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Posts posted by monsteara

  1. I've got a rather intriguing issue I haven't seen anyone else report:
    Every time I attempt to log into the game, I get a strange process; the login is successful, I pop into the orbiter, and I get a notification that I have a new message in my inbox. The inbox automatically attempts to open, showing the golden loading symbol, which then shifts into a larger silver one, and it gets stuck there and tells me "The network has stopped responding". I can use the "Back" and "Exit" buttons at the bottom right to get out of the menu and walk around, and the orbiter functions normally - I can access the modding interface and foundry, and everything updates normally as if the network is functioning. However, about thirty seconds after the "Network has stopped responding" message appears, the game boots me back to the login menu with a base Excalibur... I can login again, but I get the same process, so I haven't been able to play at all. Really unfortunate, since I've been super excited for this update!

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