Posts posted by SometingWikked

  1. Ah... okay, I thought that power strength only affected the ability and the Augment would repel 100% of all enemies.

    Bastille Ability - "Number of affected enemies and contact damage are affected by Power Strength, and the contact damage can be increased by body-part multipliers." * Warframe Wiki

    "Will not affect most Bosses, Ospreys, or Rollers. Bosses that are affected include Jackal, The Sergeant, Councilor Vay Hek, General Sargas Ruk and Kela De Thaym (she is still able to use weapons and abilities)." *Warframe Wiki

    Repelling Bastille - " Warframe Augment Mod for Vauban's Bastille that repels new enemies when it reaches the maximum amount of enemies it can contain."

    Rank Repel Chance Cost Conclave
    0 50% 6 C5
    1 65% 7 C5
    2 80% 8 C8


    100% 9

    C10                        *Warframe Wiki

  2. Yesterday 4/21/2016

    I was key farming Venus DS EXC solo with Vauban and  a Repelling Bastille build. I noticed 2 issues:

    1. the size od the Bastille differed from tile to tile or a different stages of the mission. I had a max Overextended and Stretch without any negative range mods on. The diameter of the Bastille was noticeably different, although I didn't take the time to note where it was reduced (i.e., when colliding through buildings or other)

    2. Leapers often passed right through the bastille and sometimes ancients. I know the wiki says ospreys can pass through without getting stuck or repelled, but not others. I also noted that sometimes (at least 1/2 time) ospreys did stop at bastille wall.

    I was wondering if Vauban players (I don't use him much anymore) noticed these issues with the Bastille Ability, Repelling Mod or is it just a packet loss/latency issue?

    Just thought I'd put this out there if it is a bug that might need some attention.

  3. The chat feature has a fault or a glitch that has always been there since I've been playing:


    The chat dialog bar disappears a minute or two when minimized. Then when someone types something in chat the minimized tabs do not appear with the channel blinking.

    The only way I can know if someone is chatting is to periodically hit T to open the chat window and manually check if anyone posted. Seems kinda broken. The minimized tabs should always be visible in the hud so we can see the blinking tabs and know someone is chatting. It would also be nice if open chat box would be transparent and not interfere with keyboard input.

    DE Please fix your chat box... 

  4. Warframe mods can be shared between frames as long as you have enough capacity points (the number in the upper right corner of mod) to equip them.

    You will want to keep multiple copies of a majority of mods at different fusion ranks to swap out as you level up new frames/weapons or make different purpose frame/weapons.

    Weapons mods are slightly different with regards to sentinels. If you use a shotgun as your primary and use a sentinel (carrier) with a sweeper (shotgun), you need 2 of the same mods (ie, Hellfire), one for each because they don't share.

    other than that, you can share everything except focus lens, Orikin catalysts and Orikin Reactors. These are equipped once per frame/weapon and can't be un equipped (Orikins) or will be destroyed if a different lens is installed.

  5. 5 hours ago, CoRRh said:

    There's a huge difference between balance and pure equality. What you're describing is pure equality, not balance.

    I'll put it this way:

    When you put a rock on a scale, is your only option to put a rock of the same weight and dimensions on the other end in order to balance the scale? No. An item, or multiple items, that equal the weight of the rock will balance the scale. The composition of the items on the scale do not matter as long as they, in the end, balance.

    Thus, the things don't have to be the same to balance.

    To answer to the thread, I think equality isn't what we should be aiming for. I'm not going into a rant as far as equality goes in modern times, but it's a load of S#&$e. If we (or the frames) were truly equal, as some have said, there would be no diversity.

    We should be aiming for balance; which, again, does not equal equality. Balancing is making things not overpowered, but also not underpowered. If we had balance, all of the frames would be as effective in their particular line of expertise as all the others were in theirs. At this point, we simply don't have that unless Oberon is supposed to be a sub-par Jack-of-all-trades. Or that mag is supposed to be useless anywhere other than Corpus missions where she can decimate anything with shields. I ran that shield boosted Sortie excavation last week with mag with some friends who are all very experienced in the game. With level 100 enemies, I got 90% of the damage. Sure, it's extremely Niche, but it really shouldn't be.

