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Posts posted by Layniar

  1. So I made a post on the Warframe Fandom wiki yesterday and it got a few replies, but I get the feeling that they were slightly misunderstanding my point and I wasn't explaining very well. So I'm going to post it here for any random player (Or maybe on the longshot a dev) that has any idea whats actually going on with the Orvius. And just for simplicity's sake, it goes 'explanation' and then picture. Oh and SIP damage is Slash, Impact and Puncture damage (It just gets really annoyingly long to type every time. (And sorry for some of the picture not saying 'Throw' and 'Charged Throw', there was too many stats for me to get them onto the same image, but its always 'Throw' at the top and 'Charged Throw' at the bottom)

    My original post: https://warframe.wikia.com/d/p/3258895044706370273/r/3311113122873518585

    The way I thought it worked was that on a normal throw, the Orvius did the usual SIP damage it displays (The top stats from picture 1) and on a charged throw it does the usual SIP damage it displays (the bottom stats from picture 1) and then on the unique effect of the Orvius, when it 'suspends foes in mid air' (which on a different note doesn't work with Whirlwind on), which explodes for Cold damage which can be modded to Viral, Blast or Magnetic and then whatever other elemental mods you put on. Which would make sense if the cold was not there on the 'Throw' attack and only on the 'Charged Throw', but its not.c6a75a9b209aeab429e070c38c23fd63.png

    And it gets even worse when you try to put elemental mods on the weapon, here I put only Fever Strike (90% Toxin damage), So I would think that It would only produce Viral Damage but it doesn't, It produces both Toxin and Viral, the Toxin damage having 90% of the SIP damage and the Viral having 100% of the cold damage and 90% of the Cold damage. (Which does make sense if you think about it doing the explosion on the normal throw as well as the 'Charged Throw')51522ec90107eb3931c5c9b80ce67298.png

    However when you try to mod Viral onto the weapon normally with both mods it does something strange, On the normal 'Throw' attack it changes to Viral (which it should) but it also gets rid of the random toxin that was there and adds 75 damage to the Viral rather than 180 (90% of the SIP damage) or 135 (90% of the initial Cold damage (which the Fever Strike took form and added to)). On top of the numbers not exactly adding up now the Toxin damage that I thought was on the initial hit and Viral that was on the explosion (picture above) aren't different since the Toxin has vanished, so either the game thinks "Oh, Viral and Viral, I better add them together" and just gets very confused adding or now its deleted the initial Cold damage that was on the weapon? (These processes are the same for the 'Charged Throw' 792 being 180% of the SIP damage)feb154409e800939e4145014c3926052.png

    So I started putting more elemental mods on, putting on Electricity doesn't really do anything 'interesting' its just 180 on the 'Throw' and 396 on the 'Charged Throw' which Is normal as far as I'm concerned, not even worth a picture. And if you put on a different element, such as Gas (Toxin and Heat), it does 180% of the SIP damage and then the initial Cold damage, again, nothing really interesting to note.

    However whats even stranger than strange though, if you put on the gas damage and then want something like magnetic for whatever reason It goes back to doing base Electricity from the SIP damage and then it also combines that with the Cold to make Magnetic having 100% of the Cold damage and 90% Electricity damage.cc07d65c62acee54b2d7ca728e54da18.jpg

    And again, adding Cold damage back on only increases the damage to 180% of the SIP damage and not 180% and the initial Cold damage, again, negating the Initial cold that was on the weapon.b46d8fae82d7f6d403a309483638910a.jpg

    If there were any miscalculations in my percentages or where the damage was coming from please tell me so I can change it.


    Go back and read the post if you're interested in why the Orvius is 'broken' and if any Devs see this, please make it easier to understand for people trying to use the weapon, 'simply' adding in 'Explosion' in blue text or something to the stats to easily differentiate between the Glave's throw damage and Orvius' unique ability. 

    On another side note, how will the Orvius work when Channelling is removed? Will it always turn the enemies into 'puppets', will you need to block to start the channel or will it just loose the only functionality that makes it usable?

    EDIT: Oh and I forgot about it at the time but the dual stat mod Vicious Frost... Well... you can see in the picture...b3ffeaf744949a1855020bec4b83f26f.png

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