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Posts posted by MySizeFitzAll

  1. Pustrels are not making their way to my inventory.  At first I thought they were rare, noting that I only had four.  I made a point to watch out for them in mission, and saw them dropping in bundles of around 20.  I checked in the mission progress screen (during the mission) and they weren't showing up there, checked my inventory upon the mission end - not there either.  Checked with squad-mates after the mission and they said they had received amounts of them.  I've yet to see if other resources are failing to appear, but Pustrels are the ones that have caught my attention.  Mission attempted/deliberately watched: Posit Cluster

    Thanks in advance!

  2. Adding my voice for emphasis.  Please re-visit the reward table.  I understand the rarity of vandal parts, peculiars, etc., however, getting the same captura scene (again) in back-to-back rotation A's has to be one of the worst feelings in-game.  They are of absolutely no use after their initial collection and it feels like loot dilution.  Please consider placing them as enemy drops (similar to Oberon parts, Kavat segments, etc.) and replacing them with kuva, endo, oxium, or maybe even just a rare resource grab-bag to fill the void.

  3. Good news!  I forget where you can get it, but the ending zone is a captura scene!  Same with Octavia's anthem, but I know you get that from Simaris.

    Side note, I agree on the scare tone.  Was tense for the first mission, and the gravity of the quest held out, but the suspense died when I didn't get jumped by anything.

    Not sure which scared me more, the beginning of the mission, or every time my load screen would seize up for a few moments during the quest. XD

  4. Not sure if I put this in the right place, so somebody with know-how relocate this if need be.


    This is gonna be a lengthy idea-vomit, so buckle up kids.  Don't fret, I'll include a tl;dr for the short attention spans.


    Alrighty, so back a few weeks we got the Chesa consolation egg and genetic templates for the hatch rate mishap.  I got super excited because the prospect of a dog that fetches and disarms blew my mindhole. Then... reality struck.  Derpy doge runs into walls and sticks to them, takes 4 or 5 attempts to open a crate, and facial magnet gives him an item-beard when he finally "retrieves," just to name the first few thoughts on how Doge fully evolved into a Derpasaurus Rex.  So for a while now I've been kind of disheartened by kubrows and haven't really used any of them (I have one of each breed fully ranked).  


    As I was sifting through Kubrow complaints, (and I use the word complaints intentionally, I didn't find very many other ideas out there; please link if you have them!)  I realized that the kubrow is lacking in three major areas:  Base A.I., Thematic Use, and Customization.  I'll address each area in order, starting with Base A.I.  Long story short, derpy kubrow are derpy. Resting A.I. needs an overhaul.  Pretty simple.


    Thematic use:  When players think of what they want in an attack dog, (which is the closest animal we can compare kubrows to) most of them have a pretty consistent idea of what they want to use it for.  The closest DE has come to this has been the Sunika, in my opinion.  The Sunika is pretty much a niche pick for Capture missions because it does what a K-9 does irl.  Chase down target, hold target for master, await instruction.  But the K-9 doesn't do these kind of things on it's own.  Trained animals really don't have the capacity to make decisions, so they rely on commands from their handler.  Currently there is no way to train a kubrow to do what you want it to do, nor is there a way to give it a direct command.  This is why sentinels tend to be favored.  I can't tell my sentinel what to do in-game, but thematically they do what they're meant to do.  They hover on your shoulder, give a buff/CC or two under very specific conditions, and send pew-pews at enemies when they get in range.  Simple, clean, consistent.  SO HERE'S THE BIG IDEA: Give players a way to give specific commands that fit with each breed.  Just some examples off the top of my head:


    Chesa:  Waypoint mark (or something similar) a bombard that you need to be disarmed like, yesterday, and kubrow responds by disarming the target.  Same can be said for opening crates. Maybe even give them a passive for locked lockers?  I'm kind of torn whether lockers should go to Chesa or Sahasa.


    Sunika: Not much I can think to change here.  Just make chase targets be command based.


