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Posts posted by nmuaddib

  1. * If  focus does not fall into general feedback, please, kindly move it.

    First and foremost, we know focus is on beta.

    With that out of the way, I came back to the game a couple of weeks ago, after an one year break. For what I've been reading, looks like focus farming has been nerfed thin. Although I have no experience with the way things were about the subject I can say from my fresh point of view that I don't like the way they are now. I farm with Loki and Atterax (good with Galatine P as well, just a matter of preference), and I'm able to reach my daily quota, but in my opinion convergence orbs are just frustrating. The amount of focus you get from play out of them is ridiculous, and 7/8 times out of 10 I think I could have done a better job about stacking up the stealth bonus, but its just never optimal during that specific window.

    I know this measure was probably due to the fact people would "exploit" exterminate missions, gathering every enemy in the last rooms, but it's just not correctly calibrated as it is now, which makes doing it more of a pain, than simple acceptable grind. I´m more than happy with syndicate rep farming, I understand that they are aiming for something knew, and but it is not rewarding, the old and proved rep system is far better than this, if a steady and linear focus gathering is not an option, the time window and place for convergence obs needs to be really improved.

    Please tell me what you think about it.

  2. I've been around, on and off, since the beginning. My last break started due personal issues, and Diablo 3, about the time they released sorties. I just came back this week, and I can say that what keeps me coming back for more, is the general feel and mechanics of the game, more than any specific content. I think that good titles either nail it, and changes just try to capture a few more players, or don´t at all, you´ll will never touch it for more than a week or so just to tread the waters.

  3. Excuse me, what!!??


    Community wanted void trader to change unwanted prime parts into wanted ones. Instead we got legendary mods which no one asked for which can convieniently be used to turn a profit.


    Drop tables?? when xini farming was sitll a thing and drop tables werent encrypted, we were getting hellfire most of the time, when we said that hellfire is put 2 times into droptables de said we are wrong and that isnt the case without even checking it, community later posted droptables which indeed had hellfire put in there and after that incident de encrypted drop tables.


    Melee 2.0?? i personally proposed idea on how to reduce problems of melee 1.0 weapons, i proposed stances, which would offer buffs and debuffs which would allow you to adjust your stats to fit specific needs, i also proposed system which allow you to develop those stances. What de did?? put them as drops, which convieniently can be traded for plat.


    Trading?? i cant remember anyone saying "hey you know what would be cool?? if i could sell you my items for plat". No, back in the day where drop tables werent as heavily weighted as theyre now, we sometimes stumbled upon certain problem, i had i was running mission to get receiver but i got few barrels, my clanmate was running same missions but was getting only receivers and no barrels, so we asked for a way to give other person our unwanted prime parts. Also before trading plat was highly optional since game needed to be fair for those who dont pay money, nowadays we stumble upon "dont complain about plat prices since you can just trade for it".


    Drops 2.0. Cherry on top of a cake, no one asked for it, not a single person. Everyone was happy about going to xini and within few weeks obtaining all mods that were in game, new players also had easier time since every enemy could drop any mod and that made it easier to get mandatory mods. So what exactly happened that mods were segregated into specific drop tables on specific enemies and not only it didnt reduce grind, it made it much worse since from that point reducing dilution meant that weighted drop chances became more apparent and harsher than before. Having 1% drop out of 3 drops total will mean less diverse drops than having 1% drop out of 70 drops total.


    Yeah thats how de listens, sure they implement feature that ppl want, but theyll put a small twist on it which makes it a moneymaking machine, even at the cost of original concept, which most of the time defeats whole purpose of adding it.



    Okay, I generally don't have a habit of arguing with fanboys, but this triggers me quite hard. DE LISTENS?! Are you really that delusional? Open a few community hot topics that DE spits out every other week. Now compare voting results(what players truly want on that matter) with things that were actually implemented. DE LISTENS... Now cry me a river about how it takes a lot of man-hours to open a .cfg file and make snipers being acually useful and on, and on.
    But for every gaping design hole and half finished feature, that was not fixed in many many month, you get one Supra buff and that makes you full of hope and righteous fan-fury.