    So, in the end, please don't mistake pure equality for balance.

    So you are saying that for every mission (no matter how different) every frame should have the ability to produce the same results (what ever scale metric you use). Your example is a poor one at best. Many of my clan mates could out perform me (even if I used a mag at 90% kills in a PUG) with much "worse" frames because they run faster, bullet jump without getting hung on doorways or even because they have better FPS and don't freeze up with lag as often. If they get to enemy faster than I do and do more damage with other abilities or skills, does that make their frame OP and unbalanced?

    I'd like to have a person who wants balance to define exactly what metrics are we using to judge this balance?

    "Logically, if she floats, she's made of wood. Ducks also float like wood, so if she weighs the same as a duck, she must be a Witch!"    *Monty Python and the Holy Grail


  6. 11 hours ago, TrickshotMcGee said:

    I don't get the "burst-fire" feeling from it. Of course, I always hold the trigger at least some to ensure my second shot is lined up properly for maximum damage. I'm MR 8, but I'm in love with the OG Tigris and am about ready to slap a forma (or two) on it because it'll be a while before I'm up to 12, as a casual player. 

    My only suggestion is to decrease reload time. That's the only thing that kills it.

    If you haven't forma'd it yet then you haven't begun to see what it can do. I loved my original Tigris and still use it when I don't want the syndicate proc of the Sancti Tigris. I've built both with Max Damage 2-shot and the MID-damage 4-shot builds. I actually prefer the 2-shot with a medium amount of spread with faster reload. At mid range it hits and kills groups of all but high-level targets. If you need to kill high-armor or high HP targets, get a little closer to put more pellets in their face (head-shot) and anything will go down. Gotta love it when you can 1-shot a Tier -3 Sabo boss.

    both are worth putting as many formas into to max damage/spread/reload. Try it and enjoy!

    The only downside is the range, but that's what you get with a shotgun.

  7. Frames are not now or ever should be balanced...

    What is the point in having different frames, with different concepts and abilities, if they are digitally identical with regards to the game engine? If that is the desired goal of players/developers, to make everything "even" and "balanced", all that needs to be done is choose one frame model with 4 abilities and give them 20 different skins and ability names/graphics.

    Wow, how fun would that be ?????

    Same thing goes for weapons... take 4 models (one for each tier range) and give each 10+ different skins and graphics. Boring!

    UN-Balance is what makes this game fun and a bit challenging. If we as players don't like a frame or ability, we can choose to use another. If we find a particular frame is "easy-mode" for a level or type of mission, we can choose to use a frame or weapon set that makes the mission harder and more challenging, just to make it more fun/entertaining.

    IMO I have to say that this game is awesome in that it gives the players so many different choices in frames, abilities, skins, weapons (3 different classes) and allows players to MOD all to suit their play style, mission type and solo/squad mode. It would be a shame to dumb it down to one build fits all.

    What this game could always use is more diversity.  New ideas for frames, abilities and weapons that not only look different, but have to be used differently.

    It is a shame that some people are never happy and they cry about balance because they want others to be brought down to their level of play. This is the real reason they want balance, they think it will raise them (or make their favorite frame) up to the level/usefulness of other players and the frames they choose. Learn to play each frame/abilities to its strengths and if it doesn't seem to be the best for the job, re-mod/re-equip and try a different approach. If, in the end, a frame/weapon is just not good enough for the level/mission/style you are playing, don't cry nerf/re-balance, just choose another for that particular job. If all frames were the same and DE made a mission type that was too hard I'm sure the balance advocates would then cry that they can't succeed and that the developers need to make changes each time (instead of leaving the diverse collection of frames/weapons that allow players to adapt and overcome new challenges.)

    It's up to you, the player, to make the frames perform.

    Use the best tool for the job !!!

