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Posts posted by Chuchu13Cz

  1. So,
    I logged in because the nitain extract alert that I needed to do. When I found that there is an alert I just jumped into the game, knowing that I will just grab the extract and go to sleep because it is like 3 am here. And the login reward was 3 hours of rescource booster. I would appreciate that, but I need some sleep, to be fresh for my job. 
    Yeah you would say that there will be at least 4 alerts tommorow and day after. But I don't have that much time to actually sit here and wait for another to appear.
    And because it is second booster that will be gone before I will play. So I was thinking... What if at least those login boosters were stored in inventory and then activated manually, or better there would be option to store it or activate now ( plat discount has "claim and go buy some" or just "claim".

    If this is still tl;dr... it is about "Give us option to store boosters and activate them later, please!" 


  2. So...  Who's looking forward to Sentient Weapons?  I think they will be amazingly stylish.

    When landing, one has something that appears to be a Fragor, so maybe not that stylish... but dunno.. maaybe it just looks alot like our beloved hammer and their weapons will be more amazing than that. 

  3. I think frost is an amazing warframe. It was the first one I farmed and it took me a week, so maybe I love him just because I had to go through hell for him. His 4th abilitiy is nice in visual and effectivity when used right. Limbo looks like he has some qualities, but I didn't play him a lot, so no opinion on that, but visually his abilities look good to me.

  4. I wanna see some event that about stalker that gonna be a nice event.


    Maybe some quest with some lore, maybe he would be appearing behind glass, on platforms above you and in the shadows, watching you and then he would talk to you, telling you that he is slightly surprised Tenno are running around, but he is a bit happy that he can kill you now and then try to kill you. 

    Umm.. there is one thing that comes to mind. If he hates Tenno so much, why didn't he kill them while they were asleep? Is it due to his sense of honour, does he want to see the Tenno suffer for what they did or was he in cryosleep too? If yes how did he woke up, or who woke him?

  5. I play it since closed beta. There were some times when it got boring, but I have always came back, because it's a great game full of funny moments. 
    Yes it's a coop game, so solo can be boring ( Warframe on solo for me is sooo much boring,  can't even think about playing it for 20 minutes), but when you have some friends or find a good clan of friendly and active players, the game gets awesome ammount of fun.

    On the other hand I have to admit the game became more awesome for my friends with their first purchase of plat. Maybe it is just the fact that they put some money in the game... But they agreed that seeing more slots and feeling more freedom to farm new frames and weapons with no need of selling the old ones was the reason they kept on playing.

  6. Awesome. I love it and hope, that DE will link Warframe and Dark Sector lore in the end. ( I know that they already told it is not the same universe and that actually is the same universe. And I really don't know if they know it...)

    If they will say NOPE, Warframe is absolutely different space.. I will cry or riot... Because I have gone through hours and hours of theories about the Dark Sector characters/ plot leading into the Warframe ( My friends thinks Lotus is what remained from the Agency and she is a true antagonist of all the space) 

  7. - I use soma to farm things the easy way

    - I have every frame in the game except Excalibur Prime, and even despite I don't like some of them I have all of them potatoed

    - I constantly have to buy Plat, because when I get a weapon it must be really bad for me to sell it after leveling it

    - I want to make some engame builds on my favourite weapons, but I am lazy to rank it again so I never start doing it

    - I want Ankyros prime only because it looks badass in Rhino Prime's codex, but I know that if melee 2.0 wil not do something big about it I will hate using it

  8. Completed. 

    200 characters is not enough, on the other hand... who would read all the feedback if it was ten thousand times a wall of text? 

    I will be happy if more surveys like this will pop up in the future, I just love to say my opinion about things.

  9. Still better than Orokin cells, but yes Neurodes and Orokin cells are nightmare for me. But some of my friends don't really understand why I hate Neurodes, because for them they actually drop alot.. maybe some people just have really bad luck with them. 



    Stalker isn't a Tenno. He was a low guardian.

    I see low Guardians more like some "most loyal and best Tennos". Like personal guards of the Orokin. The ones who knew about the Tenno plan to kill everyone but disagreed, but Orokins, blinded with the feelings of victory and power forced them to leave and were killed. My biggest question is: " Will there be more low Guardians? " I kinda want to see a 4 Guardians squad as a Endgame boss or something like that. 

    Anyone here, if you want to prove me wrong, please do it. I wll be glad to get more clear vision on the history...


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