    >_> Wow, you read my mind and stated it clearer than I could have.


    Glorious. +1


    You have my eternal support!




    The truth speaks and you people had better listen!

    +1 all the way!



    How many times this same community asked for nerfs, and DE went through with it? For how many frames, weapons?


    I said they listen, I did not say they always act on our best interest when they do changes. There is always a chance that people that are against the features in the new update will trigger DE to apply changes for worse, it has happened before, and that is what I'm afraid of. You can go ahead and bend what I said as far as you want, call me fanboy, I don't really care, and that does not change the fact that DE has made many things on this game, some good calls, maybe mostly bad calls, based on the community's opinion and feedback. Sure, you will always be able to pick a hand full of things that they are stubborn to address, like your little list, but I have a hard time remembering a developer that takes feedback to the game as they do, as an example, on this update, the twin grakatas, a weapon exclusively born from players topics... but go ahead, call me delusional... I will just laugh about it, there is nothing else I can do about ignorance.

  4. Sadly, this community will defend ANYTHING DE does. Hell, if EA would be buying Warframe, this community would love it.


    What is really sad, is that this is not criticism, this is witch hunting, people like the OP, and you, go out to trash EVERYTHING they do (at least he tried to argument about it), no matter the good aspects of their work. I've done my share of complaints, things like the tubemen event, vectis prime, but most here are willing to accept some changes are good, most of them in the last update. We need to defend it, because they have the good habit of LISTENING to the community, and they must know many of us like things as they are now.

  5. Parkour would never please everyone, just as coptering didn't. After everybody is truly adapted to it, opinions may change. Also, many still don't have the mods to improve it, so don't complain just yet.


    Equinox farming is a little annoying, but nothing new, and the number of times I had to play to get the 8 parts actually were just enough to put my hands on some parkour mods, and the random initiation for the Natah quest, so everything worked out pretty fine together, my new frame is on the build, I finished the quest, and I'm starting to enjoy parkour a bit more with each mission.


    Sharkwing is annoying, but not more than Archwing, and I did 25+ runs on Regor and hardly had to dive, so they had the good sense to make it kind of optional for those who don't dig it.


    I find just tragic that people have the guts to complain about an extra slot, it would be ridiculous to truly hate something this good, no matter the costs, so it proves this thread is just an exaggeration, not really necessary, or true, it is just mild trolling.


    Edit - Almost forgot, the Natah lore, and the quest design. Well... what can I say, the nailed it, perfect. To complain about it is to be someone that does not like WF at all, so go play something else indeed.

  6. When one extensively worked feature gets it's release day, it came to a state where an entire group of people, a company, as a matter of fact (not all have the same weight on it, of course), concluded "Hey, I think this is in a really good place now, people will probably like it...". Pay attention to the fact that I said "extensively worked", because we all know it not always like that, sometimes it is just rushed out the gate, and the result is worse than poor (EX: Vectis Prime, there are enough threads for that).


    Which brings us to a small but present difference, fundamental to Akais previous comments about being arrogant, entitled. Most of us, at least in here, don't want a change, and therefore we are perfectly satisfied (or pretty close) with the developers hard worked vision. Couple that with the fact that there are no exact numbers regarding the amount of people that "play excal in a wrong and annoying way". In truth, some examples given here, like standing behind a door spamming and killing everything on the other room without even knowing where it stands, are here just to work as an argument, but nobody plays like that, at least, not for long. Sure, it can be done like that, any flexible enough tool can have its use distorted to produce exploits, but that does not take the merit that it also can produce great results, and in our case, a lot of fun, which is the paramount objective of any game.


    You propose some "simple" changes, and ignore the fact they can utterly ruin the entire experience, for example: Increasing the energy consumption > It severely cripples the capacity of using all other abilities frequently, while you have EB on. It is a "cheap" ability for a reason, so you can use everything he's got at the same time. If you use just EB, it is probably "energy overkill", but that is not half as fun to play with. One other aspect: Have you actually played out of an energy rich environment like the void, with a full squad (more enemies, more energy orbs)? I played invasions solo yesterday, and I just gave up using EB, I kept trying to employ my normal way of playing, and I could not keep my energy up for long, the grineer started to obliterate me with their hitscan weapons when I didn't, and eventually I powered through with a Braton, and a lot of cover to finish the missions, taking advantage of his number 2 and just that. HE IS NOT UNIVERSALLY "OP", that alone is reason not to change it, and add the fact that he enables a very particular play style, when people are simply not in the mood, they use something else, adding to that reason.