  8. On ‎4‎/‎13‎/‎2016 at 3:21 PM, notlamprey said:

    Everyone will have a different answer to their question of whether Warframe is "pay to win."

    The most common definition is a competitive one, and since Warframe doesn't have (and hopefully never will) any truly competitive elements... no, it isn't "pay to win" by any definition that includes being more successful in competition.

    I don't think that's the real goal of Warframe, though.

    I think the real goal is to collect all the things, which you absolutely can do just by spending money. I define "winning" in Warframe as having a complete or near-complete collection of stuff that lets you walk into any mission and perform well. This can be accomplished near-effortlessly if you put enough cash into the game.

    I absolutely do define Warframe as "pay to win," and I think it's completely ok.

    Again, as long as our spending doesn't pressure other players to spend along with us or have an inferior experience - which it kinda does in competitive games - I don't mind at all.

    ^ If you truly believe this, I'm sorry for you and the entitled generation that is so impatient and lazy that they can't work (play, grind, trade, etc.) for the rewards. There is nothing in this game that you can't get by playing the game. There is no reason to spend RL $ to acquire anything.

    Now, don't get the wrong idea, It is fine by me if you want to spend RL $ to get Prime Access packages or anything for plat, prebuild and quicker. It's also a good thing that players like to spend RL $ to support the Devs and help contribute to the development of the game. But the topic and OP were just pointing out that anyone can be a "Winner" without the necessity of paying RL $.


  9. 5 hours ago, Eggzodiya said:

    Use ember's WoF build. That's what I did when I ran that test and it worked perfectly. Just jump around from one or to another and WoF takes care of enemies.

    ^^ This, quick and simple.


    Ember with max. range and EFF. , Intensity, Rush and a Bullet jump mod (Jump not essential because it is only 2 levels). Just run for the globes and extend your time. World on fire will do the rest.  If you wait to activate WoF and build up timer, drop an energy pad for 1 pulse in center of map (if needed) and activate WoF and you will quickly wipe out enemies.

    Same method for MR21 test, but a Bullet Jump mod helps get to 3rd level quickly in the beginning if needed.


    Good Luck

  10. 50 minutes ago, ZeroGenmu said:

    Yes and No. If someone is asking for an Omega Kubrow then they should get what they paid for. Size on imprints is RNG and by selling someone an "Omega" print you are essentially scamming them since it's not what they ask for if they don't get the max height on their kubrow. And if they do get an Omega out of it then both parties got lucky. However because some people still think that imprints transfer everything they blindly buy omega prints and end up getting a normal sized kubrow while paying 100p+ for it. That imo is scamming since the seller should know better than deliberately sell an "omega" imprint even knowing size is RNG on an imprint. I've seen plenty of people in trade chat claiming they're selling omega prints when they're not. I've even had people who tried to sell me omega prints for 300p and when I try to explain otherwise they get completely defensive. It's a huge problem that really needs to be addressed on the imprint description.

    The problem isn't that people are offering or asking for "Omega" imprints. The real problem is that people are getting involved in a trade and have no idea  how the imprint and breeding system work. What's really bad is that some players spend RL cash to get large sums of Plat and are willing to spend it on a trade that they have no idea about what they are doing.

    I don't know how many times I have sold a Bulky Lotus Kubrow and had a buyer argue with me that they want an Omega. I tried to explain that they need to take both Bulky/Lotus  prints and breed/re-breed until they get the size they want (small or Omega).

    FYI (for those who don't know) just breed 2 like imprints and if the size is not what you want, make 2 imprints of the new (non-omega) and try, try again until you get what you want. If both prints are bulky the pup will be bulky, if both are lotus, pup will be lotus (100%). The size however, as stated above is random and may require many attempts at breeding, imprinting and re-breeding to get the size you prefer.

    As for the prices mentioned above, I think you are a little off on your current market value. I have traded and know others currently trading Bulky/Lotus uncommon colors (Dark Brown/Black/Green/light blue) for around 450-500p for 2 imprints. Greys/beige go for 200p. One Rare color (Red/Dark Blue/Purple) can be 400-600+. Gold, once a highly sought out color is in the 300-500 range. Two Rare colors can put a bulky/lotus @ 800-1000p and a triple Rare > 1500p. The prices fluctuate as new  (new to Kubrows) players get involved in breeding and want a specific breed, size and color.

