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Posts posted by VoidProdigy

  1. 19 hours ago, aoguro said:

    i dont understand neither agree ^^)

    i play a long time and some "ressources" eat a ton of my cash ongoing, and for shure my individual style to play, and the last 2 updates changed my income dramatically

    so im glad to have this double cash stuff ... im no really thankful as well as i welcome it from my gamer-heart ... ^^)

    I am not speaking complicated English. And this is the first time i heard resources eating credit.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Beggining said:


    You already answered your own question, and the Index will need a lot of money, too.

    It will need a lot of money when you'll lose an event match to forfeit your investment alongside the profit amount. Yet, the probability of failing is extremely low, since you only need to "Win" the match to keep your investment. Hence the credit booster comes to no use.

  3. We got Double Credit event, but for what purpose? Veterans have millions to billions of credits as we speak. New players will need this booster because of the amount of credit they'll need for gears. Yet, for what reason did DE give us this double credit?

    " We’re looking for the best fighters to participate in the debut of The Index.

    If you want to wager and earn big winnings, you'll need plenty of Credits! Stock up now with our Double Credit Bonus Weekend. "

    Of all the other useful boosters they could've given, they gave us this.

  4. 10 hours ago, SolaireTheSunWalker said:

    I'm sorry what exactly did you fix? if you read any further into my message you would of seen what I said  " Well I mean blood rush allows melee weapons damage to infinitely scale and combined with body count " Blood rush is the mod that actually lets your melee weapons infinitely scale body count only allows you to keep it longer hence why I said combined with body count. Obviously would never happen but if enemy spawns were insanely broken and enemies would just keep clumping up and spawning right after one would die you'd keep the effect of blood rush w/o body count and again body count just allows you to keep the multiplier but there still wasn't anything wrong with what I said. Nor do I even know the purpose of why you would feel the need to correct me  

    "if enemy spawns were insanely broken".


  5. Just now, (XB1)Shodian said:

    Does everything need rewards? I honestly don't understand this mentality. I play Warframe because it's fun, yes there may not be super challenging but it's everything to do that keeps me coming back. 

    I'll see you in about a month after your "fun" phase is over and you're back like the others on the forum asking to bring back something like endless prime parts farming.

  6. Just now, ScorpioneITA said:

    Just lol? How much revenue do you think warframe makes from conclave? hahaha. Best joke I heard all day. I'm in tears. Somebody stop him

    Also, if you cannot see something happening. Why are you suggesting on what they should do?

    People that just want to farm xyz will always make your games less fun. Regardless of the mode. If someone is superbad... no equipment will make up for that. (also pvp should be about fun and battling... who cares win lose etc.)

    No dude, i've played enough Conclave to safely say that players play it to win. Damn, is OP correct, i've seen the cheesiest of the cheese loadouts from players.

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