    I would not even discuss anything related to the word "spamming", it does not apply here, because EB is made for repetition, just as swinging any melee weapon or firing any weapon requires exactly that, repetition, especially when there are so many enemies, and when they are stupidly hard to kill from a given point on. Just change the sound, we all agree that it is bad...

  7. I assume you remember awhile back when Excalibur's Blind just increased the damage done to the blinded enemies, much like the waves do now? Then it was changed to doing individual animations killing each and every enemy, because they realised it was broken before.


    And now, we have the same problem, except with waves instead of Glaives or Orthos Primes' or some such.

    Also the way you describe the waves makes it sound like you're trying to hit Neo with a shoe from 100 meters away.

    The Waves are lightspeed, but they are by no means slow at all.


    And yes, the punch through dissipates with a few enemies, but then next few waves just pass right on through because the first waves killed the first few enemies. 


    My biggest problem with this is that I have seen more than enough Excal players in the past few weeks simply throwing waves at everything all willy nilly, killing everything in their path because they have 187% power strength and a Prisma Skana. 


    Just because you play him skillfully does not mean that everyone else does, and just because you've seen a few Excals not do this does not mean it's not a problem.


    John, first let me say that although we disagree, I really enjoyed the discussion so far, is is good to be able to keep things respectful, and to have a good and interesting conversation. I have been in threads, where things went south for a lot less than a couple of replies, for no reason other than 2 different points of view.


    I do agree that If we only had spamming, poorly skilled Excal on the hundreds (to put in perspective, something in the line of the number of Mesa+Gmags requests we had just a few days ago) running around at every one of our games, we would have a serious problem. We don't even need a super OP mechanic involved, it would just be detrimental to the game, no matter the reasons.


    But I really fail to see that. I have not witnessed such a high number of Excals playing, he is just viable again, and people do play him more, but not to an unhealthy extent. And the ones that I came across, did not present the kind of gameplay you describe, sincerely, no BS.


    There are "bad" players with any frame, ability or weapon you can imagine, Excal is not going to be an exception. To give an example, I used to see some Gmags pulling so often in Draco, that without a nekros, Mesa did eventually ran out of energy. Why? If you didn't wait for a bit to bring the orbs to her, you ended up refilling her for just a few points of energy, wasting an orb. The point is, there may be a few irritating Excals out there, but they are not the majority, and are not the ones that are going to rob you from the fun, I think he is such a well thought frame right now (expect for the EB sound) that it is not likely he will damage our gameplay, that is my opinion.

  8. When enemies are at level 80, then yes, of course they don't die in 1 hit. 

    And yes, Radial Blind has a 5 second delay.

    But does that really mean that an energy wave should do tons of damage when an enemy is blinded, AND have more punch-through than any weapon could ever possibly achieve?

    You can't just ignore the fact that that's broken as hell.


    Finisher damage is what it is (Blinded + Melee, knocked down + Melee, all the same) you can achieve that in other ways within the game. If you have an enemy incapable of defending himself for any reason, he should go down faster, even one-shot, it simply makes sense.


    About the wave punch through, you keep mentioning it as if it was a hitscan punch through, which could not be further away from the truth.

    - First, it dissipates with a few enemies (otherwise one horizontal wave would be enough to kill dozens of enemies, and we know it is not the case, as you accuse us of spamming, even with the "monstrous" damage...).

    - Second, the wave speed (I don't know how many times I have to repeat this) makes is an unreliable projectile, so yeah, I killed some guys behind doors, or cover, but most of the time, PT on that ability works just as an extension of any long or heavy melee weapon. If you swing a Scindo Prime around you, it goes through many enemies, and that is what they achieved with the EB wave, the difference is that it travels a straight line. It was a really well thought adaptation of concept, I will give DE that.