    The point is, know your product and what the supply and demand is for that product. If you are going to trade, know what you are dealing with and you won't get taken advantage of.

  11. YES! it is a TERRIBLE idea.

    I have no interest in PvP, EVER!

    Please don't give DE any ideas to force players to play a part of the game they have no interest in or penalize them for not doing PvP by withholding a frame unless the PvP.


    Alerts, missions, quests, are fine but not PvP. It handicaps players who have poor connections or old PCs. at least with PvE missions or quests a team can help if it is too difficult to solo.

  12. On ‎4‎/‎9‎/‎2016 at 8:30 AM, JohnViande said:

    I think what's wrong is the RNG!

    ^^ This is the culprit.   The RNG effect of air supply drops (not the air supply stations) can vary greatly even if you are killing fast and in a good location where enemies spawn fast.

    I have run survival missions where I didn't need to activate an air station for the first 30-35 minutes (T3 or T4) and others (lower tier void T2) where I needed to within the first 15 minutes. It all depends on drop rate of enemy air drops.

    That being said, I don't think I would want a change. If a solo player could NEVER do a 60 min T3 or T4 survival with a top survival frame/weapons, then I would support a change, but T3 & T4 40 minute runs are almost always a piece of cake and can be accomplished easily and 60 min runs just require a little thought when to activate support stations most of the time.

    PS... after 60 minutes it get to be boring and time to get another cocktail refill...slàinte mhath!


  13. You should at least get a unique part for spending ducats.

    Getting a mod you can get elsewhere is kinda lame.

    RNG for the part or BP is fine but to dilute the table with  cheap mods isn't worth the credits, let alone the ducats. Better to spend ducats on something to resell for Plat. or a prime mod/fashion item you don't have. 


    Stalker parts are extremely easy to get through stalker marks, Brakk easy to get though raids. Only one that is slightly more difficult is the Zanuka and that is only slightly.



  14. I personally dislike the clone thing altogether.  Ash should "Flicker" (POE ref.) from one target to the next.

    I like the idea of built-in blades (Weapon XI) or blades attached to Ash's arms.




    I also like to see Mesa mobile with Peacemaker (at reduced movement rate similar to Ivara Prowl)

  15. 1 minute ago, (XB1)Bird Sarcoma said:

    I've yet to try my hands at Radiation-based damage. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Corrosive always seemed the better option. Is it really that good?


    Corrosive may be better, especially for the later waves of higher level Grineer. Long duration Void missions or sorties, I use corrosive.


    but because this is just 1-4 waves of leveling, I like a high status chance, blast radius that may proc radiation on a group (when caught reloading if I didn't kill all outright).

    If your party is coordinated, you can have everyone use Corrosive Projection Aura and that, combined with the RAD damage is devastating to the Grineer.


    PS... If you are slow-CAPing with an organized squad, a speed nova is a boon if you are capable of nuking them with sonicors and/or Tonkors or frame abilities as fast as the appear. More enemies, more EXP.



  16. For leveling a Warframe:

    Aura - Any that matches polarity

    Mods - Max Vitality

    -Primary: None

    -Secondary: Sonicor with radiation build

    -Melee: Any high damage level 30 with Life Strike for healing


    For leveling Weapons:


    - Ash Prime (level 20+) (Max. range & strength) for leveling primary or secondary - Use BladeStorm 

    -Ivara (level 10+) (Max. Duration and Eff) Prowl and hold CAP "D". Let teammate cap one or two other points as needed. Use Invis arrow when using energy pad to gain energy if needed.


    -for leveling Primary and Melee - use a max. Sonicor with radiation build, either frame

    -for leveling a secondary - use Ash Bladestorm with a max Melee weapon  or Ivara with one silenced high damage range weapon level 30 and no melee.

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