    Huras:  Oh man,  commands would make this one so much fun.  

    Stalk: send kubrow to sneak attack a single target.  Both kubrow and warframe are cloaked for the duration of the attack and kubrow's return, and the warframe loses cloaking if it moves from a crouched position.  

    Hide/Ambush:  If kubrow and frame are out of line-of-sight of enemies, both are cloaked.  Frames are allowed a small amount of *slow* movement and one stealth attack before losing the cloak.


    Huras:  I'm pretty ok with the howl being conditional, maybe based on the health/shield pool dipping below a certain percentage but...

    Heel/Defend:  Can be cast on self or defense objective.  If cast on objective, kubrow guards the objective while snarling at enemies.  Snarling CC's enemies to have a slower attack speeds/fire rates (I was thinking a snarling dog would make enemies hesitate a bit, but they'd ultimately still fire on the objective.  I thought zone-based CC similar to howl was a bit much.)  Doge takes a percentage of damage dealt to the objective for the duration.  If self-cast, kubrow and owner become stationary.  Kubrow stands side-facing in front of warframe, taking all incoming damage.  Frame is able to aim and fire over the back of the kubrow.


    Sahasa:  ... I dunno, man.  I tried thinking of something command-based, but all this breed has going for it is dig, and I'm blanking on creativity for this one.


    All breeds could have a priority pointer (like a waypoint) that made them focus their basic attacks on a target or region.


    Now for the last part, customization.  Kubrow ability/survivability are limited by the frame you choose because of the *defensive stat*-link mods.  I mean, being able to throw armor- and health-link on a doge with Valkyr is cool and all because now you have two basically unkillable bullet sponges, but what if I wanted to choose a lightly armored caster frame?  Now I just have two fragile contributions to the team, one of which is controlled by a derpier-than-calculator A.I.  Why not make kubrows stand alone in their stats so that I can build them to complement my frame, rather than just supplement?


    In addition to stats, why not extend that to abilities?  Think about irl breeds.  Each breed has something that they're bred for, and they do that job better than most other breeds.  For example, I'm going to use a shepherd to corral livestock and a doberman to defend my home,  but I can teach both of them to fetch, right?  Why not have that option available for kubrows?  Have an ability or two that are specific to each breed, then have a bunch of other abilities that are trainable in say... the simulacrum?  Make it so that before a puppy reaches maturation, players have to take it to the simulacrum to teach it the abilities you want it to use.


    These are just my ideas.  Give your thoughts, add your own ideas.


    TL;DR:  Doges give much disappoint.  Improve A.I., Command-based abilities, Better stat and ability customization.

  5. I was on Lilith, Europa trying to farm T3MD keys (and failing, thanks for asking) when the energy carriers just stopped spawning.  For the first excavator, I had plenty of them and there were enemies spawning at a manageable rate.  Then when I moved onto the next excavator, the spawns slowed to only a few Shockwave Moas and the uh... continuous laser stream Corpus dudes (Can't remember their names. >_<)  I tried wandering and spawning new excavators for a good 10-15 minutes and they just wouldn't show.

  6. Hey guys, my questions mostly center around Archwing.  I know that not a whole lot of people get too excited about Archwing but I absolutely love it.  My only complaints are clarity related.  The mini-map and targeting system are a bit underwhelming and make it a chore to locate enemies.  Is there something in the works to fix this?  Another problem I have is resource drops/energy & health spheres.  With the large scale of the space battles, I've noticed that in order to capitalize on these drops one has to basically run melee-only to cash in on anything that enemies drop, or get lucky enough to whiz by them by chance.  Any possibility of making these drops global but less frequent or maybe making enemies pulse health/energy on death to promote a bit more gunplay?


    tl;dr, When is Archwing getting some love?

  7. Just a small quality-of-life request, could we also get a notification and/or icon on the mini-map when operatives are bleeding out?  I've revived a few because I just happened to see them go down, but most missions it's like "Where'd the other one go?".

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