  9. FTFY


    Just because people get hits on youtube doesn't mean they give good feedback.  I neither agree nor disagree with your stance but namedropping internet personalities doesn't contribute anything to your endeavor.  


    I agree that they may not always be right about any given subject, but they are very experienced players, nobody can deny that, and they do have greater knowledge than average about game mechanics, otherwise what would tell them apart from the zillion other youtubers that post Warframe videos?


    So yes, I think Joe is right, it is a relevant point of view.


    Are you searching for a weak spot in his argument just for the sake of being right, or are you talking about the real trouble at hand with Vectis P?

  10. Yes.

    Spams energy waves, and when those don't 1-shot, they blind and throw more waves.


    What is wrong with "they blind and throw more waves" if the guy does not go down?? What do you do with your weapon if you shoot and don't kill? You shoot more bullets, right? Maybe you throw a Molecular Prime before the next burst to ensure a kill, right? That is called playing Warframe,,, emphasis on the word PLAYING, not spamming...


    As an Excal player that you are, you are aware that Radial Blind for example, cannot be spammed, it has a 5 second delay, that can only be dealt with natural talent, and nobody bothers with it. You have to know when to blind, otherwise you are screwed... That is playing in my book, you also admitted that not every thing goes down with one wave, even if you have 3 things stacking damage over EB (the aura, the melee mods, and the frame mods...)

  11. Every Excal player except you, apparently.

    Have you even seen anyone else playing Excal lately?


    For the past 2 weeks, except for this weekend, I played many different games like Excal. I must have come across about 10 different guys that were playing Excal as well, not even one played like that. Some were more EB dependent, some used all his powers, and evidently were a lot better, none behaved like a "stupid turret". And by the way, 40m does not kill many rooms away, that is BS, and the wave speed makes it unreliable at best for more than 10m. I went for times, using every ability but EB, just because I wanted to shoot stuff with my Braton, and his other powers alone make him a lot of fun for that. Still came on top on damage, 45%, if I recall correctly, saw others do the same.


    You seem like the guy that saw one troll with a tonkor/valkyr/limbo, and suddenly all players that use this gear are trolls...


    To add to this, I managed to do a 40min T4 survival solo as Excal, and managed to stay in exalted blade for all but 2 instances, that of which being a nullifier sneaking up on me, and me falling into a pit. 

    Max efficiency, even with a Blind Rage, is ridiculous on Excal.



    So gentlemen, let me see If I get it:


    - Let's tone down the damage. Depending on how much you do it, we go back to the state of inability to kill, at least within the time frame of a radial blind, so he is up for grabs to enemies, and we just continue to complain about not having good enough frames as usual, or worse, we go back to the mindless aimbots, and auto kill modes, because that is completely fine, Ash can kill at the one hour mark in T4 with his bladestorm, but if you go 40 min with Excal, well, that is ridiculous...


    - Remove punch through... to what end? Why do we have to remove something than any weapon can have?


    Please, I see you pointing fingers, but if you are not specific, is like saying any nerf will do, and that only tells me that you don't like it as a matter of preference, and it has nothing to do with balance.


    But please, tell me what can he do that makes Warframe such an unbalanced game?


    Is it that everyone only wants to play him? Not true, not even with me, this weekend I wanted to play in teams, so I did it with Frost, Nova and Vauban, and in most of the games (ODD, TDs of various levels) I hardly saw one single Excal.


    Is he the new meta, something that takes the gameplay away from Warframe (like gmag, according to DE)? Not even close, he is good, but not even with Storm's ludicrous idea of a 180 degrees invincible turret he can be enployed like a meta.


    So please, tell me what bothers you so much, and how to fix it, no half words.


    4k damage waves at a rate of 2 per second, that have infinite punch through at 40m range, and let you be essentially invincible from 180 degrees ahead of you, for a duration of 1 minute without any mods for efficiency or either of the flows and ignore any energy drops. And in addition, a 1k radial damage blast every few kills.



    Tell me who the hell plays like this?


    edited for typos

  13. Or you could just blind them and throw slashes at them, which still does a ton of finisher damage.

    Any decent melee turns those slashes into nukes, and the punch through like I said doesn't help either.

