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Posts posted by Buckethead390

  1. This is going to surprise most people.

    My favorite secondary is the furis, because with the augment on it it becomes the most supportive secondary weapon there is. My personal view when it comes to secondaries is to support you and your primary weapon. The augment allows you to steal 20% of the damage you deal back as life and gives you the syndicate explosion. The only problem is that your primary needs to be ammo efficient to some extent.

  2. Herro everyone! Today, as the title says, YOU have the opportunity to join this ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUSLY MARVELOUSLY AWESOME CLAN OF SPACE NINJAINESS.


    Now, I would like to say, the floodgates will only be open SO LONG so you MUST join fast! (Or not, and you can make the bucket sad... D': join if yu cri erry time)


    WE HAZ:

    An emblem(Blue lotus flower for those curios)

    All research completed!

    People online at almost all times to help the newly born Tenno(Almost all, because SOME OF US have to sleep >_>)
    A full dojo, not decorated yet. Once in the clan you can make suggestions for that though.



    Don't be a jerk.

    Don't start any REAL drama.

    Stay active to some extent. I will kick you if you go offline for 30 days, but i will friend you so when you come back you can join again.



    State your ign in the comments section please :D

  3. As the title says, it is a crit damage enhancing pistol mod for those who don't know. If 3p isn't acceptable, I can trade a magnum force for that and 5p. My in-game name is Buckethead390, i'll host.

  4. Welcome to Space Ninja Inquisition!


    We are an active, growing clan with 4/5 of the research done or being completed currently. Our emblem is a Blue Lotus Flower. There is no Mastery Rank requirement.


    1. Don't be a jerk

    2. Be active, don't be inactive for more then 30 days without informing me why


    Teamspeak Server is probably on the way!

    Raids will be hosted once we get to 100-300 members.

    Just ask if you need help!

    Join us, Tenno!

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