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Posts posted by ReptiloidLaythre

  1. Much to my frustration, after performing K-Drive tricks I'll randomly "botch" the landing and I'll lose my points. The problem is, after having tested for hours I still have NO IDEA what I'm doing wrong.

    I'm not falling off my K-Drive, I'll land normally and still lose my score. What is the condition for failing here? Please DE, at least make sure the game gives sufficient feedback with these things so players know what they're doing wrong without turning it into a community project trying to determine what does and doesn't work.

  2. Yeah, the reason I created a forum post about this is that somehow, after playing for 2500 hours, I hadn't figured out that they can be shot. Problem solved eh, that solves everything! Excellent contribution! I'd give you a gold medal if I had one!

  3. I have no idea why these are still in the game. Remnants of a failed concept that serves no other purpose than to add frustration and arbitrarily ruin stealth on Grineer ship tiles. They should have been removed years ago, pretty please do something about them!

  4. I find this forced "buff" to be incredibly annoying in pub squads, and 99% of the time it's an unwanted effect that completely ruins my gameplay flow.

    Why should 3 players be forced into this effect just because 1 player can't stop spamming his ability? For those who do want it, fair enough. All I'm asking is the option to opt-out.

  5. 2 hours ago, CoreXCZ said:

    It's not broken. It just require a bit of skill and knowledge. When you know what to do, life support is sustainable well.


    Well, I kind of agree partially. Grineer, Corpus and Infested are behaving differently during general gameplay, however none is so clever to just not spawn and let you run out of oxygen. Something is wrong here for sure, however hard to say where. It can really be just your playstyle during solo survival, however I wouldn't deny other possibilities as well since sometimes, spawning is truly behaving strange. I don't know how rest of the community but I remember when spawning mechanic sometimes trolled you by spawning less and sometimes spawning a lot. You can notice that especially on alerts and sorties where spawn is at some cases larger than in general survival.

    Don't be a condescending ass, I've got 2k hours clocked in WF. Players can't manipulate spawn rates directly, and I'm telling you I'm not getting enough enemies to kill.

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  6. The spawn rates in solo missions are completely borked, and have been for as long back as I can remember. Seriously, even as Nekros I have trouble sustaining life support in solo missions.

    It's absurdly backwards, solo survivals seem to have the LOWEST spawn rate of any mission type. In solo captures I get overwhelmed by standing still for more than 5 seconds, solo exterminates always have large groups in every room, solo survivals? Empty rooms everywhere. I can be standing around in an ideal spawn location and get a max of 3 enemies at a time, then have to wait for 10 seconds for the next ones to spawn.

    Survivals should be exciting and challenging, it should be about struggling against overwhelming hordes of enemies while the life support timer keeps ticking down! PLEASE increase the spawn rates!

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  7. Hi, I'm a MR23 player with 1900+ hours clocked in. I'm not here to boast though, the reason that is relevant is because I'm frequently finding myself running out on credits, and it's becoming frustrating.

    I feel like after this amount of time invested in Warframe, I should ideally be set when it comes to credits, if not overflowing with them!
    Credits are the most basic resource and everything requires it, yet the amount of you get from normal missions is so absurdly low it's practically worthless.

    I know, I know... it's a grindy game. I don't mind the grind, if I did I would've quit about a thousand or so hours ago.
    Farming for credits is my absolutely least favorite thing to farm, because it doesn't feel worth my time. Don't we have enough things to farm for as it is? Sure, new players are gonna have to go through the grind to get a steady supply of cash but it really shouldn't be necessary for veteran players to barely scrape by after so many hours of playing.

    Looking at other basic resources, I have more alloy plates, rubedo, nano spores etc than I'll ever need. Why do credits have to be so scarce?

    Even doubling the current mission credits would STILL be kinda low, but certainly a step in the right direction. Please buff credit rewards and make normal missions worth doing!

  8. I love warframe. I love being a space ninja.

    It's a fantastic experience, gliding and jumping and flying all over the place. In some ways it's like being a kid again. It's just pure fun. Each tileset is loaded with secret and hidden areas just waiting to be discovered. Even 700 hours in, I'm still finding new places regularly!

    I've always loved the exploration elements of this game. That being said, there's nothing that quite breaks that experience like the black screens. You know the ones I'm talking about... You're just going about your day, being a space ninja. Something in the distance catches your eye, and you try to figure out how to get to it. Then it happens. Everything fades to black and you mysteriously end up in the place you started.

    This always struck me as an odd design desision in a game where exploration is actively encouraged. It might as well be a giant sign saying "YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO GO HERE, PLAYER! STAY ON THE PATH WE LAID OUT FOR YOU!"

    I certainly won't try to speak for everyone, but personally I have a strong distaste for this feature. It's distracting and jarring, even immersion breaking. I'd be interested to know how the rest of the community feels about this?

    As for a proposed solution to this issue, I feel like it would be an easy fix. Just open up the maps! I'm not asking for more secrets to be added, or for every inch of every map to be turned into eye candy. Honestly all I'd want is to be able to explore these "forbidden" places. That in and of itself can be rewarding. There are no loot crates on Mount Everest, yet people still go there. :)

  9. So I received a Starburst as a daily login reward some time ago, and I'm fairly certain it's bugged. It shows up in the miscellaneous section of the inventory, and I'm unable to equip it as gear, build or sell it. It seems I can't do anything with it at all?

  10. Hello,

    Having played quite frequently with my Kubrow lately, I've observed some buggy behavior. The most problematic ones are related to use of the Scavenge mod.

    1) Using a melee/quick melee strike (for example to open crates) when the Kubrow is within range of a storage locker (or has already begun the power animation) will abort it regardless of enemy presence. The Kubrow won't try using the power on the spesific locker again.

    2) The Kubrow won't use power on lockers when enemies are nearby. Now this might be a feature rather than a bug, and it would make sense. However, approaching these lockers BEFORE clearing out the room will again make the Kubrow unable to use the power on them later on when nearby enemies have been cleared.

    3) The Kubrow will often fall through the ground/map upon starting the power animation in several locations. Seems to happen more frequently in semi-hidden areas on Earth tilesets.

    4) Kubrow rarely ever show up in hidden areas with lockers due to being unable to traverse the geometry of the level. They will also frequently get stuck in geometry and IMO it takes too long to teleport it back to the player.

    On a lighter note, thanks for making such a fantastic game! New player here, completely addicted. =)

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