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Posts posted by Natfrog123

  1. 1 minute ago, (PS4)CoolD2108 said:

    Indeed. One that implyed that even half decent frames do well with bad abilities in a scaling level range between levels 40 and 100 with one ability, literally what i've covered here with the one ability that's on par with those. Evidently even better then some.


    He is a assassin indeed. Imagine what happens when you actually use his abilitys that are set to those levels. That "damage you don't need" appearently.

    Just stop. You have already lost this debate. Your claim was proven wrong. it's over stop wasting more of my time.

  2. 1 minute ago, (PS4)CoolD2108 said:

    Want me to make another 20 or so of those videos with different groups? I've outdamaged quite a few metas with nothing but shurikens.

    Want me to share my current build so you can try it yourself?

    Want me to actually go all out?

    Note that absolutely nothing in this video even uses his kit. Me using his first frickin ability repeatedly drove you to overanalysing it, desperately looking for reasons just why everyone else fell behind.

    That this one ability of his got the firerate and range of old and the damage of new WoF, with way better damage, damage type (slash stacks, fire does not) and armor disspell.... that it's on par with quite a few lazy metas all by itself while not restricting invisibility, teleports OR Bladestorm is probably closer to the truth. I didn't min max anything eather... this is a quite balanced build.

    Well this was the video YOU gave us saying untruths. You said you out damaged frames in THIS video but I have shown you differently. So where you think you are outdamaging frames because of final numbers... you are mistaken. I don't want to see a video of you and your friends setting up a VERY specific situation like you did in the last video... but still managed to get called out for failing BTW. Those were hands down trash characters not using any build I have ever made or seen. It was a rigged contest and you failed. It's ok that one skill is not as powerful as an entire set... it's fine honestly... but your claim that it is something that it is not needs to stop. I understand you want so badly to think your Ash is great but in all honesty it needs a lot of TLC to it's number 4. Ash is the lethal ASSASSIN... or he was at least. Now he's just a sub-par killer when standing next to other frames. It really is a shame how far he has fallen. It may be the best thing since sliced bread on PC but I'm not complaining about PC. I'm upset that on X-Box he is handicapable and confined to a wheelchair. The once great lethal executioner has been crippled. Not paralyzed like you guys think we are suggesting but hindered in a way that ruined him compaired to his former glory. Give us our glory back. It's been far far too long. I want to see Ash be AMAZING again and stand out in the crowd. Not do things every other frame can do.

  3. 20 hours ago, (PS4)CoolD2108 said:

    That's what the playstation is able to record and i've done pretty much nothing but shooting shurikens. Per quota in a specific level range. With, quote: "even half decent aoe frames" in the group.

    Usually i also melee, use bladestorm and i'm thus far above what's shown there due to how it plays out with the armor drain. 

    These results are due to nothing but outranging other frames. If you play him propperly, you outdamage them in such a level range too. By far.

    Ok so I did the maths

    In the last 8 mins and 10 seconds of the fight we see Kante999 get more kills than you in an area you say you "outdamage" all the other frames.

    Kante get 79 kills to your 61.

    Your damage decreases by 2% while Kantee999 raises by 2% in the final 8 mins. 

    To me it seems everything but what you are suggesting. 

    If this trend continues or they actually start trying... not sure which it is honestly... you would have been FAR outdamaged.

    I mean I am only using the video YOU provided as a basis on your truth. Even when setup to succeed you manage to NOT prove your own point?


  4. 18 hours ago, RealPandemonium said:

    Lol, so your argument is that it's not easy enough to steal kills with Ash?

    My arguement is that in the video we have a solo Ash hitting for 300 damage and at time even less.... are we even sure he is killing? Ember had only 400 and some kills... is she even a "damage" frame if her kill count is THAT low? I mean we have to assume that a good AoE frame would have been much higher in kill count at low levels than that if it was in fact a damage built frame. The test is invalid. We don't have enough info about the group comp and their setups and if WoF was hitting tiny dots on enemies we couldn't see or if something else was in play. As for his number 1... of coarse it works. This isn't about if Ash CAN kill... it is 100% about the blockade of using his number 4 in practicle situations. Which with the marking system it is not ever to use it anywhere. Mesa's major buff she just got absolutely breaks her to being so OP it isn't funny. Don't be shocked when every game you see will start having a Mesa once people understand how to build her pistols.

    I'd also like to point out you had a complete trash Octavia. Did you see that tiny range? This alone I'd say invalidates your claims as to a "good" AoE damage team. It almost to me seems like they were running no mods specifically to let you "get kills" for this video you have shown us.

    I call your BS sir.

    I noticed it also took a heavy gunner to deny you a kill before you ran away. If you were "melting" enemies with your number 1 why did you run? I'm sure the excuse is the bleeds would kill it but there in lies the problem. In an ACTUAL good group those things die before you can get your bleed on them in the first place.... even at 3 hour mark. 

    Had a decent Octavia been in your group you would have stood no chance unless you are playing solo which again you were doing in this video. But like i said did you see her default range? I mean seriously did you think no one would notice?

  5. On 2018-06-11 at 4:40 PM, (PS4)CoolD2108 said:

    There it is. Playing ash fast in a squad with a octavia, frost and a ember.

    Please note that that's only playing him fast. I didn't even start to play him effective.

    (Except for the effective support by dbuffing armor.)

    I'd like to point out you started this recording at over 20 mins into game play. You went to just under 40 mins. You only had 550 kills? I can tell just by the ending there was not ONE single damage frame in your group. If you can call this effective then more power to you. I noticed you were off by yourself for over half of this video you showed us... That is not being in a group and it is not an issue to play solo with ash.