    The way you describe excal makes him sound so much more difficult than he really is, when in reality, it takes a 2 and a couple of mouse clicks to murder a room.


    If you build him for strength, you don't get too much extra range, and so you cannot blind the entire room, you have to close in a bit. The waves are slow, short to mid range works a lot better, and even more if you are inside the pack, which in turn leads to aiming (not precise aiming like a headshot on a moving target across the room, but aiming, nevertheless). I mentioned an example of a way that can kill high level enemies, with a certain safety factor, I've gone through entire T3Ds, to wave 60, not from inside the bubble, but doing as I described, without getting downed once.

    I'm not making it look difficult, you are making it look easy in a way that can work perfectly fine in low level, but is not enough to keep you alive when it really matters.


    And in the end, the best Excal players know something for a fact: Playing him with skill is a lot more gratifying and fun than just spamming, have you ever tried to kill as many enemies you can with the fewer possible slashes? If it is not your thing, leave us be...

  14. EB doesn't do anything I can't do with a high-tier gun and punch through. I don't mind his power being... powerful so long as he still has to move around, point his weapon, and generally be *played* to do it. I'd much rather have damage abilities like Exalted Blade to abilities like Bladestorm, Peacemaker, Rhino Stomp, Etc. 


    Perfectly stated.

  15. If by perfectly fine you mean in severe need of a nerf then yes, he's fine. He needs to be dialed back about 15-25% in terms of power. I'm fine with all skills as they are outside of exalted blade. Exalted blade is pretty much an Energy powered Gun equipped with an arsenal of Warframe skills. Not saying he needs a huge nerf just needs to be brought back down to the atmosphere


    Tell how making a good frame a bad one or weaker one is the right approach? His is an example of what DE wanted for the game in the first place, a build that is useful in most situations, even in difficult ones, and that has 4 abilities that work perfectly with each other. We need just the opposite, bring everybody to his level, this game would be a lot more fun.

  16. My biggest issue with him is that everyone and their mother uses the energy slashes from EB to kill instead of the actual melee, and that's mostly because of the ridiculous amount of punch through. Go into any mission that has an Excal, and 9/10 times they are slashing wildly in the general direction of the enemy and getting kills because of it.


    This is a false argument, simply because spamming with EB is not efficient as a nuker.


    A good Excal, approaches a cover near a group of enemies at high speed with his dash, pops out the cover with radial blind to incapacitate them, dives into the group using his EB short to mid range, with well aimed slashes, due the low speed, and gets his asss out of there with dash again as soon as possible. I'm talking about level 80+ enemies that can kill you pretty fast here.


    Your example is the case of a new guy that just discovered EB, and does not know how to play Excal properly yet.

  17. Thing is, once stamina is removed, and blocking (supposedly) becomes infinite, EB won't be too OP in comparison.


    His auto blocking is useless against a group of high level enemies, just works if the enemies is directly in front of you. What keeps him alive is radial blind, specially after the buff that lets him use it on the run, and on the air.

  18. not playing it after update. reason is - despite awesome synergy between his powers, Excal become one-trick pony. You play it through one power only.


    this is sad and shame really.


    You could not be more wrong. His ultimate is nothing without his other abilities, except for radial javelin on higher level enemies, which is useless.

  19. snip


    You could convince me his energy drain needs to be increased by like 20-40% so he can't maintain it forever,




    But if you do that, you loose a lot of survivability granted by his first and second abilities, keep that in mind.

  20. I do agree OP. My arguments on the anti-excal-threads have been pretty much the same as yours. Play poorly, suffer the consequences and die like any other frame. Spam, and you will get some kills, but nothing but a fraction you will get if you play it right.


    People wanted a frame to deal with high level enemies, and when they get it, they call him Over Powered... Ok then, the right thing to do would be fixing the underlying problem, which is insane scaling. For now, guess what?? We need a frame that actually does great damage, to greatly buffed enemies.


    And BTW, the ones that complain about the range, keep in mind its speed, this is not a bullet, so you have to play it right, otherwise, the enemy kills you long before you can hit him. There is a lot of plain ignorance running around theses days about this subject.

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