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Posts posted by Tagger

  1. Quote


    Nope.. You just hear it a lot easier/clearer. The sound is very much there, just by having your spear out. You don't have to hold Right-click at all, while fishing, if you don't want to.

    I've hardly used the right-click when fishing and I have no trouble hearing the bubbles or even hitting the fish.

    But yeah.. Fishing is by far the most efficient way of capping your standing. I've just hit the 44.000 Standing cap today, and I think I need something like 70.000 or something for the next one - not online in the game currently, so can't check - but that's going to take few more days to get :)
    Turned in all my fish from one full night of fishing (19775 standing in total, from fish alone) and got what I needed (while still having fish to cut up), after running a few bounties first.

    I've bought bait one time, but I'm not going to waste standing on it, unless upgrading standing needs some special part from a fish (which I think my next one does - Murkray parts or something..).

  2. 13 hours ago, LSG501 said:

    you know somehow I just don't believe those numbers because based off my own experiences that is far too high an amount for the time you're saying you spend fishing.

    It's not a case of hating fishing, it's about how long I want to do something that to put it bluntly isn't why I started playing the game but is now a requirement to get certain items...

    You can believe whatever you want.

    Pic, showing hand-in, after the night that just went by (Khut-Khut caught, as Lungfish went away). https://imgur.com/67O6rpO (Equates to 19775 Standing, by handing those it - more than capping me for the day, currently - so I'm not going to hand all in for standing...)
    I wasn't going to sit for nearly an hour, to record me hardly moving, so a pic will have to do.
    It's all about finding the right spots.
    Don't go to larger areas, as that creates a larger area for the fish to spawn and by that, a larger area for you to miss the fish.

  3. 24 minutes ago, General_Durandal said:

    You actually got 40-65, because the thing counts each fish as 2.

    No, I got what I mentioned. The amount I mentioned, was from handing them in. Not from the progression listing.

    One full night, generally yields around 80-130 at the spots I tend to sit at, when turning them in (I've done this several times already). The progression listing will double that, so if you want to go by that number; it's 160-260 (Obviously).

  4. 5 minutes ago, LSG501 said:

    Yeah I've had this a few times, had a few times where I get 0 damage too. 

    I already think the spawn rate on the fish is too low/slow but not having any fish is pretty annoying considering how 'important' fishing is to progression.


    Never had the issue where they wouldnt spawn and I couldnt just go into combat and back to fishing to make them show up again - but in terms of the spawn rate; it's something like ½-1½ minute between spawns - sometimes spawning two at the same time. Sometimes even faster. That's not very long at all.
    During one night time (50 minutes), I can get around 80-130 Lungfish.
    I really dont think they need to be any faster, from my experience at least. If you really hate fishing; then sure, I can see that..

  5. 43 minutes ago, Almighty_Jado said:

    Is bait required to catch certain fish, or does bait just increase the chances of finding them?

    They just make it a fair bit easier.
    I havent caught many Karkina or Sharrac, without using bait - when using bait, I've caught loads of them.

    ..and then there's some fish that require specific bait to even show up (these are mentioned in the bait descriptions).

  6. I've actually only found Traloks during the day - so far I'd say (based on my experience), that they are day-time fish. But not sure.

    Mostly found them on the left side of the map, down by the ocean, where there is a beached whale-like creature and loads of Goopolla in general.

  7. Don't know if the boosters are supposed to work for fish or not, but I'm getting very different numbers of fish when I go to turn them in, than I see when out in the plains.

    Just checked the mission progress and I had 76 fish. Went to turn them in, and it only showed me 12 fish..

    I kinda think this is a network sync issue..

  8. 25 minutes ago, ZDoppelganger said:

    I basically spent my entire holidays checking Facebook Twitter and Forum no-stop hoping for something that seems like is not going to happen soon. I was so confident that the last hotfix would solve this problem, but nothing.... 

    I don't know how to bring their attention to this situation... 

    Feels like I've been trying most viable options (Twitter, Facebook, here and reddit). Nothing seems to trigger any attention.
    This is still very much a thing - sadly not a thing that's getting any attention (that we know of, at least)..

  9. 5 minutes ago, crenshaw1552 said:

    this is hopeless im losing patience i just lost out on a 4k endo sortie reward lost valkyr prime part 3 frost prime bps and a whole lot of other prime stuff it super annoying and has to be fixed soon seriously this has to get fixed and soon please.......


    Lost stuff tends to get sent to your inbox (within a day or two, usually). That's what has happened in the past at least.

    ...but the 'not keeping track of progress' is the game breaker. We can't progress, if it's not keeping track of it. 

  10. 1 hour ago, Egotistique said:

    Been getting this issue the whole holiday season.
    Couldnt enjoy any part of this game nor my purchases thanks to this bug =(

    The issue persists today as well. Honestly this is disheartening, I just wanna play my game. Why must life be this way.

    Could not agree more..

    What's the point in buying boosters and such, when you end up with something like this: http://imgur.com/OLBchE1
    Credit booster going out the window (albeit not much - but still - the booster is there for a reason). Don't even think the Ress. Booster did anything either..

  11. Today was a 'decent' day for me, despite this issue still being a thing.

    Only missions I had trouble with, was the Syndicate missions. Didn't get to extract the medallions I found (or the other loot, for that matter), but I got the standing and the mission was removed/done still.. This happened in 4 out of 6 Syndicate missions I've run so far. Can't really be bothered with the last 3, if they are going to end up with the same result..

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