  6. On 2018-06-14 at 11:26 AM, DjKaplis said:

    Ash is still an amazing and very strong frame that doesn't need any changes right now. Some buffs are always welcome but honestly he doesn't need them. 

    Wheelchair...lol, have you played him 😄

    The problem isn't that we haven't played him. The problem is we play him A LOT. It isn't practical in this type of game to have a marking system (specifically on console) that is out preformed by numerous frames.... Especially now with the OP modding of "void weapons" or whatever they calling it. Love the new modding mechanic but it's horribly OP. I love OP don't get me wrong but make it across the board.

  7. The screen jumping and non killable enemies are gone. Please give me back my original Bladestorm mechanics with the problems solved. This would make Ash great again. Marking a single enemy is not fun. Violently shaking my mouse or breaking my joystick is not fun. I have literally broken an X-Box controller trying to play Ash.

  8. 25 minutes ago, Wordse said:

    I guess I believe there should be a variety of play styles and some accessibility and keeping players and potential customers out of the game by telling them we don't think the way you play your solo experience is good or fun kinda rough. I under stand DE probably doesn't hate players but its fun to nuke maps in my opinion .I see so many people complain that it's 

    "The single most unfun thing in the game" but this is opinion stated as fact for some reason Ito me the weapon and gun play is the most  unfun but I don't ask for those to be removed.

    I 100% agree with you. If I put that much time in building a frame I should be able to play it that way. A new player can not and will not be able to do that. When i got off work all i wanted to do was relax not do more work. Now the game is to much like work. It was simple if you didn't like that play style don't use it. I understood that with Ash the invulnerable enemies needed to go... I 100% supported that going away... but not the murder of his 4 because they wanted more players to play a different way.

  9. 1 hour ago, Wordse said:

    I mean I do like Warframe it's a fun game I just enjoyed running through maps with Frames that were less input required and modding to support that play style like when I used to clear maps with Ember or Ash I suppose non interactive was a bit far but its hard to pin down this game play. I enjoy Hitting that set and forget Frame button and modding it felt good becasue it rewarded my effort with an easier time. I even try not to expose others too me by playing Solo 99% of the time. 

    I am all for trivializing game play by setting up correctly.

    Cookie Clickers aren't what I am looking for listen I understand some people may not like my preferred style of game play which I why I came to the Warframe forums for some answers I would appreciate if people had some actual advice.


    When they screwed up Ash my game was destroyed. I've found it better just to not give DE any more of my money and just go else where. Too many people don't like the way we like to play and force us to play their way. So much for an inclusive game huh? Everyone has there own thing that they enjoy but the declining Warframe population should tell you something about what DE has done to the game.

  10. It's called rng nobody likes it but it happens so DE isn't going to take that out because you aren't able to get what you want 

    But a forma even being in the drop table is kinda horrible for T4... Replace it with cores or something useful....

  11. Rising Storm modifies the duration of the combo counter. It will (Restating: should) be affected by duration mods as powers with duration are. Just as augments that are based on power strength will be affected by power strength (Smite Infusion, for example, is affected by both power strength and duration mods.)


    It is intended. Your opinion is noted.


    Edit: In my opinion, this should have been an augment for his teleport skill. As much as I'd like to have the bonus this provides, I don't think I'll be using it, as I tend to dislike most 4-skills.

    But the combo counter is not a part of the power itself but an outside numerical value... My point is this if it was based on power duration wouldn't the counter decrease naturally upon skill use with reduced duration? So the augment is in fact not a duration at all to a duration skill but an outside modifier based on a skill used. I understand how it is being modified by the power duration but not why. 

    EDIT... Even in the wiki it does not acknowledge any "duration" frame modifiers only that a set 3 second value will be doubled to 6 by a maxed out mod.

  12.  So I have just got my Arbitor of Hexis up to the point of getting my much anticipated Rising Storm Augment for my Ash. I must say I am highly disappointed with this augment. When I read it I was so excited that my Ash was finally going to become a true bad A** I had intented him to be only to be sorely disappointed that Rising Storm is effected by duration of my warframe mods? I was highly disappointed that a mod was effected by my other mods? Why is this even happening? One does not reflect the other and to me this seems like a bug. I'd just like to know why a mod/augment is being effected by a "power duration" stat. This to me seems like an unintentional/bugged augment manipulation. I'd just like a simple answer from a DE rep as to if this is intentional or is in fact unintended. IMO an Augment should not be effected by other mods and should only directly effect the intended skill in the intended fashion. Thanks.

  13. Not only for mele players but playing a game farming for Poly bundles as my hydroid off on a ledge and making sure my tents kill everything some random joins sees my tents at the objective and purposely blows me off my ledge just because he can? That is purely a grieving mechanic when used in such a way. It needs to be fixed plain and simple. You can say I'm QQing or whatever you like but I am an adult and could care less your opinion on my reaction to a game I play to have fun. This is not fun for me and currently I have no way to turn this feature I hate off except to limit my game to friends, invite, or solo. My friends are not always on and I enjoy other players when they can't disrupt my playtime.

  14. Why would they purposely add skills/weapons to the game that affect other players without a way to turn it off? I'm tired of being scorpion wired off cliffs and Tonkor bounced all over the place it is really annoying and really making me think about leaving the public game scene! It's rude and annoying and people are useing these mechanics to PURPOSELY irritate fellow players. There really needs to be a way for players to turn this off so grievers can't abuse it. My 2 cents.

  15. Hey wasnt sure where to say this but my alert(Blackout) with darvo is glitching. I have now completed it 4 times still not clearing as second attemp and still no second reward

    There is a seperate map that says 2... not the same mission repeated... and a 3rd map that says 3 for the Sigil

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